10-24-1988OPEN SPACE AMID RBaMff ICN Ov NNI SS ICN October 24, 1988 Members present: Rick Groger, Rich Krahulec, Al Anderegg, Julie Bergh, Michele Bix, Chuck Burmeister, Jim Johnson and George Murad. Also present were Sue Cook, Kris Tovson, Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson. MIINUns A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by Rich Krahulec to accept the minutes of September 26, 1988. Motion carried. Recreation Fees Sue Cook, Recreation Supervisor, reviewed the proposed fees for 1989. She explained that attempts are being made to equalize the charges for summer program where all two-day programs are same, etc. There was some concern expressed by members of the Cbrmu ssion over increas- ing fees for the most popular programs such as Kids Korner, Drama Club, Tennis Ladder and Lifetime Sports. A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by Michele Bix to recommend to City Council the acceptance of the proposed recreation fees for 1989. Motion carried. Golf Fees Murad stated that the Improvement Committee felt resident patrons should pay less to play Brookview than non-resident patrons, and the Committee recommended no increase in resident patron card fees, as well as resident patron green fees for 1989. Tovson pointed out that all fees generated at the golf course go into the golf course fund, and that with numerous future improvements yet to be done, and with costs of doing business increasing, she felt staff recommen- ded increases were justified. Jacobson further stated that all future improvements would only come from the golf course fund, and therefore it is vital that we maintain an adequate reserve, as well as enough dollars to finance future improvements. Murad mentioned how it was the residents, through taxes, who supported the course through its early lean years. Tovson responded that was true, however, for the past several years the course has been and now is totally self supporting with no tax money going toward the facility. Bergh stated that since eighty percent of the users of Brookview are non- residents, then they should be the ones to pay for the bulk of the improve- ments. Burmeister said he had no disagreement with the philosophy of the staff and Improvement Committee to keep making improvements to the golf course and agreed this does take money. However, as a representative of the com-nuni- 1 ty, and after hearing feedback from residents at the pool neighborhood meetings in 1987, his recollection of their comments was that Brookview has not given residents enough of a break. Burmeister suggested having a resident patron card green fee lower than the non-resident patron card green fee, by keeping the resident patron card fee the same for 1989 as 1988, but raise the non-resident patron card fee. Chair Groger expressed concern that this action would only benefit a small number of residents, basically the 147 resident patron card holders. He further stated that if any price break were 'to be given, it was his opinion that it should be for all residents. Anderegg suggested lowering the resident patron card fee to $25.00, leaving all 1989 green fees as staff recommended saying perhaps this would encour- age more residents to purchase patron cards. Groger again expressed his view that there would then be no break for a resident who does not purchase a patron card and may only use the course occasionally. He saw no point in adding another break to just a few residents who buy a patron card. Murad and Johnson pointed out that perhaps the resident who plays only once or twice a year would not need the price break as much as the resident who plays regularly. They further pointed out that they felt most people purchased patron cards for the advanced reservation privileges, and not for the cost per round savings. Burmeister suggested keeping the resident patron card fee the same as last year and then accepting the proposed green fee increases. There was no second. After more discussion, Burmeister made the motion to maintain for 1989 the resident patron card rate the same as in 1988, and keep the green fees for resident patrons the same as 1988, but raise all other fees as recommended by staff. Murad seconded the motion. During the discussion Tovson pointed out this would create another category of fees for pro shop personnel to deal with, as well as add another category of patron cards to be processed. Jacobson questioned if our current cash registers could handle the addi- tional fee categories or if new registers would have to be purchased. Tovson will check on this. Vote: yes - 6; no - 2. Motion carried. EFIOOKVIEW GDLF COURSE OPERATICNS UP'DAM Kris Tovson reviewed the Revenue Comparison as of October 16, 1988 which showed an increase in revenues over last year. There was an increase of 744 rounds over last year on the regulation course, and cart revenues had also increased. �_it :_ _1:9 /Dula► 1.���T/ 1 :: ick h�C�►1 Rick Jacobson reviewed the 1988-92 capital improvement program. The staff is currently working on the 1989-93 plan and he asked the Commission for input as to any ideas they would like to see included in the plan. Some items being looked at include drinking fountains at some of the parks, tree replacement, aesthetic improvements at Brookview including shrub plantings F along the road, a gazebo, a hard surface/basketball area; reconstruction and expansion of Gearty Park tennis courts, continuation of park sign improvements, and a large soccer field. BROORVIEW RECREATICK AREA SIGRAGE Rick Jacobson showed the Commission some preliminary drawings of signage for Brookview. Rich Krahulec prefers more solid directional arrows for the interior signs; Al Anderegg suggested having signs on which listed features could easily be added or deleted; Julie Bergh said the signs should make the identification with the City of Golden Valley very obvious; Chuck Burmeister conuented that the signs at Theo Wirth Park were both rugged and massive, and have withstood vandalism very well. The Commission generally favored the wording, 'Brookview Recreation Area" and felt that there should be better signage at Brookview. There was no report as such, but George Murad asked Rick Jacobson when the fence would be installed on the #2 hole. Rick replied that is may go in yet this year. LID7, cI.IZI Rick talked about the Haunted Manor which�� opens this week in the Mi l ler Sales Building, and invited the Coamission members to visit. ADJOURNNENIr A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Al Anderegg to adjourn at 8:45 PM. 3