5-24-1993OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION IAlay 24, 1993 Members present: George Murad, Marshall Rappaport, Tom Zins, Jim Johnson, Alex Azemove, Chuck Cahill, Rich Krahulec. Also present were Gary Paulsen from the Golden Valley Sports Association, Kris Tovson, Golf Operations Manager, Sharyl Thompson and Rick Jacobson. There were no agenda changes or additions. 'MINUTES A motion was made by Marshall Rappaport and seconded by Jim Johnson to approve the minutes of April 26, 1993. Motion carried. ELECTION OF CHAIR & VICE -CHAIR Jim Johnson nominated Tom Zins as Chair. A second was made by George Murad. No other nominations were placed, so the election of Tom Zins was declared. Tom agreed to serve for this coming year. A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Alex Azemove to nominate Marshall Rappaport as Vice -Chair. NTo other nominations were given, so Marshall was elected by acclamation. GOLDEN VALLEY SPORTS, INC. - Gary Paulsen Gary Paulsen represents the girls fastpitch organization. He explained their program. They take girls from throughout School District 281. This year Hopkins started their own program, so Golden Valley has fewer teams now than in the past. However, Gary felt they were in need of another field. The girls play two games per week and participate in weekend tournaments through the end of August. The participant fee is $150 per player. Mr. Paulsen did inquire about the possibility of using the back field at Wesley Park until the boy's slowpitch program would begin in mid-June. The Commission asked how many of the participants were Golden Valley residents. Mr. Paulsen reported that a little over half of the 72 players live in Golden Valley. It was suggested that other communities from which the participants come from be contacted for using a field. Mr. Paulsen said he would pursue that possibility. GOLF COURSE UPDATE - KRIS TOVSON The golf course opened on April 9th. The teaching tee and parking lot on the west end of the range should be ready by July 5th. The grill has been offering some new weekend breakfast specials and catering for lunches and dinners for golf groups. A women's league has been added on the Par 3 course. Kris Tovson also reported that the golf course won the National Golf Achievement Award for 1992. Some problems on the golf course include: weather (cool and wet), slow play by the leagues, geese and flooding whenever there is a substantial rainfall. The Commission expressed their appreciation to Kris for the excellent job she is doing. CANADA GEESE UPDATE Rick Jacobson reported that there will be a goose pick-up in June. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Rich Krahlulec to adjourn. Motion carried. 1 1