July 22, 1991
Members present: Al Anderegg, George Murad, Michele Bix, Chuck Burmeister, Tom Zins, Julie
Bergh. Also present were Al Lundstrom, City Forester; Carl Hoffstedt, Golden Valley Babe Ruth;
and, Rick Jacobson.
A motion was made by Michele Bix and seconded by Tom Zins to approve the minutes of June 24,
1991. Motion carried.
Carl Hoffstedt, President of Golden Valley Babe Ruth, gave an update on their program. This year
there are eight teams of twelve to fifteen players each. Each team plays fifteen to twenty games
during the season, plus tournaments. Costs are covered by registration fees, sponsorships and
tournaments. The American Legion has given assistance as well.
Al Lundstrom, City Forester, gave a report. He was able to hire an assistant this year whose
primary responsibility is to inventory the City for Dutch elm disease.
Al gave an overview of the projects he has been working on. During the spring he gave educational
programs on cable television, in schools and for civic organizations. He planned several Arbor Day
events. Al does a considerable amount of consulting for homeowners, has worked on the City Hall
project and is doing a tree inventory throughout the City.
Last year 270 trees were removed because of Dutch elm disease. So far this year, 140 trees have
been marked for removal.
Sixty boulevard trees were trimmed this past spring. Planting of new trees will be done this fall.
Al reported that many large trees are dying along the railroad tracks. Apparently something went
wrong when the railroad had the weeds sprayed.
Al encouraged the City to institute a subsidy program for tree removal on private property. Many
surrounding communities have a program where residents are reimbursed a percentage of the cost
of diseased tree removal. Al feels such a program would encourage residents to report their
diseased trees earlier and would provide a good service to the public.
Chuck Burmeister expressed that he felt a subsidy for hardship cases would be okay, but not
making it available for all residents. No action was taken.
Al also said he would like to see a boulevard tree planting program in the future.
Chuck Burmeister recommended that the Heritage trees originally planted by General Mills be
kept track of so residents can be informed of where these trees are now.
Rick Jacobson reported that Hennepin Parks has scheduled a bike tour on Saturday, September
14th, to follow proposed trail corridors through Golden Valley as closely as possible. This
proposed trail through Golden Valley would connect French Park with Wirth Park. The 15 miles
route through Golden Valley starts at Lake Harriet and continues to French Park. There will be
other activities at French Park at the conclusion of the tour. The Commissioners and Council will
be receiving an invitation to this event.
No official report. The next meeting will be in August.
Rick Jacobson reported that the 1992 budget process has begun.
Chuck Burmeister asked if it would be beneficial for the City to incorporate an "Adopt a Park"
program where residents would help pick up debris, etc., from the local parks. This would be
likened to the highway department's 'Adopt a Highway" program.
A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by Michele Bix to commend the park
maintenance crew and administration on the high quality the parks appeared in during the tour last
year, and which they find all year around. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Tom Zins and seconded by George Murad to adjourn.