10-21-1985GOLDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION COMMISSION October 21, 1985 The regular meeting was called to order by Chair Kahlow at 7:36 P14. Commission members present were Burmeister, Jaffe, Johnson, McDonald, Watson, Kahlow, Younghans. Also present were Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation, Sharyl Thompson, Commission Secretary, and Marty hicks from the Golden Valley League of Women Voters. AGENDA CHANGES Jaffe requested that the South Court Lawn Greenbelt be added to the amenda under New Business. Kahlow asked that the Pool Survey be discussed first in the meeting. MINUTES A motion was made by Watson and seconded by Johnson to approve the minutes of August 26, 1985. Motion carried. NEW BUSIINESS A. League of Women Voters Pool Survey Results Marty Micks of the League of Women Voters gave a report on the results of the recent survey of Golden Valley residents regarding a future pool. She pointed out that when money was not considered, 71% of those surveyed wanted a pool in Golden Valley, with 54+0 feeling it should be indoors, and 28p thought it should be outdoors. When cost was consi- dered, the percentages supporting a pool dropped slightly, but the majority were still willing to support an indoor pool. The survey was done at random, with every fourteeneth resident being called. Watson inquired as to how the pool committee viewed the survey. Burmeister responded that the committee was encouraged, that the statistics went with the feelings of the committee members. An outdoor pool is favored by a minority due to less available usage time. Younghans inquired if the committee had talked of availability of school pools during the nine months an outdoor pool could not be used. It was explained that the Park and Recreation programs are low in priority, usually given poorer times. Jacobson reported that Golden Valley has only limited priority at Sandburg. First priority usually goes to the school district itself, secondly to the community education or PTA, thirdly to the park and recreation departments and fourthly to other non-profit organizations. Kahlow pointed out that the school district and City of Golden Valley are not the same. Jaffe inquired as to what Marty Micks felt the residents wanted. The response was an inexpensive indoor pool. She also pointed out that there was only slight encouragement for other amenities. Burmeister asked about the response of the senior citizens to the pool. ;tarty said it was very positive, but they wouldn't use it themselves. Those who favored an outdoor pool wanted either that or nothing. Those in favor of an indoor pool were willing to go with an outdoor pool as a second choice. Kahlow expressed the appreciation of the Commission to the League of Women Voters for their hard work on this phone survey. B. Lakeview Heights Park Neighborhood Neeting Jacobson reported that Lakeview HeiUhts Park has had several problems with drainage, vandalism, and teens using it has a hang-out. A neighborhood meeting was conducted with himself, Dean Mooney and Sheila Miller from the Police Department, and Tom Klatt, Park and Street Superintendent. Twenty-five neighbors were in attendance. They expressed concern regarding a section on the west side of the park that is very wooded. In response to their concern, the City has trimmed trees and removed dead trees, took out some damaged playground equip- ment and has ordered new playground equipment. The drainage problem has been helped with some excavating. Burmeister requested that should a neighborhood meeting take place in the future, the Commission members be given an invitation to attend. The other Commission members agreed. C. South Court Lawn Greenbelt Jaffe commented on the fact that Speak the Word church which bought property from Good Shepherd had cleared all of the trees off of their property. Her concern is the area just east of there where a majority of the trees have been removed. Jacobson explained this area is for storm water ponding. Replanting of trees is part of the project. Apparently, Lowell Odlund, City Engineer, met with the neighbors prior to construction to explain the project regarding trees that would be left and to agree on a replanting plan. Rick will check into this matter and report back to the Commission at the November meeting. If necessary, Lowell Odlund could be invited to attemd a future meeting. r Jaffe questioned whether the City Council could supercede a policy made previously by the Commission and approved by the Council, without the knowledge of the Commission. Trees, that in the past were agreed would be left, have now been removed from that site according to Jaffe. Burmeister stated that the facts must be found. What agreement was made with City Council; what agreement was made between the Engineering Department and the neighborhood; and whether or not these two coincide; and what is now being done and is it within the guidelines. OLD BUSINESS ary Hills. Prior to its installation, Rick met with John Stregler of Robbinsdale, since a 2 A. Mary Hills/Sochaki Park Update Jacobson gave a response to the question from the August meeting regarding the plans for the Mary Hills/Sochaki Park. He brought a flyer showing the plans Robbinsdale had which will be completed in the fall of 1986. The asphalt had been installed at M ary Hills. Prior to its installation, Rick met with John Stregler of Robbinsdale, since a 2 portion of the trail is in Robbinsdale. With money for the project coming from CDBG Funds, it was agreed Golden Valley would handle the installation, with Robbinsdale maintaining that portion in their city. Watson expressed concern over the condition of Rice Lake. She inquired as to whether it could be aerated, since it has continually deteriorated over the past thirteen years. Rick will check on it and report back. COMITTEE REPORTS A. Brookviex-Improvements Committee Younghans reported that the course is beautiful. However, a high priority should be given to improving the 9th green. Everything has been positive and the course should see a profit this season. B. Pool/Recreational Facility Committee Burmeister reported that a time table has been put together to outline the projected dates for completing the project. A letter has been written to the 1•iayor asking that the process of hiring an architect be started. Sub -committees have been set up. The location of Winnetka and Hwy. 55 was questioned. Jaffe requested that the minutes express the appreciation of the Commission for an e:Ilceptionally fine job Chuck Burmeister is doing in chairing this committee to solve such a diffi- cult problem. ADJOURIPM NT The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 P11. Chair Kahlow ce Cha9lMhnson 1 3