4-26-1993161 OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION April 26, 1993 Members present: Jim Johnson, Marshall Rappaport, Rich Krahulec, Mike Mauren, Chuck Cahill. Also present were Rick Jacobson, Sue Cook and Sharyl Thompson. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS There were no agenda changes or additions. MINUTES Chuck Cahill's name needs to be added to the March meeting as being present. A motion was made by Marshall Rappaport and seconded by Rich Krahulec to accept the minutes of January 25, 1993, February 22, 1993 and March 22, 1993 (with above mentioned change). Motion carried. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Marshall Rappaport to defer the election to the next meeting. GOLDEN VALLEY LITTLE LEAGUE - Jon Woestehoff Jon Woestehoff, President of Golden Valley Little League, gave a report on their program. There are 263 participants so far this year comprised of 19 teams - 6 majors and 13 minors. Jon reported that there is a shortage of fields and several of the practice fields are quite small. Vice Chair Jim Johnson thanked Jon for his work and that of the many volunteers who provide a program with a rich history and much enthusiasm. RECREATION REPORT - Sue Cook Sue Cook gave a report on the winter warming houses. They were open from December 21, 1992 through February 18, 1993. The Tap and Ballet recital was held at Armstrong High School on April 3, 1993, with 85 participants. This summer there are 83 adult softball teams. Sue presented the new Adopt A Park brochure along with a list of the parks and trails that have been adopted so far. The following special events will be taking place this summer: Hershey Track & Field Concerts in the Park Success By Six Birthday Party The Commission members commended Sue on her excellent work. HENNEPIN COUNTY REGIONAL PARKS Rick Jacobson distributed the pamphlet "Greenways to the Future" showing future expansion of the Hennepin Park trail system. Work could start in Golden Valley this fall or in 1994 between Theo Wirth and French Regional Park. LETTER FROM RESIDENT REGARDING SCHEID PARK A resident wrote requesting that the hard surface area at Scheid Park be moved, as people have used it for parking. Rick Jacobson talked with the party on the phone and explained that it would cost between $10,000 and $20,000 to move this. A barrier has been put up to deter cars from driving up to the playground area. A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Chuck Cahill to receive and file this letter. BMGA BY-LAW REVISION The BMGA board wants to change their membership limit from 200 to 225. There was a consensus from the Commission to approve this change, but it needs official action. A motion was made by Chuck Cahill and seconded by Marshall Rappaport to allow the BMGA to raise their membership limit to 225. Motion carried. BWGA BY-LAW APPROVAL A motion was made by Marshall Rappaport and seconded by Rich Krahulec to approve the BWGA by-laws. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Marshall Rappaport and seconded by Rich Krahulec to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM. 1