3-23-1992OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION March 23, 1992 Members present: Rich Krahulec, Chuck Burmeister, Julie Bergh, Jim Johnson, Pat Borchert, Tom Zins, George Murad. Also present were Greg Spencer, Greens Superintendent, Rick Jacob- son, Barbara Bailey and Sharyl Thompson. There were no agenda changes or additions. MINUTES A motion was made by Jim Johnson and seconded by George Murad to approve the minutes of February 24, 1992. Motion carried. BROOKVIEW GOLF MAINTENANCE UPDATE - GREG SPENCER Greg Spencer said that 1991 was a good year. Because of the snow storm on October 31st, several fall improvements and projects were not completed. He reported that the course looks good for this coming season. Improvements proposed for the fall of 1992 are: enlarge #10 tee, complete tree planting project and install additional cart paths. George Murad commended Greg on a good job. He mentioned the dam installed downstream caused a problem during the summer which prevented the water from running as freely, resulting in the course having to be closed because of flooding. Chuck Burmeister inquired about the pond bank erosion. More erosion has occurred over the past year due to the high water. Greg said funds are budgeted in the CIP for 1993 to begin work on correcting this problem. Greg reported that he had looked into a couple of options for controlling the geese on the course, but they were not workable. He said they chase the geese off first thing in the morning and felt if they were chased off again toward evening, it would be of some help, as geese generally do not fly during the night. Spring removal of geese is still budgeted. Rick Jacobson thanked Greg for a good job. SENIOR PROGRAM REVIEW - BARBARA BAILEY Barbara Bailey reviewed some of the newer programs offered for seniors. She highlighted the Se- nior Answer Line, Senior Leadership Committee, Senior Program Advisory Committee, Invest Northwest Award Nomination, Reminiscence Project and Older Americans' Month activities. The Golden Valley Senior Program now involves about 2,000 participants. Barb was commended on her fine work with this program. POOL TASK FORCE George Murad reported that an architect for the pool had been selected. The Task Force will be meeting with the architect on April 6th, and there will be a public meeting for resident input into the preliminary design of the pool on Monday, April 20th, 7:30 PM at Brookview Community Cen- ter. OLD BUSINESS Rick Jacobson reported that in response to the letter regarding the deer population in Golden Valley, the DNR did an aerial survey. They found 14 in the North Tyrol area, 3 in the Valle d'Or area and 9 at General Mills. A_ � COMMISSION MEMBERS - AL ANDEREGG AND MICHELE BIX It was reported that Michele Bix passed away from cancer. Al Anderegg resigned from the Com- mission because his schedule takes him out of town so often and he cannot make the meetings. The Council is interviewing applicants for these positions. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Rich Krahulec to adjourn. Meeting ad- journed at 8:20 PM. 1