2-22-1993OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION February 22, 1993 Members present: Tom Zins, Rich Krahulec, Jim Johnson and George Murad. Also present were Rick Birno, Al Lundstrom, Doug Paquette (BMGA) and Monica Fadness. There was no quorum, so no official action was taken. BROOKVIEW MEN'S CLUB UPDATE - Douz Paquette Doug Paquette is current President of the BMGA Board of Directors. The BMGA is requesting per- mission to increase their membership to 225 from 200. The association believes the increase in members will increase tournament participation and generate more revenues for the golf course. Since there was not a quorum present, formal action was continued to the March meeting. Majority consensus of those present was to go along with the BMGA request with the understanding the additional tee times will not be available for the additional members. The BMGA feels they need an aggressive marketing program to attract new members and reduce the risk of losing current members. Doug continued to explain the vari- ous programs and events offered by the BMGA. FORESTRY REPORT - Al Lundstrum City Forester, Al Lundstrom, presented his annual report. The following three programs which have been implemented were reviewed: diseased tree removal, tree trimming and tree planting. Al explained that throughout the year, the most difficult task was public relations or resident education. Many citizens do not understand the importance of tree trimming and removal. Al worked diligently to educate the citizens and explain the City's forestry policies as to why trimming is so critical to a healthy urban forest.. This year, Al plans to utilize grant money to help continue ongoing projects and begin new forestry projects. His continued goals are to combat tree diseases, educate the public, and continue to beautify Golden Valley. RECREATION REPORT - Rick Birno Rick Birno gave a review of proposed summer programs. He explained the difference between the ath- letic programs and the general summer playground programs. Participation levels in youth athletics con- tinue to increase. If this trend continues, in the near future, the current number of athletic fields will be insufficient to facilitate the City's programs. A staff report regarding facility usage, which was presented to the Council at its February work session, was presented to the Commission. This report listed athletic participation for the past five years, as well as projections for the next five years. In addition was a list of sites for potential development of athletic facilities. The Commission was informed that at the Council work session, this item was referred to the Open Space and Recreation Commission for further study. Requests for an evening T -ball program have been received. However, evening field use is already heavy. Several alternatives were discussed in regard to an evening program, in addition to the two current day- time programs. It was concluded that this program should be taken into consideration with the athletic field use study. There was no consensus that evening T -ball should be added this year. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.