November 24, 1986
Members present: Jim Johnson, Claudia Fuglie, Chuck Burmeister, Rich
Groger, George Murad, Rick Krahulec, Rick Jacobson, and Sharyl Thompson,
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM.
Chuck Burmeister made amot ion, seconded by Claudia Fuglie to accept the
minutes of September and October. Motion carried.
Rick Jacobson reviewed the five year capital improvements program for park
improvements which will be recommended to the Council for funding. Two
hundred twenty thousand dol lars are budgeted for 1987. This amount in-
cludes some projects carried over from 1986.
Hampshire Park: f l l ing low areas where possible to create more usable
park space.
Medley & Wesley: asphalt overlay and extension of some walkways.
Brookview Parking Lot Improvements: actually budgeted for 1986, but it was
decided to tie it in with the new parking lot on the north side of the
Improved Signage - Brookview: may not all be done due to I394 construc-
Neighborhood Park Upgrade: South Tyrol and Medley - especially playground
Irrigation System - Lions Park: replace worn and obsolete irrigation
system; this will not interfere with athletic seasons.
Brookview Park Improvements: repair the eroding of pond banks and tennis
court lighting upgrade.
Improvements planned for 1988 through 1991 generally included tennis court
resurfacing, general park improvements and irrigation upgrade. Rick Krahu-
1 ec inquired i f any new park wou 1 d be added. Rick Jacobson replied that
park land was pretty well developed and there was virtually no undeveloped
land. Future improvements will generally include upgrade and redevelop-
Chuck Burmeister questioned the amount of money proposed for Natchez and
Brookview in 1988. Chuck's concern was that these improvements are pro-
posed for about the same time the pool construction is proposed, and a
great deal of money would be spend on one quadrant of the city to the
exclusion of other areas. Rick Jacobson said this could be changed if the
pool facility is approved.
Jim Johnson suggested that the Commission have a review of the open space
the city owns for the benefit of the new commissioners.
Chuck Burmeister pointed out that the Mary Hills and Laurel Avenue develop-
ments that took place were in addition to the capital improvements budget.
The Council allocated separate funding for these projects.
Rick Jacobson reported that the individual who owned the 3 -wheel vehicle
had been contacted. Although they thought it was okay to use the vehicle
in the Mary Hills Park, they agreed they would no longer do so.
Rick also reported that seven signs on the handicapped course had been
sawed off at ground level. Information is going out to the neighborhood
watch group in the area and a juvenile officer at the school is trying to
obtain information on who may be involved. Jim Johnson inquired if publi-
city would help. Rick Jacobson replied that the police felt it would be
better to work through the neighborhood watch group.
Claudia Fuglie asked if a letter to the Post from a user of the course
would help. George Murad felt this would have merit. Rich Groger pointed
out that to inform the people of the damage would show that the Commission
does care and is aware of the problem. Claudia Fuglie also pointed out
that this could just be a start and fears what else could happen in the
area. Chuck Burmeister agreed and felt this view should be publicized.
Rick Krahulec also reported that a tree had been chopped down as well.
A survey of 300 residents had been done, but the results were not in. The
next step is to have neighborhood meetings in January or February to get
feedback from the residents. The architect is working on more detai led
plans for the facility.
Chuck Burmeister asked the Commission for permission for the Pool Committee
to go to the City Council requesting permission to conduct the neighborhood
meetings. Jim Johnson felt this should be done, as did George Murad.
A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Rick Krahu 1 ec that the
Commission approve the Pool Committee going to the City Council to seek
approval for public information meetings. Vote: yes - 6; no - 0.
Some members of the Improvement Committee met with the golf architect, Don
Herford. Mr. Herford went through the course, hole by hole and made sug-
gestions, as wel 1 as obtaining input from those at the meeting. He wi 11
come up with a master long range plan and the Cormmittee will then priori-
tize the improvements list.
A question came up on how future golf course improvements will be paid for.
Rick Jacobson reported that the course is expected to stand on its own from
this point on. Next year the #9 green wi 11 be done, and possibly the #2
and #1 greens. They are also looking at the #11 and #12 tees. How much is
done is restricted by howmuch money is in reserve and the fact that they
do not want two or three greens out of commission at the same time.
Jim Johnson asked what had been done at the Laurel Avenue site. Rick
Jacobson reported that grading and seeding of the area was done, but plan-
tings will be done in the 1987. There is a problem with the Speak the Word
church property because they have a high berm between the parking lot and
the street. This means the trail would not be wheelchair accessible and it
would also be difficult for walking. Final approval has not, and should
not be given to the church until they meet the grading plan.
Rick Jacobson reported that the Town Meeting had been held with about 130
in attendance. The Council had put together a narrative and slide presen-
tation which was very informative. The residents broke into discussion
groups where they offered suggestions and ideas for the City. Each group
chose their top three priorities and these were combined for an overall
list of the top five priorities.
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The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Vice Chair McDonald