10-22-1990OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION October 22, 1990 Members present: Rich Krahulec, Julie Bergh, Rick Groger, Chuck Burmeister, Al Anderegg, George Murad, Jim Johnson, Pat Borchert and Michele Bix. Also present were Marshall Rappaport (Golden Valley Little League), Sue Cook, Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson. There were no agenda changes or additions. MINUTES A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by Rick Groger to approve the minutes of September 24, 1990. Motion carried. LITTLE LEAGUE REPORT - MARSHALL RAPPAPORT Marshall Rappaport gave a report on the 1990 Little League season. There were 270 players (20 over last year) on 20 teams. A batting cage was installed and two pitching machines were purchased. They also added a fall program which had 74 players on six teams. He felt this new venture was successful. They are looking forward to having the lights installed and operating for next summer at the Honeywell Little League complex. RECREATION REPORT - SUE COOK Sue Cook reviewed the 1990 summer programs, highlighting the concerts in the park, pee wee tennis and the U.S. Olympic Torch Run. She also explained the new "Music for Everyone" program which started this fall. Some discussion was held on the Adaptive Recreation program. The Commission expressed its appreciation for Sue's fine work in the Park and Recreation Department. OUTDOOR POOL UPDATE Rick Jacobson reported that the City Council has asked for interested parties to volunteer to serve on an outdoor pool task force. The goal is to have this task force in place by the first of November. NEW BUSINESS Michele Bix suggested that thought be given to placing sculptures in the parks or on the grounds around City Hall. She further suggested that there may be some residents or organizations who would like to donate toward such a project. OLD BUSINESS Rick Jacobson said that the City Council had seen the Brookview Park Master Plan and Western Avenue Marsh Area plan at a workshop. It was the feeling of the Council to hold off with the Brookview plan until the outdoor pool issue is resolved. Public hearings will be conducted at the first of the year regarding the Western Avenue Marsh Trail. Rick Jacobson also reported that the Brookview Golf Course Clubhouse remodelling is underway and could be completed by the first of the year. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Jim Johnson to adjourn. Motion carried.