July 22, 1996
Members present: Jim Sicora, Jim Vaughan, Roger McConico, Chuck Cahill, Tom Zins, Liz El-
ders, Linda Loomis. Also present were Debbie Brophy representing Golden Valley Girls Fast -
pitch, Rick Birno, Rick Jacobson, Sharyl Thompson, and City Forester Al Lundstrom. Residents
Kathy Bortnem and Sharon Mattison attended the meeting as well.
The meeting was opened by Jim Sicora, Vice Chair. There were no agenda changes or additions.
MINUTES - JUNE 24,1996
The minutes of June 24th need to be amended. Gearty Park was not visited by the Commission
during the park tour. A motion was made by Chuck Cahill and seconded by Linda Loomis to
approve the minutes as amended. Motion carried.
Debbie Brophy gave a report on Girls Fastpitch Softball. They had eight teams this summer.
They use facilities in Robbinsdale and Gearty & Natchez Parks in Golden Valley. Double header
games are played twice a week all over the Twin Cities area. She expressed appreciation to the
Park & Recreation Department for their help and cooperation.
Linda Loomis expressed concerns regarding the registration procedure for the fall soccer pro-
gram. Park Valley School is allowed to register whole teams with their own coaches. Linda felt
that the fall soccer program is for the entire community and to have teams from a particular
school is against the intent of community -wide programming.
Park Valley approached the Recreation Department two years ago regarding the possibility of
having their own teams. They have a neutral party (their physical education teacher) choose the
team members. They take the registration forms and money, get their own coaches and attend
the Park & Recreation Department's training.
Although allowing individual schools to form their own teams probably promotes more partici-
pation because of allegiance to the school, Roger McConico felt it was not a good idea for this to
be allowed.
Chuck Cahill and Tom Zins felt the Commission should take a "wait and see" attitude. Consen-
sus of the Commission was to allow Park Valley to register teams as in the past and wait and see
if there are problems. It was also decided to let other groups register as Park Valley does if they
meet the guidelines as set out by the Parks and Recreation Department.
The second concern Linda Loomis had was the age ranges for registration: 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 year
olds. This eliminates 6 year old first graders and keeps 8 year old third graders who have played
in the program already for 2 years back in the beginning program for a third year.
It was explained that the registration process was changed last year. Prior to last year, kids were
registered by grade with the first twelve comprising a team and then starting a second team with
the next twelve players. Now registration is being taken by age. Staff mentioned that it has been
discussed to make the age ranges Under 12, Under 10, etc. starting next year.
A motion was made by Chuck Cahill and seconded by Jim Vaughan to permit registrants to
"play up" one year in the 1996 fall program. This applies to 8 year olds and 10 year olds. Mo-
tion carried.
Al Lundstrom gave his annual forestry report. He reported that Dutch elm disease has leveled off
since 1987. Oak Wilt had not been a problem in the past, but now there seems to be some hot
spots. He reported that residents have been very cooperative to work with in diagnosing Oak
Brush pick up this spring was very successful. There was a thirty percent increase in participa-
Golden Valley was awarded the Tree City USA designation for the tenth year.
Arbor Day was held at Noble Elementary with the 4th and 5th graders, and guest Mayor Mary
Al is involved in the street reconstruction projects throughout the city to give advice and provide
public relations with the residents. The residents are given a list of tree choices to replace those
removed during the street reconstruction.
The Commission commended Al Lundstrom on a super job.
Rick Jacobson and Rick Birno met with the Director and Deputy Director of the Arts School re-
garding a joint effort soccer field. There is strong interest from the school in developing a soccer
field. Staff is gathering information on a joint powers agreement. The school needs the ap-
proval of their Board of Directors to move ahead with such a project.
Tree Trust staff completed the work at Pennsylvania Woods. Vegetation has been transplanted
three times, but vandals have pulled it out. Neighbors of the area have volunteered to help re-
plant again. So far, the improvements seem to have helped eliminate the mountain biking prob-
A motion was made by Roger McConico and seconded by Jim Sicora to adjourn.
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