January 11, 1988
7:00 PM
Members present: Rick Groger, Rich Krahulec, Chuck Burmeister, Jim John-
son, Al Anderegg, Michele Bix, George Murad and Pat Borchert. Also present
were Rick Jacobson, Sharyl Thompson, Ray Stockman and Don Harding.
Rick Jacobson added the Laurel Avenue completion to the agenda.
A motion was made by Michele Bix and seconded by Al Anderegg to approve the
minutes of November 30, 1987. Motion carried.
Rick Jacobson introduced Don Harding who has been the president of the
Northwest Hockey Association. This year the organization of youth travel-
ing hockey has changed and is directly connected with the individual school
districts rather than just one community. Don Harding explained the organ-
izational structure of youth hockey. It starts from a national level, the
American Hockey Association. The state organization is the Minnesota
Amateur Hockey Association (MAHA). This year now, Golden Valley partici-
pants belong to hockey organizations in conjunction with the boundaries of
the school districts, Robbinsdale and Hopkins. Therefore there are teams
formed by the boundaries of Robbinsdale Armstrong, Robbinsdale Cooper and
Hopkins High School. There is still a house hockey program for the commun-
ity of Golden Valley for those who do not wish to play on a traveling team
Don explained that the most difficult problem with youth hockey is the lack
of available indoor ice time. He said that some people in the school
district vicinity are going to look into the possibility of having an arena
built somewhere in the district. The hockey season runs from October
through April and becomes very much of a family commitment on the part of
players and their parents.
Mayor Mary Anderson was scheduled to be with the Commission, but was unable
to attend and Ray Stockman represented the City Council in her place. Ray
expressed appreciation on behalf of the Council to the Commission members
for their participation and commitment to the City. He encouraged their
input and recommendations.
George Murad, Al Anderegg, Jim Johnson and Rich Krahulec all are up for re-
appointment this year. It was discussed that Gordy McDonald has expressed
to the Park and Recreation staff that he is no longer able to serve on the
Commission, but no official word has been received by the Mayor. Ray
Stockman requested that Chair Groger contact Gordy because if a replacement
is to be sought, interviews will be conducted within the next month for all
commissions, and this would be a good time to fill this possible vacancy.
Al Anderegg, Jim Johnson, and Rich Krahulec al l stated that they would
serve another term on the Commission. George Murad said he would let Mary
Anderson know of his decision in the very near future.
Stockman asked if any Commission members had questions for the City Coun-
ci 1. Rick Groger asked what would be happening on the corner of Hwy. 55
and Winnetka since the bond issue for the recreation center did not pass.
He felt that the area was quite unsightly and did not create a good impres-
sion for the City. Ray said he would bring this back to the Council.
The Commission reviewed a letter sent from Dr. Cooper of the University of
Minnesota to Chuck Burmeister outlining the results of the geese population
reduction project to date and giving some proposals for continuing the
program. Chuck reported that he had received a copy of a letter sent to
Dr. Cooper from General Mills stating that they want to continue the pro-
gram and are willing to help pay for it. The cost to the City of Golden
Valley averaged about $2,500 per year, and Rick Jacobson said this amount
had already been put into the 1988 budget for this purpose.
Chuck felt there should be another capture in 1988, and then not another
one until 1990 unless the numbers indicdate a capture should be done each
year. It was also suggested to continue the program and in the meantime
investigate working with other cities on a joint program.
A motion was made by Jim Johnson and seconded by Michele Bix to implement
proposal #1 from Dr. Cooper with Brookview, Sweeney Lake and General Mills,
including a 1988 capture. Motion carried.
Rick Jacobson showed the Commission on a map how far the Laurel Avenue
project has progressed. The next section to be completed runs from about
Colorado Avenue east and north up to King's Creek Road. He suggested that
the Commission have a meeting with residents from that area next month at
their regular meeting time to show the residents the plan and receive input
back from them. The Commission said those included in the meeting should
be residents on the south side of Brunswick and Dakota, including Lichtens
and Oldres.
Amotion was made by Chuck Burmeister to have a neighborhood meeting on
February 29, 1988 with the residents. Motion seconded by Jim Johnson and
Amotion was made by Michele Bix and seconded by Jim Johnson to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Chair Groger Vice -Chair Krahulec