February 26, 1996
7:00 PM _
Golden Valley Civic Center
Members present: Linda Loo is, Roger McConico, Rich Krahulec, Chuck Cahill, Jim Sicora
and Tom Zins. Also present e�IF ouncil members Mayor Mary Anderson, Jan LeSuer, Gloria
Johnson and Marti Micks. St f m�mbers present included: Sue Cook, Rick Birno, Sharyl
Thompson and Rick Jacobson. Sue Weber from the "Golden Valley Post" was present.
Members of the community present included Ron Richens (President of Golden Valley Babe
Ruth), Jerry Sandler (President of Golden Valley Little League), David Fellman, Kathie Bortnem,
Faith Woodman, Bob Mattison, Hugh Maynard, Heidi Klos, David Hudson, Floyd Anderson,
Jane McDonald Black, Gary Knippenberg, Steve Rymer and Barry Blomquist (representing the
developer of the Glenwood HiIs Hospital property). Others were present, but did not sign the
Chair Linda Loomis called the meeting to order.
Minutes - January 22, 1996
A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Chuck Cahill to approve the minutes of
January 22, 1996. Motion carried.
Proposed Athletic Facilitv Discussion
Linda Loomis and Rick JacobsIon each presented background information on the athletic facility
proposal. Rick reviewed the c ronology of events to this point, potential sites considered, field
development considerations, the facility development proposal and the inventory of present
facilities. A general discussion followed with numerous questions.
Mayor Anderson asked for corn ments from each of the Open Space Commissioners regarding the
proposal. Tom Zins expressed support for the proposal. He felt that by having athletic
associations with volunteer involvement, Golden Valley provides an opportunity to promote
good community spirit, and th4t to provide adequate, safe facilities only makes good sense. He
strongly commended the many' residents who give freely of their time to provide positive
opportunities for the youth of olden Valley.
Rich Krahulec stated that the C ity does not have the luxury of remaining at status quo regarding
athletic fields. Putting two bal fields on the Schaper property improves what is presently a dump
site, making positive use of th� land.
Mayor Anderson suggested tht the City Council members individually list concerns they may
have regarding the proposal. � work session would then be scheduled to discuss the concerns,
and a decision can then be made ata City Council meeting.
Glenwood Hills Hospital Property Development
A letter from David Fellman, a Golden Valley resident, was distributed to those present. He
proposed a plan whereby the City would forego any ballfield development at Schaper or the
peninsula on Sweeney Lake. Then he and his neighbors would provide funds to buy a parcel of
land at the Glenwood Hills site for the sole purpose of building the athletic fields. The
Commission requested an oral report from Mr. Fellman regarding his proposal.
Barry Blomquist, representing the developer, stated that the sale of the property closed today, and
he did not feel ballfields would be a part of this project. Their company is willing to meet with
the Open Space & Recreation Commission regarding plans and open space for the site.
Commission members expressed an interest in having park land and a public access to Sweeney
Lake. They felt that since the lake is public property, access to it should not exclusively be for
surrounding property owners.
Mayor Anderson suggested that the Commission make a list of their desires for the hospital site
development to be negotiated in the PUD.
It was discussed that ajoint meeting could be scheduled with the Planning Commission in order
to see the plans proposed for the hospital site and discuss the options. The goal is to hold the
meeting before the proposal is formally brought before the Planning Commission.
Charge from Council Regarding Geese
The Commission asked for clarification from the Council regarding their charge to recommend
solutions to the geese problem. Rick Jacobson reviewed all the steps that have been taken over
the years to relieve the problem. It is a resident geese problem in the spring and a migratory
geese problem in the fall. The City is still involved in the geese relocation program through the
University of Minnesota. However, in spite of trying many deterrents, there has been very little
success. Rick explained that a new product to deter geese was available this past fall, and the
University of Minnesota used Brookview as an experimental site. Results from those tests are
not in. These results and any new ideas will be shared when they are available. Staff will
continue to work on solutions and solicit ideas from other agencies and individuals. Mayor
Anderson stated that it appears the Commission is doing all it can
A motion was made by Roger McConico and seconded by Jim Sicora to adjourn. The meeting
adjourned at 9:15 PM.