June 23, 1986
Members present: Jim Johnson, Gordy McDonald, Claudia Fuglie, Rich Krahu-
lec, Chuck Burmeister,iMary Kay Watson, George Murad, Rick Groger. Also
present were Ed Kodet a I Fid Ken Stone from Kodet Architectural, Rick Jacob-
son, Sharyl Thompson, and Kris To vson.
The meeting was called,'o order by Chair Johnson.
Changes or Additions to Agenda
Rick Jacobson added ao item for change In policy for renting Brookview
Clonnun i t y Center.
A motion was made by' uck Burmeister and second by Claudia Fuglie to
accept the minutes fromh April 289, 1986. Motion carried.
Introduction of New ssion
Rick Jacobson introduothe new Commission member, Rich Krahulec to the
Comni s i son.
Pool Report
Chuck Burmeister updated the Commission on the meeting he had with the City
Council regarding the p ogress and status of the Pool Conmittee. He intro-
duced Ed Kodet to the Oommission who reviewed the plans for the facility.
The Commission members expressed concern over the parking needs anti the
potential traffic pro lem posed by having the building at Hwy. 55 and
A motion was made by Cordy McDonald and seconded by Rick Groger to recom-
mend that the plans shown to the Commission by Ed Kodet be presented to
City Council. Motion rried.
Golf Course Upftte
Rick Jacobson introducO
Commission. She report
to the course and the i
ful in speeding up
municipal courses.
balls getting on
nets, and a new to
is doing well. As
revenue projection
with the greatest
The goal is to be
golf course. Jim
this money and the
Kris Tovson, Brookview Golf Course Manager, to the
d tht the course opened on April 7th. The response
venues are excellent. They have also been success-
ty. Brookview is gaining a good reputation with
ear, 36 new carts were purchased. The number of
12 has been greatly diminished due to the new
>ro by the name of Rick Sitek has been hired and
15th, revenue has been $351,094, 49% of the
year. Six hundred patron cards have been sold,
ge to non-residents.
turn Some of the generated revenues back into the
asked what kind of things would be done using
:ld include:
1. restroom facilities and halfway station for vending on the course
2. replacement of greens and tees, landscaping and sand traps
3. more asphalt cart paths
4. cart storage facility
5. restrooms in the locker roans
6. expansion and improvements in the grill area
7. improvements on the driving range
Brookview Improvements Qmmittee
George %rad gave positive carments on the course. '
Tee Signs
Rick Jacobson showed a sample tee sign for the golf courese. The company
makes the signs, and puts them on the course at no charge. They sell
advertisements for $650 per hole. If the sign is damaged or in need of
repair, the company replaces the sign at no cost to the golf course.
George Murad made a motion to approve the sign concept. Mary Kay Watson
made the second, and the motion was carried.
Chuck Burmeister gave a report on the goose situation at Brookview. He
contacted Dr. Cooper from the University of Minnesota who said they had
taken all of the eggs from this area. They went up Bassets Creek and found
nests in Plymouth, but were unable to do anything because they had no
agreement with the City of Plymouth. The goslings seen on the course are
fran these eggs. A roundup was scheduled for Brookview, General Mills and
Sweeney Lake on June 24th.
Mary Hills Project
Rick Jacobson gave an update on the handicapped accessible exercise course
at Mary Hills. The equipment was obtained free through the procurement of
grants from Gamefield and Metropolitan Medical Center. Honeywell donated
two handicapped picnic tables, benches, other site amenities and volunteers
to help with installation. The dedication will be held on September 10th.
Brookview Cmu mity (enter Policy Changes
Rick Jacobson gave the Ommission members a copy of the policies for rent-
ing Brookview Community Center. Rick mentioned that several potential
rentals have been lost to non-residents because of the six month time
limit. Rick proposed that reservations by non-residents be changed to a
year in advance and residents to eighteen months in advance. After discus-
sion by the Commission, Chuck Burmeister made the motion to recommend to
the Council to amend the policy for residents to eighteen months in advance
and non-residents to nine months in advance. The motion was seconded by
Rick Groger and carried.
A motion was made by Gordy McDonald and seconded by Mary Kay Watson to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
air Joh on Vice -Chair McDonald