March 28, 1988
Members present: Rich Krahulec, Jim Johnson, George Murad, Michele Bix,
Chuck Burmeister and Julie Bergh. Also present were Jonathan Stiegler,
City Forester; Jack Zouber, Golden Val ley Little League President; Rick
Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson.
A motion was made by Michele Bix and seconded by Chuck Burmeister to accept
the minutes of February 29, 1988. Motion carried.
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A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Jim Johnson that Rick
Groger and Rich Krahulec remain as Chair and Vice -Chair respectively for
the coming year. Motion carried unanimously.
Rick Jacobson introduced Jack Zouber, President of Golden Valley Little
League. Mr. Zouber reported to the Commission that the Little League
program is growing. This year they will be increasing the number of teams
as there will be over 200 participants. The Little League teams play two
games each week, at Honeywell, Seeman Park and Breck School.
Rich Krahulec inquired about facility availability. Jack Zouber is serving
his first year as President, so was not fully aware of any problems. Chuck
Burmeister asked about the 8 year olds playing. Jack responded that it
went very well last year. The only problem was that including 8 year olds
increased the number of participants which meant the kids may not have been
able to bat as often. Every player plays at least two innings in each
The Commission thanked Mr. Zouber for bringing his report and expressed
their appreciation for the fine job the Little League organization does for
the youth of Golden Valley.
Jonathan Stiegler, City Forester, reviewed his annual report. He explained
that he expects Dutch Elm Disease to claim more trees this year over last
year because of the dry weather conditions. However, oak trees are very
prominent throughout the City and he expects Oak Wilt to be a bigger
concern than Dutch Elm Disease.
Golden Valley has been designated as a "Tree City USA for 1988". Special
recognition of this will be made on Arbor Day, Thursday Apri 1 28th. An
Arbor Day presention will be held at St. Margaret Mary School.
Jonathan showed slides of the ongoing tree trinTning program started last
fall for boulevard and park trees, as well as pictures of the area along
General Mills Blvd. which will be planted this spring. Jim Johnson asked
the reason the northeast section of Golden Valley was chosen for starting
the tree trimming project. Jonthan explained that this part of the City
had the highest concentration of boulevard trees.
Bids were opened for planting trees on the golf course. The lowest bid
went to Greenworks, Inc. The alternate bid will be for trees along General
Mills Blvd. and Hwy. 55.
The Commission wanted to go on record expressing their pleasure with the
forestry program and the fine work that Jonathan is doing.
Rick Jacobson updated the Conmission on the progress of the completion of
the Laurel Avenue trail. He and other City staff, as well as the landscape
architect visited the site and were able to address the concerns brought up
by the residents at the recent neighborhood meeting. A second neighborhood
meeting will be held within the next two to three weeks. The swampy area
mentioned by one resident is on the opposite side of where the trail would
go wo it would not be a problem.
The informal BMX site near Brunswick & Dakota does need to be cleaned up
and they will seek to get the neighborhood involved in this. Rick Birno,
Assistant Recreation Supervisor, called several conmunities which have had
city -run BMX courses and found that they all had discontinued it because of
the high cost of insurance and maintenance problems.
There was no report from the Committee. Rich Krahulec requested that there
be a tour of the golf course for the Commissioners. Rick Jacobson respon-
ded that he would make arrangements to do so.
A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by George Murad to
adjourn at 8:15 PM.
The next meeting will be held on April 25, 1988.
Chair Groger
Vice -Chair Krahulec