2-17-1997OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION February 17, 1997 Members present: Linda Loomis, Rich Krahulec, Jim Vaughan, Jim Johnson, Jim Sicora, Tom Zins, Chuck Cahill and Roger McConico. Also present were Rick Birno, Sharyl Thompson, Rick Jacobson, Bill Huser and Bob Schmidt from Hidden Lakes Development, John Shardlow from Dahlgren, Shardlow, Anduban, Inc., and Kathy Bortnem and David Hanson. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Linda Loomis added the appointment of a Valley Square Block B Task Force member under "New Business". In addition to discussion on soccer registration, Rick Birno will review upcoming summer pro- grams. MINUTES - JANUARY 27, 1997 A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Jim Johnson to approve the minutes of January 27, 1997. Motion carried. RECOMMENDATION REGARDING PARK DEDICATION FOR HIDDEN LAKES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT The EAW for the Hidden Lakes development was accepted by City Council on February 4, 1997. The Council did not require further environmental study by the developer. The site plan will go to the Planning Commission on February 24`x'. John Shardlow from Dahlgren, Shardlow, Anduban, Inc. gave a presentation on the development, and answered questions. Tom Zins felt a trail as the only public open space was inadequate. He pointed out that the City's Comprehensive Plan indicates a park should be developed in that area. The developer stated that a park does not fit into the area. Linda Loomis pointed out that page ten of the Hidden Lakes PUD and preliminary plat submis- sion supplied by the developer stated that the neighborhoods include not only preserved open space, but also recreation areas that augment the city park system. The developer replied that a market survey of potential buyers indicated they only wanted trails for recreational purposes, and not other amenities. He further stated that the majority of homeowners will be empty nesters or senior citizens. Jim Vaughan inquired if the proposed trail would be paved or lit, and who would maintain it. The trail would be paved and lit with street lighting, and maintained by the homeowners association. M Tom Zins stated that the Open Space and Recreation Commission represents the community as a whole, and the lake should be available to all residents. He would like an area where the general public could go and feel comfortable (a sense of belonging). Roger McConico agreed with Tom Zins. He would like an area to launch a canoe or small row boat. This is the last opportunity the city has to make the lake available to the community. Jim Johnson asked how does anyone know that residents of the Hidden Lakes development in the future won't come back to the City asking for a park, and then it will be too late. He felt the City should not even consider accepting a cash settlement in lieu of land dedication for open space. Linda Loomis pointed out that she lives in a neighborhood of empty nesters, and although they do walk a great deal, they also play tennis and participate in other recreational activities. Chuck Cahill wondered if no park was developed in this area, could the existing parks handle an increase in usage. He also stated that the number of canoes allowed on the lake could be limited by the size of the parking lot. The question was asked as to whether or not a resident would be able to bring in a canoe and put it in the water at the bridge. Also, if new residents of the development have docks in the lake, how would they get their boats into the water? There would have to be some place for them to launch their boats. The developer said this hasn't been worked out yet. After much discussion, a motion was made by Chuck Cahill and seconded by Tom Zins to re- quest that the Council forward to the developer of the Hidden Lake area the following list of rec- ommendations for the site: lake front park, picnic area, fishing pier, carry -on boat access, trail to hook up with the Hennepin County trail, a small playground, and adequate parking, using up to the maximum amount of land allowed by the city ordinance for park land dedication. The motion was passed unanimously. FALL SOCCER PROGRAM REGISTRATION REVIEW A year ago, the Commission took a one year "wait and see" stand on whether or not full teams from local schools could register for fall soccer. Rick Birno presented the guidelines used for these teams being admitted into the fall soccer program. Linda Loomis reviewed the registration process approved at the meeting in January, 1995, where participants would be registered and placed on teams randomly, with no requests for certain teams and coaches honored, except in the case where a parent may coach his or her own child. She felt that allowing full teams to register contradicted this policy. She has received comments from parents who are angry that full teams are being allowed to register. Rich Krahulec agreed with Linda Loomis. He felt the only fair way to register would be ran- domly, as stated in the policy from January, 1995. After extensive discussion, a motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Chuck Cahill to revert back to the policy from January, 1995, where fall soccer registration does not allow for full teams to register. Yes - 4 No - 2 Abstain - 2. Motion carried. The issue was then raised that if full teams are not allowed to register for fall soccer, they should also not be allowed to register for youth basketball. A motion was made by Roger McConico and seconded by Rich Krahulec to extend the same policy to youth basketball. Yes - 4 No - 4 Motion defeated. SUMMER PROGRAM REVIEW Rick Birno provided the Commissioners with a summer program outline. New this year are: Catch, Kick & Throw, Football Camp, Outdoor Floor Hockey, A Trunk Full of Hats, and adding biking to the Hiking Explorers Club. AERIAL DEER SUR According the aerial survey, the deer population in Golden Valley is down by five over last year. A motion was made by Jim Johnson and seconded by Tom Zins to accept this report. Motion car- ried. OLD BUSINESS Linda Loomis reported that the permit process for the Schaper property development is pro- gressing. The total cost estimate is now at $2.7 million, with the majority of the expense going toward closing of the dump and improving water quality. The recreational portion of the project is estimated at $535,000, with trail construction costs being reimbursed by Hennepin Parks. Con- struction is scheduled to begin in 1997, with the hope the ballfields will be playable in 1998. NEW BUSINESS Valley Square Task Force This Task Force is being formed to make recommendations for what should be included in de- velopment of Block B. Roger McConico volunteered to serve on this Task Force as a representa- tive of the Open Space and Recreation Commission. A motion was made by Tom Zins and seconded by Jim Johnson to recommend Roger McConico as a representative to this Task Force. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Chuck Cahill and seconded by Jim Vaughan to adjourn. Motion carried. i