November 28, 1988
Members present: Rick Groger, Rich Krahu1ec, Al Anderegg, Julie Bergh,
Michele Bix, Jim Johnson, George Murad and Pat Borchert. Also present were
Rick Jacobson, Andy Lindquist, Debbie Olson and Skip Hall.
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A motion was made by Bergh and seconded by Murad to amend the minutes of
October 24, 1988 as follows: delete the fourth paragraph under "Golf
Fees", and insert:
Bergh pointed out that proposed increase in fees for patron
cards for residents is 11% ($45 - $50), as compared to the
increase of 7% ($70 - $75) for non-residents. That is un-
fair in Bergh's opinion, especially because 80% of the users
of Brookview are non-residents.
The motion was passed.
A motion was made by Bix and seconded to accept the minutes as amended.
Motion carried.
Murad brought up the subject of the presentation of the golf fee recommen-
dation at the City Council meeting on November 29th. He encouraged Commis-
sion members to attend that meeting and support their recornnendation.
Skip Hal l from the Girls Fastpitch Softbal l Association was introduced.
Hall gave background information on the association since its inception in
the early 19801s. He talked about its organization, past accomplishments,
objectives and future plans. Last year, Gearty Park was used as they main
field, with Hampshire also being used. Hall indicated that discussion is
going on concerning combining slow pitch and fast pitch into one associa-
tion. He handed out a sheet which detailed the pros and cons of such a
move, as well as two articles on stress free, less competitive sports for
kids. Hall indicated that he would like to see slow pitch and fast pitch
combined to develop the skills of the girls, ages 9 and up. Johnson
commented that he considers this to be a quality program and he wants to
make sure that there are fields available on which the girls may play.
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Andy Lindquist, Greens Superintendent, gave an update on the condition of
the golf course and on improvemetns completed and upcoming. He said the
hot, dry summer took its toll on non -irrigated areas, but the total affects
on trees and shrubs won't be known until next year. the course was
overseeded in the fall in anticipation of spring rains.
Improvements on the Par 3 included construction of two greens, three ,tees,
bridging some fairways, new traps, and plantings. The Par 3 course wi 11
open June 1, 1989.
On the regulation course, the 18th green was re -done, berming was erected_
between the 9th and 18th fairways, and fall planting was done in that same'
area. A deep wel 1 was installed at a cost of $50,000. It will be opera-
tional in the spring of 1989. Lindquist commended the City's willingness
toward continually improving the course.
The major project for next year is to remodel the driving range. The
landing area will be resculptured and the tee lowered ten feet. Reasons
for the remodeling include safety considerations, drainage problems, and a
desire to get back to using woods at the driving range. Several Commis-
sioners agreed that safety was the number one concern on the driving range.
In addition to the driving range, upcoming improvements include increasing
irrigation to some roughs, reconstructing some tees, and possibly doing
some dirt and berm work along Iky. 55 and the 15th fairway.
Pat Borchert wondered if everyone had voted on the three amendments to the
by-laws of the M.R.P.A. Jacobson gave some background regarding the is-
sues, and encouraged everyone to vote.
There will be no meeting in December due to the holidays. Don Taylor, City
Finance Director, is tentatively scheduled to speak at the January, 19899
A motion was made by Murad and seconded by Anderegg to adjourn. Motion
carried unanimously.
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