4-23-1990THERE WAS NO MEETING IN MUCH, 1990. OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION APRIL 23, 1990 Members present: Michele Bix, Rich Krahulec, Rick Groger, Jim Johnson, Chuck Burmeister and George Murad. Also present were Jeff Schoenbauer from Brauer and Associates, Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - FEBRUARY 26,1990 By unanimous vote, the minutes of February 26, 1990 were accepted. ELECTION OF CHAIR, VICE -CHAIR A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Michele Bix to nominate Al Anderegg for Chair and Julie Bergh for Vice Chair. Motion was unanimously approved and carried. FORESTER UPDATE Rick Jacobson explained the arrangements that have been made with the City of Robbinsdale in regard to hiring a new city forester. The new forester will be an employee of the City of Golden Valley, which will be reimbursed by the City of Robbinsdale on a 50/50 agreement. Dan Gullickson has been hired to start May 1, 1990. GOLF COURSE UPDATE Rick Jacobson reviewed with the Commission the process of deciding to close the 18 hole course for the reconstruction of the greens. Michele Bix asked if would be possible to have a copy of the report from Dr. Donald White, Turf Specialist from the University of Minnesota, regarding the condition of the greens and reconstruction recommendations. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The meeting moved to the Sumac Room where Jeff Schoenbauer from Brauer and Associates explained the proposal to put an asphalt path from Brookview Park to Lions Park along Western Avenue, and a crushed rock nature trail through the marsh area located northeast of Winnetka and Western. The following items were expressed by the residents present: 1 affect on deer and other animal population 2 lack of areas in Golden Valley where natural areas can exist without people intruding 3 security for townhome residents 4 want wildlife and natural areas preserved 5 favored the path along Western Avenue to Lions Park Resident Peggy Lippick was unable to attend the meeting but had called the Park and Recreation office to express her opinion. She was not opposed to the nature trail, but does not favor the path along Western Avenue. If that path is constructed along Western, she preferred cement to asphalt. The strong feeling of the majority of the group in attendance was to leave the area alone. Jeff Schoenbauer explained the following options that were available regarding the area: 1 leave area as is 2 clean the area up and do some plantings, etc., to enhance the wildlife 3J put in one observation deck overlooking the marsh area 4 add the nature trail through the marsh The regular meeting of the Open Space and Recreation Commission resumed at 8:40 in the conference room. A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by Michele Bix to proceed and recommend to the City Council to build the asphalt trail from Winnetka to connect with the existing trail in Lions Park, and to recommend installing a pedestrian crossing light across Winnetka along Western Avenue. Motion carried. The Commission then requested that Jeff Schoenbauer bring an alternate plan of the nature area discussed in the neighborhood meeting showing two overlooks to the marsh area (one near the southwest corner and another in the interior as was shown on the plans). It was also discussed that a lar*er number of residents should be involved in the decision on the nature trail if further designs are considered. Rick Jacobson will also check the deed of the property as to if any covenants or restrictions apply. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 PM. 1