June 22, 1987
Members present: Gordon McDonald, Michele Bix, Jim Johnson, Al Anderegg,
George Murad, Rick Groger, Rich Krahulec, Chuck Burmeister. Also present
were Rick Jacobson, Sharyl Thompson and Rick Birno, Assistant Recreation
The meeting was called to order by Chair Groger.
A motion was made by Al Anderegg and seconded by Jim Johnson to accept the
minutes of April 27, 1987. Motion carried.
Gest - Gary Veverka
Rick Jacobson introduced a resident named Gary Veverka who came with a
suggestion for future consideration regarding a golf course policy. He
expressed his opinion that resident patron card holders should be able to
reserve tee times one day further in advance than non-resident patrons. He
also felt that if a foursome included at least one resident patron card
holder, an earlier reservation time should be allowed. Currently if all in
a foursome are patron card holders (resident or non-residents), they may
reserve one week in advance. Mr. Veverka suggested that the resident
patron be allowed to reserve 8 days in advance. The Commission thanked Mr.
Veverka for coming and said they would take his suggestion into considera-
tion for the 1988 golf season.
Rick Jacobson introduced Bob Waataja, President of Golden Valley Little
League, to the Commission. Bob gave a summary of their program which
currently has thirteen teams. He said that Little League is running well,
but sees a possible problem for next year in that there may be a shortage
of fields if they increase by an additional team in their program.
Chuck Burmeister asked how it was going with the eight year olds in the
minor leagues. Bob explained that last year was the first year eight year
olds were allowed to play and so far it is going well.
Rick Jacobson then introduced Sandy Coughlin, President of Golden Valley
Babe Ruth, to the Commission. Sandy reported that the Babe Ruth program
was going very well, and they too were expecting to add at least one
additional team to their program next summer which could also put a squeeze
of fields. Currently there are 5 Babe Ruth teams, 1 Mickey Mantle team and
1 Senior Babe Ruth team with a total of 100 boys involved.
Rick Birno, Assistant Recreation Supervisor, gave a sumiary of the summer
programs being offered this year. He also showed the Commission a chart of
the ball diamond usage in the City and reinforced the potential field
shortage next year. Gordy McDonald asked what the recommendation is from
the City staff to address this problem. Rick Jacobson explained that there
is reluctance in some neighborhoods to having Babe Ruth and Little League
games in their area. The City has an agreement with Breck School to use
their field during the summer. Breck had not maintained the field and it
had gotten to the point of being dangerous for play, so the City crew got
permission to go in and make the necessary repairs on the field. Breck
also has two other larger fields, but do not allow the City 'to use them. A
closer evaluation on total field usage needs to be done before any new
field would be recommended.
The question was raised as to whether General Mills would help out. Rick
Jacobson explained that back in 1978 the City and General Mills had talked
of building a bal1field complex. General Mills would provide the land and
give money toward the maintenance of the fields with a guarantee that the
General Mi l is teams would be al lowed to play at least 50% of their games on
those fields. For one reason or another, the offer fell through. There is
a committee from Little League that is working at approaching General Mills
again,' but it does not look too hopeful.
Chuck Burmeister reviewed the outcome of the referendum for the recrea-
tional facility. It was the feeling of the Committee that they had not
been over zealous in what they proposed, but the overwhelming voice of the
residents was due to not wanting their taxes raised. Rick Groger commended
Chuck and the Committee on a job we 1 done. Last week the City Counci 1
came to the conclusion that building a facility would not be considered in
the near future and not unti 1 there was a major resident groundswe1 l in
favor of it.
Chuck Burmeister had written a memo to the Commission, Mayor and City staff
giving an update on the goose problem. It had been decided not to shake or
capture the eggs this year, but rather they captured both the mature and
immature geese. The mature geese would be pinioned and brought to northern
Minnesota for stocking; the young were banded and brought to western Minne-
sota or Oklahoma and released.
George Murad reported that the ninth green will be reconstructed and the
Corrmittee is in the process of prioritizing the list of desired improve-
ments with budget amounts. There was some discussion about the driving
range and the problem with balls carrying over the nets toward Hwy. 12 and
onto the first fairway. Rick Jacobson reported that as of this week, woods
could only be used on the lower tee at the driving range, hoping to reduce
the number of stray balls. If problems persist, woods would be eliminated.
The golf course staff is investigating other solutions.
Rick Jacobson updated the Commission on the current capital improvement
projects being done:
1) new parking lot north of Brookview Community Center - done and in use
2) lights in parking lots and on pathways around Brookview
3) lights on the Brookview tennis courts
4) wallcovering and interior and exterior painting of Brookview
5) reconstruction of the 9th green
6) trail construction and planting on Laurel Avenue
7) asphalt overlay of trails at Wesley and Medley parks
8) new playground equipment
Michele Bix inquired about the vandalism to the trees along Western Avenue
by Lions Park. Rick Jacobson said that some of the damaged trees had to be
taken out and time will tell if the others could be saved.
Michele Bix suggested that Golden Valley offer free concerts in the park
next summer like Hopkins and Brooklyn Center do. Rick mentioned we have a
concert each summer and that the staff would look into additional concerts.
Outside funds and volunteers are often needed for such programs.
Rick Groger asked if the City has rights along the west side of Bassetts
Creek in Bassetts Creek Park. Rick explained that should the property be
sold, the buyer would have to get permission from the City and at that time
the City would ask for an easement to continue the pathway.
George Murad gave a review of the meeting held with the Minnesota Depart-
ment of Transportation regarding sidewalks. The MDot is willing to put in
sidewalks along with the construction of I-394. George would be writing up
a recap of the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
The next meeting will be a park tour on Monday, July 27th.
Chair Groger
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