11-24-1997OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION November 24, 1997 Members present: Roger McConico, Rich Krahulec, Tom Zins, Linda Loomis, Chuck Cahill, Liz Elder. Also present were Al Lundstrom — City Forester, Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thomp- son. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Linda Loomis requested that a Teen Center be discussed under "New Business". MINUTES A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Roger McConico to approve the minutes of October 20, 1997. Motion carried. RECREATION REPORT — AL LUNDSTROM CITY FORESTER Al gave a printed report of forestry related activities over the past year. The occurrences of Dutch elm disease have decreased substantially. However, Oak Wilt disease is up slightly with 13 trees being diagnosed in twelve different locations in the City. Trimming of boulevard trees continues, and 193 new trees were planted this past year. Arbor Day was celebrated successfully at Noble Elementary School. Al and his seasonal assistant re- sponded to over 750 citizen inquiries related to tree diseases, planting, pruning, pest control, con- struction damage, tree removal and other landscape concerns. In addition, Al has served as a re- source person for School District #281, University of Minnesota, community television, and various community groups within Golden Valley. A seasonal tree inspector was hired for June through September. The primary responsibilities were diseased tree inspections and city-wide surveys for Dutch elm and oak wilt diseases, and responding to citizen requests for tree related consultations. A seasonal worker was also hired to maintain the Winnetka streetscape and Civic Center com- plex on a frill -time basis. Al Lundstrom worked with city engineers and Kunde Consulting on tree preservation efforts at the Hidden Lakes development project. For the eleventh consecutive year, Golden Valley met the criteria for Tree City USA standards. The Commission expressed appreciation to Al for the excellent, interesting report. GOLDEN VALLEY/ST. LOUIS PARK GOLF -SWIM EXCHANGE Rick Jacobson reviewed a report included in the agenda packet showing that St. Louis Park proc- essed 180 season pool passes to Golden Valley residents this past summer. The savings to Golden Valley residents were approximately $6,300. Brookview Golf Course sold 194 patron . cards to St. Louis Park residents. The savings to St. Louis Park residents were $6,400. A motion was made by Roger McConico and seconded by Chuck Cahill to continue the reci- procity agreement with St. Louis Park for another year. Motion carried. I1IDDEN LAKES PARK DEDICATION A new proposal has been presented by the developer of Hidden Lakes which increased the size of the park. The latest plan includes six parking places, an accessible dock, a shelter, picnic ta- bles and benches. A lengthy discussion was held regarding the matter. Although the Commission felt these changes were an improvement over previous plans, there were still some concerns. Much of the discus- sion centered around the motorized boat launch for use by the homeowners only being placed adjacent to the park. The Commission felt this gave an "elitist" message. Linda Loomis pointed out that the Commission earlier had recommended that the City turn down any money from the DNR because using this money would require opening up motorized boat access to all residents. The Commission prefers that only carry -on boats be placed on the lake. Placing a motorized boat launch for homeowners only adjacent to the public park area is sending a mixed message. After much discussion, a motion was made by Liz Elder and seconded by Tom Zins: The Open Space & Recreation Commission has reviewed the most recent plan regarding the park. The Commission is encouraged by the progress made. The following three changes are suggested: a. Extend the path from the road to the dock so wheelchairs won't have to go through the parking area b. Extend the dock to sixteen feet with a "T" at the end, similar to docks at the Min- neapolis lakes C. Relocate the homeowner only boat access away from the park area In addition, the Commission still believes the park area could be somewhat expanded in size. Motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS CIP Budget — Rick Jacobson reported that the park improvement plan was over-extended in the five-year CIP budget. The soccer field proposed at Medley Park was pulled out of the plan with the understanding that it could be put back in if necessary at a later date as funding and need dictates. NEW BUSINESS Linda Loomis reported that Mayor Mary Anderson requested that she bring up the subject of a teen center in Golden Valley. After some discussion, it was decided that more information was needed, and perhaps some of the people interested in a teen center could attend a future meeting. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Roger McConico and seconded by Rich Krahulec to adjourn. Motion car- ried. 1