9-26-1994OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION September 26, 1994 Members present: Rich Krahulec, Jim Sicora, Tom Zins, Marshall Rappaport, Jim Johnson, Linda Loomis. Also present were Kris Tovson, Rick Birno, Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS There were two agenda changes: to "New Business" add BWGA 18 Hole League By -Law Changes, and to "Old Business" add Stockman Park. MINUTES A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Jim Sicora to approve the minutes of July 25, 1994. Motion carried. FEES & CHARGES The Commission reviewed and discussed the proposed fees and charges for the recreation pro- grams and golf course for 1995. It was reported that a proposal was being brought before the City Council as part of 1995 City budget that $75,000 be transferred from the golf course reve- nues into the City's general fund. Jim Sicora requested that there be a single person cart fee for those who cannot walk the distance on the golf course. A motion was made by Jim Johnson and seconded by Tom Zins to accept the fees for 1995 as proposed. Motion carried. RECREATION REPORT - RICK BIRNO Rick Bimo reviewed the past summer programs which showed an overall increase in participation of 2.5%. Linda Loomis suggested that the summer programs be extended into August. Rick also presented the Commission with an overview of the current fall programs. There was some discussion on the registration process for youth fall soccer. Up to this point, people have been able to request a certain coach when registering. However, this has meant that some teams were "stacked" and regularly handily defeated the other teams. The staff is trying to determine the best way to register for fall soccer where the teams would be more evenly divided by skill and gender. Rick Birno said that consideration is being given to taking all the registrants together and then randomly placing them on teams with equal representation of girls. It was also suggested that if there are enough girls, perhaps they could have their own division. Rick asked the opinions of the Commissioners. They felt there should be more parity in the team selection. Rick requested that the Commissioners give this issue some thought and he would come back to them at a later date with a proposal. ATHLETIC FIELD USAGE COMMITTEE REPORT Linda Loomis reviewed the proposal from the sub -committee. She mentioned that Breck had been interested in a joint venture with the City some time ago, but they had not been approached recently. The proposal is listed in order of priority, however, some projects need to be done si- multaneously in order to provide facilities for all the programs impacted by renovation. The ma- jor portion of the proposal was regarding the Schaper Property. Don Taylor, Finance Director, reported to the sub -committee that the bond company had determined that tax increment financ- ing is appropriate for the construction of ballfields in that location. A motion was made by Jim Johnson and seconded by Jim Sicora to accept, present and recom- mend that the City Council move ahead with the proposal as listed by priorities. Motion carried. ADDITIONAL PARKING - SCHEID PARK Rick Jacobson reported that a house directly adjacent to the Scheid Park parking lot is up for sale, It was suggested at the Athletic Facility Sub -Committee meeting that the City consider purchasing this house to provide additional parking. (Presently Scheid Park has about 15 parking places.) The house is listed at $114,000. Should the City purchase the house, it would require re -zoning from residential use to institutional use. It would also cost additional dollars to build a parking lot and buffer the neighbor to the west. It was the consensus of the Commission that in light of recommending that the City Council move ahead with the athletic facility proposal mentioned above, it would be best to table this matter at this time. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Rick Jacobson reviewed with the Commission the status of capital improvement projects for 1994. The discussion then turned to the 1995-1999 CIP which staff is currently working on. OLD BUSINESS Stockman Park - Rick Jacobson reported that residents surrounding Stockman Park are unhappy with the renaming of Papoose Park to Stockman Park. They have circulated a petition asking the City Council to change the name back. A motion was made by Tom Zins and seconded by Rich Krahulec that Ray Stockman ought to be recognized for his substantial contributions toward the development of the Golden Valley park system, and it is appropriate that a park be named in his honor. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS BWGA By -Law Changes - The BWGA 18 Hole league presented a copy of their by-laws show- ing minor changes in wording. Kris Tovson reviewed these changes with the Commission. A motion was made by Tom Tins and seconded by Rich Krahulec to approve the by-law changes as presented. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Tom Zins and seconded by Jim Johnson to adjourn. The meeting ad- journed at 9:15 PM. 1