1-26-19871 CI1Y OF WIDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE do RDCREATICN CO MISSION January 26, 1987 Members present: Jim Johnson, Gordy McDonald, Claudia Fuglie, Chuck Bur- meister, Rick Groger, George Murad, and Rich Krahulec. Also present were Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson. MINUIES A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by George Murad to accept the minutes of November 24, 1986. Motion carried. Chuck Burmeister updated the Commission on the progress of the Pool Conmit- tee. A meeting had been held with the architect and City Council in a work session regarding the timing of neighborhood meetings and a referendum. City Council decided that March was too early for a bond issue referendum, but they do want the citizens to vote on the matter and set a tentative date of May 12th for the referendum. The Committee plans to have six neighborhood meetings which will all conclude one month before the referen- dum is scheduled. This time wi 11 al low for any changes or response from the City Council to the feelings and ideas expressed by the residents during the meetings. The staff had prepared a budget for the process leading through the referendum which was approved at the last City Council meeting. Schematics, drawings and a model of the proposed facility will be on display at every neighborhood meeting. The meetings are planned as follows: #1 Monday, March 2 Civic Center #2 Tuesday, March 10 Meadowbrook School cafeteria #3 Monday, March 16 Brookview Connunity Center #4 Thursday, March 19 Olson School cafeteria #5 Wednesday, April 1 Noble Elementary #6 Wednesday, April 8 Civic (tenter or Brookview The meetings would be strictly informational. Chuck Burmeister would likely given an introduction, Ed Kodet would review the plans and Rick Jacobson would discuss programming. It is possible that Don Taylor would be available to review the financing. Jim Johnson stated that he appreciated the hard work Chuck Burmeister has done in chairing the Pool Committee. Rick Jacobson reinforced Jim's com- ments, saying that Chuck had done an excellent job. Jim Johnson also expressed that it would be advisable that as many a mis- sion members as possible attend as many neighborhood meetings as possible. George Murad reported that he had visited with the golf course architect and wi 11 be getting from him the notes taken at an earlier meeting where each hole was evaluated. The com ittee will use these notes as a guide to prioritize long range plans for the golf course. 1 j George also explained that he is a representative of the Improvement Com- mittee to the BMGA. The BMGA sponsors a team of golfers which belong to a metro senior league. This league, consisting of about eighty golfers, plays at 18 different courses during the summer, one of which is Brookview. George reported that when this league played at Brookview last summer, they were unhappy at the green fees charged. Many public courses have a rate for non-resident seniors which is more than the patron card rate, but less than a regular non-resident rate. He expressed his desire to have Brook - view establish this "outside senior" rate, effective during the morning hours, Monday through Friday. With some displeasure, the BMGA has agreed to underwrite the cost of those golfing with this league the one time they play at Brookview this coming year in the amount of $2 per golfer, leaving the individual golfer to pay $7.00. George showed the Catmission a compar- ison of rates charged for outside seniors by area courses. Chuck Burmeister asked George how he felt we could benefit from this. George responded that he believed it would bring more people and allow this league to continue to play once a year at Brookview. Gordy McDonald inquired if the course currently was at capacity. Rick Jacobson responded that with 54,000 rounds of golf this year, the course was extremely busy. Jim Johnson felt that there should not be an additional rate for the entire season, but perhaps one for that particular day or event. Rick Jacobson explained that because of the past history of the golf course, i t i s d i f f i cu I t to gi ve a spec i a l rate to one group. As soon as one exception is made, it is expected for others. Also, he felt that if any break should be given, it should be to the resident golfer who uses the course regularly, not nonresidents. George asked that the Cbnmission IIthink about the matter and discuss it at the next meeting. In the meanti;r , he will contact every public course to find out if they have outside senior rates and what those rates are. MARY HILLS PARK Rick Jacobson updated the Commission on the vandalism at Mary Hills Park. All but two signs have been sawed off at ground level and taken. The neighborhood watch group and the Police Department offered a $500 reward for information on the vandals, but there was no response. Rick called the company from where the signs had originally been obtained. At first they wanted to charge $4,033 to replace them, but later cal led back and said that due to the unusual circumstances, the signs could be purchased for $1500. The signs will be repurchased and the park maintenance crew will try to secure them better. Claudia reported that a group of handicap course users have written a letter to the Post expressed their concern over the senselessness of the situation, and how it effects their using Mary Hills Park. 2 125 Rich Krahulec reported that the Police Department had posted reward signs in the park on a Sunday afternoon about 4:00 PM. All but two of those signs had been stolen by 10:00 the next morning. The only two that were left had been posted just under a street light. SENMT I TIAL TC1W MELTDC Rick Jacobson gave the Commission information on the Town Meeting that was he ld in November. The Mayor and Jean Andre f rom the Ci ty staf f had re- viewed all of the suggestions and categorized them in three levels by importance. The numb8r one problem was traffic in an around Winnetka and Hwy. 55, the post office and McDona1ds. It had been proposed that a Task Force be formed to bring recommendations to the Council comprised of repre- sentatives from the various commissions. The Council approved of the idea of a Task Force, but not the breakdown of the members as proposed. The Commission felt they should be represented on this Task Force equally with the Planning Commission. Chuck Burmeister and George Murad reported that they thought there had been a traffic plan already proposed by a committee. OID BUSINESS Golf (burse Parking Lot Rick Jacobson reported that the street maintenance crew had been hauling dirt out of the area and bids would be let in April with construction beginning as soon as the load limits allowed the heavy equipment into the park. Laurel Avenue Chuck Burmeister inquired about the matter of Laurel Avenue planting. Rick Jacobson reported that the Speak the Word church is using the building but do not have their occupancy permit as yet. They are still in interim financing. It was asked if the City was going to strictly enforce the agreement previously made with the church regarding the berm and planting along Laurel Avenue. Rick assured the Commission that this would be done. Rick Jacobson stated that City Council is receiving applications for new Commission members. These members should be at the March meeting. A review of the open space in Golden Val ley wi 11 be done for al 1 of the Commission members when the new ones are in attendance. A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Rich Krahulec to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM. air Joh Vice Chair McDonald 3