August 28, 1989
Members present: Chair Anderegg, Vice -chair Bergh, Rich Krahulec, Rick Groger, Jim
Johnson, Chuck Burmeister. Also present were Marshall Rappaport (Golden Valley Little
League), Rick Birno, Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson.
There were no agenda changes or additions.
MINUTES - JULY 24,1989
A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by Julie Bergh to approve the
minutes of July 24, 1989. Motion carried.
Marshall Rappaport, President of Little League, reported that this year the had 250 players
on six major league teams and twelve minor league teams. They predict having 270 players
next year and have discussed splitting the minor league into two levels based on age.
Mr. Rappaport said there is a field shortage and requested that the City take the Sandburg
#3 field (which is now used for adult softball a minimum of three days per week), fence it
and make it into a Little League practice field in place of using the Breck School field.
They are considering adding Friday and Saturday games next year. The question was asked
if Little League had checked into lighting the present Honeywell field. Mr. Rappaport said
the did some checking and it would cost $25,000, and they could do it on a payment plan if
the City would guarantee it.
Chuck Burmeister asked what kind of support there would be from the Little League
organization if the City were able to find and purchase a large site for park facilities. Mr.
Rappaport said he felt there would be strong support.
Chuck Burmeister asked if Rick Jacobson could check into the City backing a lighting
project at Honeywell. Rick said he would check with Don Taylor. It was felt that the
lighting of the field would be a good option since the field is not in the way of homes. It was
also suggested that Little League approach various organizations in the city (such as the
VFW) and ask for donations toward the cost of the lights. Mr. Rappaport said he would
meet with Honeywell to discuss the lighting possibility and make sure the land use contract
was extended long enough to make such an expenditure worthwhile. Rick said it would be
pod to have a formal request from Little League regarding the City backing the project
financially. Chuck suggested that Mr. Rappaport make this formal request.
Mr. Rappaport said some parents feel adult sports get preferential treatment in the city
over Little League and other youthprograms. Chuck Burmeister responded that this is
definitely not the case considering the overall multiple use of all the parks. He explained
that the adult residents also include industrial residents and should be included in the
programming of facilities and activities.
Rick Birno reviewed some printed reports given to the Commission. Overall there was a
17% increase in participation this summer over last. The highest number increases were in
the Lifetime Sports program and the Drama Club.
There is an increase
over 120 last year.
in fall soccer registration.
We have about 200 registrants this year
Youth hockey has been changed to offering a Pony League for the kids in grades K-1. This
is an instructional program and the new age/grade alignment coincides with the team
levels with MAHA.
Rick Jacobson reported that the community is changing and requests have come in to have
programs offered at Natchez and South Tyrol Parks. These issues will need to be
Rick Krahulec asked to see the school statistics on the number of children from each area
in Golden Valley.
Rick Jacobson asked if there were any programming suggestions. Rick Groger expressed
an interest in providing nature hikes to give participants exposure to the nature areas in
Golden Valley. Chuck Burmeister suggested having Jon Stiegler or the Garden Club help
with this.
Rick Jacobson showed preliminary blueprints of the clubhouse remodelling to be done
over the winter. The goal is to increase the seating capacity from 32 to a comfortable 60
and get the kitchen up to code. Bids will be let next month, construction to begin in
November, and completion in 1990. Funds will come from the golf course revenues, not
tax dollars.
There was a meeting on August 10th, and the main issue was the condition of greens which
has been a problem since spring. Chuck Burmeister said his biggest concern is the courses
which had the same problem in the spring and were able to improve, and yet in His opinion,
Brookview greens were still not up to speed.
Rick Jacobson said that Ed Cochrane from the Golden Valley Soccer Association will be at
the next meeting. He also reported that a resident had called with concern about an empty
lot in the area of Regent and Westbound. He would like the City to consider developing a
park at that site. Another resident in the South Tyrol Park area would like to see a tennis
court there.
A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Julie Bergh to adjourn. Motion