January 23, 1995
Members present: Chuck Cahill, Jim Johnson, Linda Loomis, Jim Sicora, Roger McConico,
Marshall Rappaport. Also present were Rick Birno, Barbara Bailey and Rick Jacobson.
Roger McConico requested a discussion on the Golden Valley CLEAN Committee.
Marshall Rappaport will report on the Area C Committee.
A motion was made by Roger McConico and seconded by Jim Sicora to approve the minutes of
October 24, 1994. Motion carried.
Fall Soccer Registration Procedure
Rick Birno explained the evaluation that was used in getting feedback from soccer participants
regarding the registration procedure. To date, the registration procedure allowed a participant to
request a particular coach and team and a specific practice location. Each team has been limited
to 13 players. The Park and Recreation Department has received calls and letters from concerned
parents who felt this procedure caused teams to be uneven talent -wise, making it unenjoyable for
children on teams that would lose virtually every game by extreme scores.
A survey was sent to all soccer participants explaining the current process, proposing a new reg-
istration process, and inviting comments on an alternate process. The new process offered would
take registrations by neighborhood park, grade level, and gender, with no guarantee of coach ex-
cept for children of coaches or siblings in the same division. It also would not allow for car pool
requests. The teams would then be formed randomly at each park with equal age spaced within a
About three hundred surveys were sent, and about one hundred fifty-five were returned. The re-
sults of the survey were evenly divided between the existing process and the proposed one.
About twenty returns didn't agree with either registration process, but preferred the new one with
some modifications. The majority felt it was okay to combine the genders, but felt that if broken
down by grade levels, they would want the higher grade levels separated by gender.
Rick Birno pointed out that from this past season's participation, only the 3-4 grade level had
enough players to be able to separate the boys and girls. Linda Loomis felt that there would be
additional registrations if the genders were separate.
It was suggested that gendc
4, 5-6 and 7-8 grade levels
ister by a certain deadline.
Marshall Rappaport inquirec
registration procedure. Rick
icy adopted by the Open Spa
combined in the 1-2
the stipulation that t
staff could handle
)n replied they col
level, with gender separation in the 3 -
would be combined if not enough reg-
nplaints if a change was made in the
if it was backed by a registration pol-
Roger McConico spoke in f th of procedure. IEie felt people would get accustomed to
the change and it would give¢ � ents the opportunity to gain new friends. His experi-
ence in the past with Little e showed that car pools. were not a determining factor in
whether or not a child partici 0.',
Discussion was also held at a # is4king the players for t am placement. This could either be
done by the parents or at thed of season, each coach tid rank the players on the team for
future reference. Roger Mc '1- preferred the coaches ing the players.
Chuck Cahill spoke in favor
Rick Jacobson raised the qu,
for their own league, would
incorporated on a boys team
boys. Jim Sicora and Chucl
format as opposed to placing
have all girl teams unless a r,
In order to further prevent
to two coaches, and not coi
felt siblings should be allo,
A motion was made by Ch
system, combining genders
limit each team to two coag
Motion carried.
Rick Birno showed a prelim
program for 5-6 graders bec,
Baseball Skills Camp, and a
Rodeo may change to a conc
is planned to a Minneapolis
scheduled, as well as Little (
new system,
as to the Commission
girls team play again
ala Loomis felt all girl
11 concurred. Staff rai
rls on each team. T.
mm for a girl to be o
would bring more equity among the
opinion if there weren't enough girls
the all boys team, or, would they be
:teams should be form to play against
W questions as to if this was the best
consensus of the Commission was to
A boys team.
:king, Roger McConico suggested that each team be limited
pool requests unless itjis a legitimate hardship case. He also
same team if they were at the same grade level.
all and seconded by Roger McConico to incorporate the new
1-2 grade level, but separating by gender for the other levels,
cept for coach's own 'ld), and accept no car pool requests.
summer program out]
ittic League ends in J
� Program is being ac
e Flyers. Rather
gone. Horseback
f l0 trips to the Disi
He is proposing a daytime baseball
There will be a Soccer Skills and a
The Little Critters Big Wheel Bike
a field trip to the Twins game, a trip
g at Diamond T Ranch in Eagan is
v Zone and Como Zoo.
Senior Citizens Report - Barbara Bailey
Barbara Bailey, Senior Citizens Coordinator, presented the Senior Citizens Annual Report. It
was well received by the Commission.
The Commission requested that the minutes reflect their compliments to, and confidence in, the
Park and Recreation staff.
Rick Jacobson updated the Commission on the status of the proposal. Last fall at a budget
meeting, the Mayor informed interested parties in attendance that he would schedule meetings
with residents representing both sides of the issue with a public hearing to follow at a later time.
A number of letters, both for and against the project, have been received at City Hall.
Chuck Cahill asked if any formal response has been given to the letters to the editor claiming the
issue was "railroaded". As part of the sub -committee that worked on this proposal, this was a
concern to Chuck. He wondered if Commission member should write a letter in response.
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Rick gave the Commissioners copies of the 1995-99 Capitol Improvement Plan which will be
before the Council in February. The C.I.P. is the program the Commission has previously dis-
cussed and agreed upon.
The Golden Valley Police Department will host a regional police dog competition at Wesley
Park at the end of July. More information to come when available.
Golden Valley CLEAN Committee
Roger McConico is a member of the Golden Valley CLEAN Committee (Citizens Lobbying,
Educating, Advocating Neatness). They have discussed possible ordinances regulating residents
storing or parking motor homes, boats, trailers, etc., or wood pile storage, among other things.
He asked for feedback from the Commission as to their feelings regarding these types of issues.
Roger mentioned that at the meeting, the question was asked if it would be good for Golden
Valley to license tree trimmers to make sure they carry liability and workers compensation insur-
ance, etc. Rick Jacobson said that Al Lundstrom, City Forester, would attend the February or
March meeting of this Commission, and he could field questions along these lines.
C it V lll 111 l C - Max 311i
Marshall Rappaport is a mem
their study and will bring recd
A motion was made by Jim
Qf the Area C Task Forc . He reported that they are concluding
rMdations to the HRA i March.
#a andseconded by RogerMcConico to adjourn. Motion car -