10-24-1994CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION October 24, 1994 Members present: Roger McConico, Jim Sicora, Rich Krahulec, Marshall Rappaport, Alex Azemove, Tom Zins and Jim Johnson. Also present were Rick Jacobson, Sharyl Thompson, Sue Cook, Kris Tovson and Mike Essma from the BMGA. AGENDA CHANGES & ADDITIONS Rick Jacobson added `Brookview Golf Course League Eligibility" -to the agenda. Greg Spencer, Greens Superintendent was scheduled, but was unable to attend this meeting. MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 25, 1994 A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Jim Johnson to approve the minutes of September 25, 1994. Motion carried. BMGA UPDATE - MUCE ESSMA Mike Essma, President of the BMGA (Brookview Men's Golf Association) gave a report on their organization. They have a total of 215 members, thirty percent of which are Golden Valley resi- dents. The Board of Directors meets throughout the year. Seven events are held each summer. The BMGA serves as the avenue through which men can play in area MGA tournaments. RECREATION REPORT - SUE COOK Sue provided handouts to the Commissioners on the following programs: Summer Playground Participation, Concerts in the Park, Adult Softball, Fall Programs, Music for Everyone, Youth Basketball, Warming House Attendants, and Adopt A Park. The Winter/Spring Brochure will be mailed to the homes in December. The Commission commended Sue on a job well done, especially with the Adopt A Park program which has been a great success. BROOKVIEW GOLF COURSE LEAGUE ELIGIBILITY Guidelines have been drawn for companies or organizations that want a golf league. At present there are several Golden Valley groups on a waiting list while non-resident groups are playing. These guidelines give priority to Golden Valley residents and organizations. A motion was made by Alex Azemove and seconded by Jim Johnson to accept these guidelines. Motion carried. ATHLETIC FIELD USAGI i ldkimkifm Roger McConico reported ot did City Council meeting'I where the athletic field usage proposal was given. There were resid'-.Wo presehl from the Sweeney Lake area who are opposed to the Schaper Property development, ',' e ,'lily Council received and filed the report with the intent of considering the plan during ft Q,bo process. CAPITOL IMPROVEME Rick Jacobson reported thatt 1 Y spring. A walking path is c Brookview Parkway in Broo A ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Jim J ":IIs I, I THERE WAS NO equipment for Brookview Park will be installed next ted along Western Avenue between Winnetka and by Tom Zins to adjourn. Motion carried. 1 1