11-30-1987OPEN SPACE AMID RD(RFai N asmiSSKN November 30, 1987 Members present: Rick Groger, Chuck Burmeister, George Murad, Al Anderegg, Jim Johnson, Rich Krahulec, Micki Bix. Also present were: Jonathan Stieg- ler, Kris Tbvson, Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson. NDUIES Al Anderegg requested that the minutes of October 26, 1987 (last page) read that the condition of the Par 3 course should be brought up at least to the same standard as it was before the July flood. With this correction, a motion was made by Al Anderegg and seconded by Rich Krahulec to approve the minutes of October 26, 1987. Motion carried. TIS CITY D.S.A. Jonathan Stiegler, City Forester, showed a film on the national Tree City U.S.A. program. The Commission received copies of a brochure and applica- tion that will be sent in for Golden Valley to receive the certification as a Tree City U.S.A. There are four standards that a city must meet in order to qualify for this award, and Golden Valley already has met the criteria. A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by Micki Bix to support applying for the Tree City U.S.A. certification. Motion carried. Jonathan explained that the City will be starting a tree trimming program, beginning in the northeast section of town. Each resident involved will receive a written notice of the tree trimming near their property. (DIF COUM POLICIES Rick Jacobson reviewed the requests garding the following three things: 1) children on the course from citizens over the past year re - 21 wearing shirts on the course 3) allowing resident patron card holders more advance time reservations The Improvement Committee recommended that 1-3 resident patron card holders be allowed to make tee time reservations five days in advance. This would be added to our existing reservation policy. The staff recommended, based on citizen input, that 8-9 year old children be allowed on the Par 3 course and driving range if accompanied by an adult. In the past, no child under age 10 was allowed on the complex. Jim Johnson inquired as to whether or not a policy could be changed in the middle of the year if problems arose. The response was in the affirmative. George Murad asked if the second person on a motorized cart could be under age 18 as long as the driver was over 18. Again the answer was yes. Chuck Burmeister recommended that the policy regarding walk-alongs also include "ride-alongs". 1 The Improvement Committee and Open Space Carmission both felt the existing policy regarding shirts on the golf complex should remain intact. George Murad asked that the record show he felt the seniors should be allowed the senior rate until 11:00 AM, rather than the 10:00 AM in the policies. A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Al Anderegg to adopt the golf course policies including the following changes: 1) 8-9 year olds be allowed on the Par 3 course and driving range if accanpanied by an adult 2) 1-3 resident patron card holders could reserve tee times up to 5 days in advance 3) walk-alongs and ride-alongs not be allowed Motion carried. Chuck Burmeister reported that he had spoken to Dr. Cooper from the Univer- sity of Minnesota who would be sending Rick Jacobson a proposal to continue the plan for reducing the number of geese in Golden Valley. :•0• ZI . %4_011WAIDU MRS N George Murad reported that the Improvement Committee had discussed the Par 3 course. Rick Jacobson explained that the City staff is in the midst of capital improvement budget meetings and has recommended to allocate money for improving the Par 3 course in 1988. Should the Counci 1 approve, the improvements would include redoing two greens, some bridging and raising low levels, as well as adding some sand traps and tree plantings. This will mean closing the Par 3 course for at least one-half of the season. At first it was thought to start the improvements later in the season and go into the fall. However, with the I-394 construction, it may be possible to get fill from that project and the improvements could be earlier in the year, which would mean that the course would be closed for the first half of the season. The final time table will be set later. Rick Jacobson asked the Commissioners to stop outside and give their thoughts on the sample park sign. Signs wi l l be made for all seven region- al parks in the near future, and for the neighborhood parks later. Rick also asked the Commission what wording they preferred for the regional parks. The consensus favored using Gearty, Hampshire, Lions, Medley, Scheid, Wesley, and Lakeview, unless for historic reasons more detailed names should be used. A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Jim Johnson to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. Chair Groger F� Vice -Chair Krahulec 1