April 27,1992
Members present: George Murad, Rich Krahulec, Marshall Rappaport, Mike Mauren, Tom Zins,
Julie Bergh, Jim Johnson.
Also present were Jon Woestehoff from Golden Valley Little League, Bob Shaffer and Marti
Micks from the Outdoor Pool Task Force, Sue Cook, Sharyl Thompson and Rick Jacobson.
Rich Krahulec called the meeting to order.
George Murad nominated Tom Zins for the Chair. Nomination was seconded by Jim Johnson. A
motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Jim Johnson that nominations be closed.
Motion carried. A motion was made by Julie Bergh and seconded by George Murad to accept Tom
Zins as Chair. Motion carried.
George Murad nominated Jim Johnson for Vice -Chair, which was seconded by Julie Bergh. A mo-
tion was made by George Murad and seconded by Marshall Rappaport that nominations be closed.
Motion carried. Tom Zins declared that Jim Johnson was elected as Vice -Chair by acclamation.
A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Jun Johnson to accept the minutes of
March 23, 1992. Motion carried.
Rick Jacobson introduced Jon Woestehoff, President of Golden Valley Little League. Jon gave a
report on their program for 1992. Little League has 254 participants forming six major league
teams, six 8-9 year old teams, and eight 10-12 year old teams. Their season runs from May 16th
through July 7th.
It has been decided that the fall Little League program will be suspended due to the low numbers
of registrants and upkeep on the fields.
The Commission thanked Jon for coming in and giving a good report, and running an outstanding
program for Golden Valley youth.
Sue Cook reported that the ice rinks this past winter opened on time in spite of mild temperatures.
There was an average of 3,488 participants per rink for the season.
The spring tennis program has experienced lower than average registration levels due to the cold
weather. However, the summer tennis program registrations are going well.
Sue reported on a program offered through several communities, including Golden Valley, called
the "Success By Six' Birthday Party. The event was held in April in Brooklyn Park, and over 3,000
people attended.
The adult softball program starts the first week of May. A co-rec league has been added this year,
playing on Friday nights at Sandburg. There are 27 recreational teams, 34 industrial teams, 6
church teams, 22 co-rec teams and 6 exhibition teams, for a total of 89 teams.
Sue handed out a flyer advertising the tap and ballet recital to be held on May 16th. Also, several
concerts in the park are scheduled over the summer.
The Commission expressed their appreciation to Sue for the good work she does.
George Murad reviewed the last two Pool Task Force meetings. The public meeting was very
favorable. A major problem with the project is in placing adequate parking near the pool.
Rick Jacobson showed the Commission the preliminary drawings from the architect. He explained
that the architect has been challenged to keep at least five tennis courts and get the parking lot up
on the site.
Marti Micks and Bob Shaffer gave a few comments, both expressing the difficulty in the parking
Due to Memorial Day, it was decided that there would be no meeting in May. The June meeting
will be the park tour.
Rick Jacobson reported that a Michele Bix Memorial Fund has been set up to go toward a commu-
nity garden. City staff is working with the parties involved in finding a location.
Rick also gave an update on state funding to cities. He explained that the state was going to cut as-
sistance to cities again, but because of the heavy impact that would have on some communities that
depend on state funds for a large percentage of their budget, the Legislature instead passed a law
that all municipalities would begin to pay sales tax on any purchase, effective June 1, 1992.
A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Rich Krahulec to adjourn. Motion carried.