4-25-199440-1, OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION April 25, 1994 Members present: Toni Zins, Marshall Rappaport, Jim Johnson, Mike Mauren, Rich Krahulec, Roger McConico, Chuck Cahill, Linda Loomis and Alex Azemove. Also present were Rick Birno, Rick Jacobson, Sharyl Thompson, Al Lundstrom (City Forester), and Jack Beaird (Golden Valley Phoenix Soccer). Chair Tom Zins welcomed new Commission members, Linda Loomis and Roger McConico. Election of Chair & Vice -Chair A motion was made by Chuck Cahill and seconded by Alex Azemove to nominate Marshall Rappaport as Commission Chair. No other nominations were given. Marshall was elected by acclamation. A motion was made by Tom Zins and seconded by Mike Mauren to nominate Rich Krahulec as Vice -Chair. No other nominations were given. Rich was elected by acclamation. Agenda Changes or Additions There were no agenda changes or additions. Minutes - February 28, 1994 A motion was made by Chuck Cahill and seconded by Rich Krahulec to accept the minutes of February 28, 1994. Motion carried. Youth Soccer Association Report - Jack Beaird Jack Beaird, President of Golden Valley Phoenix Soccer Association, gave a report. Presently their program has 120 participants aged 6-10 years, and 98 players in the traveling program (10 yrs - high school age). Jack explained that there is a shortage of full-size soccer fields (I 10 yards x 70 yards). The soccer season runs from April through October, and the only field available currently is at Lions Park which is used for softball in the summer. He further stated that even though Golden Valley is in two school districts, neither district really claims "ownership" of Golden Valley participants, making it difficult to use school facilities for their program. The fields at Cooper High School are used exclusively by the City of New Hope, and Armstrong High School fields are not available either. Breck School has a secondary field they can use. They have also acquired use of a field at Hopkins High on a part-time basis. Jack requested that the City of Golden Valley find a location for two full-size soccer fields, dedicated for soccer use only. He felt two areas to consider would be the Minnesota Art School IIS e one full-s� d youth size field, or, the property on the corner of property to Nous ) , p p y Winnetka Avenue and Brookvi arl. y, north of the tennis courts. Rick Jacobson reported that he a alked with the person el at the Art School and Breck School. The concern at the Art School �halty future expansion of buildings would eliminate the area that could be used for an athlet d.'' The officials at thelArt School expressed interest in a joint venture with the City. Althou does not appear likely that they will build a performing arts center, there is some talk that prop y may be turned into a metro college site, possibly in two years. What effect this ma ' 4 e p't ajoint use is unknown. Representatives from Breck Sc" 'I expressed an interest in a joint venture with the City, but mainly for their stadium field. r athletic areas were also discussed with Breck. If the stadium field were the case, there woul '' " Som concern as to how much the City would actually be able to use the field. �I Marshall Rappaport suggested a sub committee be formed to research sites, costs, etc., and bring a recommendation to t ll ssion, followed by a recommendation to the City Council. There was some d sio s to whether or not the sub -committee should have representatives on it from the v I� s at fletic associations. Chuck Cahill asked about th $si�i i y of purchasing property, or using other city -owned property. A motion was made bYRogerRo � oni and seconded b Chuck Cahill to form a sub -committee Y to research the possibility of fit i' j a loic tion for an athletic field. There was some discussion as to the size and scope of thep 'tee, but it was decided that it would comprise of 3-5 members from the Commissi j ion ith staff members, and representatives from athletic associations would be consulte in t There was a question as to whether or not the existing fields are being used to capacit e t easons begin in the summer. It was also suggested that use of school facilities be resea 1�J fu er. The motion carried unanimously. The following Commissioner hunt red for the sub -committee: Alex Azemove, Roger McConico, Chuck Cahill and i Lis. A motion was made by Tom Zins and seconded by Rich Krahulec to accept these f 04i g rs of the sub -committee. Motion carried. IFAI City Forester At Lundstrom 1 Valley. Dutch elm disease still Roger McConico inquired a taking down trees along B convey this concern to Mel The Commission thanked Al Ct641 fin it )rt. He showed slides of the urban forest in Golden is diminishing (157 trees in 1993). and safety issue regarding the beavers which are Winnetka and Wisconsin Avenues. Rick will rk he is doing for the City of Golden Valley. I� Deer/Geese Update Rick Jacobson reviewed some hand-outs given to the Commission which dealt with the geese and deer issues. He reported that as per council requests he had contacted Jon Parker from the DNTR on what it would take to have a controlled goose shoot on the golf course, and he also reported that he is waiting for communication from Jon Parker regarding residents killing deer on their own property. k Old Business Marshall Rappaport expressed appreciation to Tom Zins for serving as Chair for the past two years. Rick Jacobson reported that the small soccer field at the south end of Wesley Park will be lit this year pending Council approval. New Business Mike Mauren reported that he will be moving out of the City of Golden Valley at the end of May, so he was submitting his resignation from the Commission. Mike was commended by the Commission for his service to the City over the past several years. Adjournment A motion was made by Jim Johnson and seconded by Marshall Rappaport to adjourn. F 1