4-22-1996CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION April 22, 1996 Members present: Linda Loomis, Liz Elder, Jim Vaughan, Rich Krahulec, Chuck Cahill, Jim Johnson, Tom Zins, Jim Sicora and Roger McConico. Also present were Mark Grimes, City Planner, Sue Cook, Recreation Supervisor, Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson. Kathy Bort- nem, resident of Golden Valley was in attendance as well. The Commission welcomed two new members, Liz Elder and Jim Vaughan. MINUTES - MARCH 25,1996 A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Tom Zins to approve the minutes of March 25, 1996. Motion carried. HIDDEN LAKE DEVELOPMENT Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development, reviewed the city ordinance addressing park land dedication. Tom Zins stated he would prefer to see the Hidden Lakes area left undeveloped. However, real- izing it will probably be developed, he felt the City should try to attain the maximum amount of land possible as permitted by ordinance, preferably along the shoreline. He stated that the lakes belong to the entire city, and therefore should be accessible to all residents. Mark stated that the developer would like to know in advance what the Council will decide so they can include it in their new site plan. Mark recommended that the Open Space and Recreation Commission compile a list of park fa- cilities they would like to see at the site. Rick Jacobson read the list the Commission made at the March meeting. Chuck Cahill added the need for parking, and Tom Zins requested the list in- clude a statement specifying "up to ten percent of the land". A motion was made by Chuck Cahill and seconded by Roger McConico to request that the Council forward to the developer of the Hidden Lake area the following list of recommendations for the site: lake front park, picnic area, fishing pier, carry -on boat access, trail to hook up with the Hennepin County trail, a small playground, and adequate parking lot on the maximum amount of land allowed by the city ordinance for land dedication. The motion was passed unanimously. 1 Sue Cook reviewed the follov int Litems. Warming houses: ♦ felt she had the best staff s year ♦ extended hours at Scheid ark on New Year's Eve ♦ parks hosted a special evt fox younger children, including organized contests, etc., with prizes and refreshments ♦ were open from Decembe 16 - February 19 (closed 8 days due to extreme weather) Youth Basketball: ♦ ran in conjunction with Crystal Recreation Department ♦ had ten Golden Valley to s ♦ had 16 volunteer coaches which Sue believes make the program the success it was ♦ Mites Basketball -had 30 Golden Valley kids (1st and 2nd graders) The Tap & Ballet Recital will !be held on Saturday, May 4th, 7:00 PM at Armstrong High School. Sue displayed the new sign ad ertising the summer concerts in the park. The sign was made by Jerry Roehl from the Park Maintenance Department, and it is very attractive. The Adopt A Park program is leery successful. Most volunteers have signed up for another two year commitment. Sue briefly explained the changes in the adult tennis program for this summer. Golden Valley has combined with several surrounding cities to form adult leagues. The Commission expressed their appreciation to Sue for a job well done in providing quality rec- reation programming for Golden Valley residents. ATHLETIC FACILITY UPDATE Rick Jacobson reported that ori April 13th, the City Council toured the Schaper area. They also set May 7, 1996, for an info public hearing on the athletic facility development proposal. It is anticipated that the City Co�ncil will make a decision that evening whether or not to go ahead with the proposal. Rick also reported that at the 1 City Council meeting, a representative from the Minnesota Arts School expressed interest in working with the City to put in a soccer field on their property. 1 1 RECEIPT OF AERIAL DEER SURVEY FOR 1996 The report on the aerial deer survey from the Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District showed the deer population in Golden Valley to be at 36, compared to 16 last year. Because of "good" snow conditions, the surveyors felt they had an accurate count. Survey conditions in 1994 were not nearly as favorable, resulting in a larger margin of error. RECEIPT OF CANADA GOOSE REPELLENT STUDY Last fall, a graduate student from the University of Minnesota did a study of a topical product that was intended to ward off geese. The report on this study shows some moderate success, but the cost is prohibitive, and the product washes away in the rain or watering, so would need to be re-applied quite frequently. Rick Jacobson said he and Greg Spencer, Greens Superintendent, met with George Murad and Don Singer (avid golfers) regarding the goose problem. The golf course has "rented" the serv- ices of a border collie belonging to a former employee of the Edina Country Club. The border collie is trained to chase geese away. Presently, the dog is being brought to the golf course three times a day in hopes of discouraging the geese from nesting on the course. They plan to bring the dog back again the in fall when the migratory birds are the greatest nuisance. The golf course opened for the season on April 17, 1996. OLD BUSINESS Rich Krahulec expressed concern regarding where the Hennepin County trail would be placed through Golden Valley. He felt the Open Space & Recreation Commission should continue to be involved in the planning and make recommendations in this issue. Rick Jacobson said the matter would be coming before the Commission at a later date. NEW BUSINESS Chuck Cahill inquired about the issue present to the City Council asking that the rating of Bassett Creek be raised. He requested that the Golden Valley representative to the Watershed District attend an Open Space meeting to explain the situation. Rick Jacobson said he would invite the representative to a future meeting. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Jim Johnson and seconded by Rich Krahulec to adjourn. 1