January 25, 1999
Members present: Roger McConico, Jim Johnson, Tom Zins, Jim Sicora, Jim Vaughan, Chuck
Cahill, Liz Elder and Linda Loomis. Also present were residents Robyn Hanscom and Terri
MacPhail. Staff members present: Rick Jacobson, Rick Birno and Sharyl Thompson.
A motion was made by Roger McConico and seconded by Liz Elder to approve the minutes of
November 23, 1998. Motion carried.
Resident Robyn Hanscom had sent a letter to the Park & Recreation staff in early 1998 regarding
the fall soccer program. She requested that grade levels be used for forming teams rather than
ages. Her concern was six-year-old first graders who had never played before being on the same
team as eight-year-old third graders. At the time her letter was received, the program activities
Brochure had already gone to the printer so changes could not be made then. Robyn addressed
the Commission with her concerns. She felt that if age levels were used, the cut-off date for
birthdays should be August ls` rather than the end of October. Resident Terri MacPhail agreed
with Robyn.
Rick Birno explained how the program registration has been.done in the past. He also introduced
his plans for soccer for this coming fall. There would be a level added for mixed gender 5 & 6
year olds only, with the 7 & 8 year old level being split by gender.
After some discussion, Linda Loomis made a motion to go ahead with the program changes pro-
posed by Rick Birno, leave the birthday cut-off date as it has been, and show the option for play-
ers to move up a level in bold print in the Brochure. Chuck Cahill seconded the motion. Motion
carried. Both Terri and Robyn were comfortable with these changes.
Rick Birno handed out copies of the summer program outline. Chuck Cahill suggested that if
possible, the outline be made available for residents.
Rick Birno than informed the Commission that Rick Jacobson had been awarded the 1998
MRPA Clifton E. French Distinguished Service Award which is the highest award the State or-
ganization gives each year.
In 1996, resident Floyd Anderson had written a letter requesting that the City sell him the city lot
at the end of Adeline Lane, adjacent to his property on Sweeney Lake. At that time, the Commis-
sion recommended to the City Council not to sell this property. Mr. Anderson has written an-
other letter requesting reconsideration of that decision. He would like the property to be put up
for sale.
Chair Linda Loomis stated that she had spoken with the Mayor regarding this issue. The Mayor
and Council have requested a joint meeting the Open Space & Recreation Commission regarding
this issue, along with a few others. There will be no further discussion or action taken until after
the joint meeting.
Brunswick/Dakota Buffer — Linda Loomis has been in contact with the neighbors. They are still
trying to schedule a meeting.
Honeywell Little League Field — The City has made an offer to Honeywell for purchasing the
eleven acres surrounding the Little League field. To date, the City has not received a reply from
Skate Park — Rick Jacobson reported that the vendor (TruRide) from last year has decided not to
provide a portable skate park again this year. They want to stay primarily with building the
ramps, not running a program. Therefore, the skate park will not be operating this summer.
Resignation of Rich Krahulec — Rich Krahulec has moved out of the City of Golden Valley, and
therefore has submitted his resignation from the Commission. The Commission thanked Rich for
his many years of dedicated service to the City.
Joint Meeting with Citv Council — Linda Loomis mentioned that the following items may be dis-
cussed at the joint meeting with City Council:
Winter trail maintenance — how many kept open, etc.
Lot on Sweeney
Hidden Lakes Phase II
This joint meeting will be held on the fourth Monday of February at City Hall.
Publicity for Golden Valley Parks - Rick Jacobson included copies of two articles giving acco-
lades to Golden Valley parks. One was for the best tennis courts in the Twin Cities (Brookview),
and the other was an article on skating rink construction and maintenance featuring the Park
Maintenance crew in Golden Valley.
A motion was made by Jim Johnson and seconded by Tom Zins to adjourn. Motion carried.