2-28-2000CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES February 28, 2000 Members present: Liz Elder, Jim Johnson, Linda Loomis, Jim Vaughan, Jim Sicora, Tom Zins and Jerry Sandler. Also present were Rick Jacobson — Director of Parks & Recreation, Sheila Elliott — Administrative Secretary and Al Lundstrom — Environmental Coordinator. Golden Valley Residents present were Cathy Cope, Ken Schneider, Glen Eiden, Ardith Eiden, Jim Brickwedde, Amy Newman, Dan Newman and Bill Hume. Hennepin Parks representatives Del Miller and Tim Burkhardt. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS No changes or additions. MINUTES — JANUARY 24, 2000 Approval of minutes motioned by Jim Vaughan and seconded by Jerry Sandler. Motion carried. BRUNSWICK — DAKOTA/LAUREL AVENUE BUFFER Rick Jacobson introduced Bill Hume, who is a Golden Valley resident on Brunswick. Bill Hume and residents from this area have some concerns regarding the buffer strip between Brunswick/Dakota and Laurel Avenue. The major concerns are as follows: • Noise levels • Visibility of the commercial area from the Brunswick/Dakota neighborhood • Would like additional trees planted • Some neighbors spoke in favor of the construction of a berm, while other neighbors were not in favor of this concept After several residents spoke about the general concerns of this area, Al Lundstrom reviewed the original planting plan which was completed in 1988 as part of the Laurel Avenue greenbelt and compared what was planted to what is actually on site today. Al stated that tree canopy and brush cover approximately 80% of the area, and it appears that only two of the original 16 spruce trees are missing and all the viburnum are still in tact. The commission suggested that the residents try to arrive at a consensus about what they feel would be reasonable for the area and then meet with Al Lundstrom and discuss. The neighborhood was reminded that there has been no funding budgeted for planting on this sight. A representative from the neighborhood will contact Al after the neighbors have met. FORESTRY/BUCKTHORN UPDATE — AL LUNDSTROM Rick reviewed with the commission a letter received from Mary Moreira in which she expressed her concern regarding the Buckthorn in the Mary Hills Park area. Al Lundstrom then spoke in detail about Buckthorn and how it can be controlled. After an extensive discussion, Al mentioned that the city is considering a natural resource inventory of its city land, parks and open space areas. He then went on to say that if this inventory were done, that would be an ideal time to identify various undesirable species in these areas, evaluate and prioritize a plan for dealing with the undesirable plants if it were decided necessary and practical, along with a cost analysis. The commission felt this would be the most logical way to evaluate the problem, rather than, on a complaint basis. 1 101 FIRST TIER CITIES — TRAIL & GREENWAY PLAN Del & Tim from Hennepin Parks were present to discuss future plans for creating trails connecting the suburban area from Brooklyn Center south to Richfield. They gave a brief overview of the entire project, which includes connecting trails between ten cities. Representatives from the various cities have been meeting several months to formulate the conceptual plan. They then moved on to two specific connections through Golden Valley, which would be in addition to the North Hennepin Regional Trail. The first connection would be from the proposed Highway 100 overpass, (between 36`h Avenue North and Duluth Street) and would eventually connect to Theodore Wirth Park. The second possible trail, if the railroad were ever abandoned, would be along the Canadian Pacific rail line, which traverses Golden Valley from the northwest to the southeast. Both of these trail segments were incorporated into the recently revised transportation and park sections of the comprehensive plan. RECEIPT OF ANNUAL DEER SURVEY The commission received and filed the annual deer survey. OLD BUSINESS Jerry Sandler asked about the Meadowbrook gyms. Rick Jacobson updated the commission on the current status of this project. NEW BUSINESS Rick Jacobson announced to the commission the resignation of Rick Birno, who will be taking the position of Recreation Superintendent of St. Louis Park. Linda Loomis gave a brief update on the current status of the Laurel Avenue/Winnetka Committee. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Jim Sicora and seconded by Jerry Sandler to adjourn. Motion carried. L