4-22-1991CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION APRIL 22,1991 Members present: Al Anderegg, Jim Johnson, George Murad, Pat Borchert, Michele Bix, Tom Zins, Julie Bergh, Rich Krahulec. Also present were John Quinn (Golden Valley Soccer Club), Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson. There were no agenda changes or additions. The new Commission, Tom Zins, was welcomed to the Commission. Former Commissioner, Rick Groger, was appointed to the Planning Commission. MINUTES A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Jim Johnson to approve the minutes of March 25, 1991. Motion carried. GOLDEN VALLEY SOCCER CLUB John Quinn, Vice President of the Golden Valley Soccer Club gave a report on their program. Currently they have registered three teams of fourteen players each, 2 under 12 teams, and 1 under 10 team. The philosophy of the club is team play, self esteem, and skills over power. The registra- tion fee is $95 and the rest of the budget is raised through donations. No one is denied because of cost. OUTDOOR POOL TASK FORCE George Murad showed the Commission a copy of an article that will appear in the May/June issue of the Ci Newsletter, giving an update on the process of an outdoor pool. The next meeting of the Task Force will be in June. U.S. WEST TOWER Rick Jacobson reported that the Planning Commission had rejected the U.S. West Tower proposal on Brookview Golf Course by a vote of 5-1. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REVIEW No changes in the CIP had been made since the original report given to the Commission in March when adjustments were made for losses in L.G.A. funds. COMMISSION RECOGNITION DINNER The Commissioners were reminded of the Commission Recognition dinner on May 2, 1991, at Brookview Community Center. BROOKVIEW GOLF GRAND OPENING Rick Jacobson explained the activities that are planned for the golf course grand opening scheduled for May 16-19,1991. NEW BUSINESS George Murad expressed his concern over the new handicap policy at Brookview Golf Course. The policy states a golfer must play 50% of his/her rounds at Brookview in order to get a handicap at Brookview. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Al Anderegg and seconded by Jim Johnson to adjourn. The meeting ad- journed at 8:20 PM. 1 1