2-25-2002Members Present: Liz Elder, Jim Johnson, Jim Vaughan, Lance Ness, Tom Zins and Jerry Sandler. Also present were Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks & Recreation; Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Secretary; Brian Erickson, Recreation Supervisor. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Lance Ness added an item regarding grants from the DNR. ELECTION OF CHAIR / VICE -CHAIR A motion was made by Tom Zins and seconded by Jim Johnson to elect Jerry Sandler for Chair. A motion was then made by Lance Ness and seconded by Tom Zins to elect Jim Vaughan for Vice -chair. Both motions carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of the minutes from the January 28, 2002 meeting were moved by Lance Ness and seconded by Jim Vaughan. Motion carried. E -CONNECT — ON-LINE PROGRAM REGISTRATION Rick Jacobson distributed information on E -Connect, which will allow for on-line registration of our recreation programs. He then went into detail about the system allowing the Commission to ask questions. Jim Vaughan asked what percent of residents would use the system. Rick explained that a recent city survey indicated high interest in program registration through internet access. He also mentioned that other cities using this system had moderate usage at first, but over time, usage increased. RECREATION REPORT — BRIAN ERICKSON Brian Erickson, Recreation Supervisor, gave the Commission details on summer programs. He then answered questions from the Commission. Liz Elder asked about summer softball league for kids. Brian explained that our Girls Slowpitch Softball program has been changed to a co-ed program. RECREATION PROGRAM FEES, CHARGES & BUDGET REVIEW Rick Jacobson distributed to the Commission, a copy of the revised Recreation Program Fees and Charges, which include a general increase to help recover funds lost through state cuts. He then gave an overview of what expenditure reductions the Council accepted at its February 9th workshop. After some discussion, a motion was made by Jerry Sandler to increase fees and/or defer some capital improvements, as opposed to cutting hours at skating rinks or cutting recreation programs, such as Monday family Concerts or maintenance on youth athletic fields. Lance Ness seconded. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was then made by Jim Johnson and seconded by Jerry Sandler to approve the increased revised Fees & Charges. Motion carried unanimously. I r� r1, ORSC Minutes 2/25/02 Page 2 GOLDEN VALLEY ROTARY DONATION Rick Jacobson announced that the Golden Valley Rotary is considering donating $30,000.00 to the City. Their first suggestion for the donation was a Gazebo in grookview Park. They have now decided they would like the donation used for a Tier 1 Skate Park. Rick explained that to build a decent Tier 1 Skate Park, would cost around $50,000.00 if it could be placed on existing asphalt. The Commission discussed different options for bringing a Skate Park to Golden Valley. One option was to use the Golden Valley City Hall parking lot as the site and lease the equipment if vendors were willing to do so. A motion was made by Jim Johnson for the staff to investigate the possibility of using a portion of the City Hall parking lot and leasing the equipment. Jim Vaughan seconded. Motion carried unanimously. RESCHEDULE MARCH MEETING DATE Due to vacations in late March, it was decided to cancel the March meeting. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Lance Ness made the Commission aware that the DNR has made funds available through Metro Greenways for a regional network of natural areas, parks and other open spaces interconnected by ecological corridors in the seven county metropolitan region. Lance provided a packet of information and asked that it be made available to the Environmental Commission. Rick Jacobson offered to forward the information to Al Lundstrom who works with the Environmental Commission. ADJOURNMENT A motion to adjourn was made by Lance Ness and seconded by Jerry Sandler. 1