6-27-1994OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION June 27, 1994 Members present: Marshall Rappaport, Rich Krahulec, Charles Cahill, Linda Loomis, Roger McConico, Tom Zins. Also present were Rick Jacobson, staff, Bob Wicklund, Del Miller, Don King, Hennepin Parks Staff, Golden Valley Planning Staff, and members of the Planning Com- mission. The joint meeting of the Golden Valley Open Space & Recreation Commission and Golden Valley Planning Commission was called to order at 7:05 P.M. The two commissions, staff and represen- tatives from Hennepin Parks were introduced. Rick Jacobson gave a brief background of the project and then turned it over to the Hennepin Parks Staff who then showed the entire trail corridor through Golden Valley with a series of maps. Paula Pentel (Planning Commission member) asked if Hennepin Parks considered a bike trail along the river in Minneapolis. Mr. King said there was a good connection between Wirth Park and the chain of lakes, as well as a future trail through St. Louis Park and Minneapolis to the river which will eventually be connected to this trail. Beth Knoblauch told of a pedestrian/bike accident recently as well as concern about bike traffic along the west side of Calvary Lutheran Church on Rhode Island Avenue. Don King said a thor- ough study of this area would be done. Marshall Rappaport asked about plans for the trail near Golden Valley Country Club. Don King explained that the original idea was to follow the railroad tracks through the course, but due to many obstacles, it now appears the trail would follow Golden Valley Road on the south side. A question was also asked about the trail through the Schaper Property. Don King answered that Hennepin Parks would work with the City on this segment of trail after a decision has been made regarding future use of that area. It was then asked if Hennepin Parks needed any action from these commissions. Bob Wicklund said that in order for them to purchase railroad easement for this trail, approval was needed from the City Council, so that if the commission agreed with the concept, a recommendation to the Council would be appreciated. The Planning Commission then adjourned to the Council chambers for the remainder of their meeting. A motion was made by Chuck Cahill and seconded by Rich Krahulec to recommend concept ap- proval by the Council to allow Hennepin Parks to purchase a trail easement in the CNR Railroad corridor. Motion carried, all ayes. f MINUTES - MAY 23, 1994 A motion was made by Tom Zins with a second by Rich Krahulec to approve the Open Space minutes of May 23, 1994. Roger McConico corrected the location of Schaper Property to "north" of Highway 55. Motion passed unanimously as corrected. ATHLETIC FACILITY SUB COMMITTEE Roger McConico gave an update of the Athletic Facility Sub -Committee, and Rick reminded the Commission that the July 25th meeting would be a park tour. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business; Roger McConico moved to adjourn, Chuck Cahill seconded. Mo- tion carried. 1 1 N