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Open Space & Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes for September 23, 2002
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Present: Liz Elder, Roger McConico, Tom Zins, Chuck Cahill, Jim Vaughan, Jerry Sandler, Lance
Ness and Tom Kuelbs.
City Staff: Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks & Recreation
Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant
Greg Spencer, Golf Course Superintendent
Absent: Jim Johnson
Jerry Sandler requested to discuss Tobacco in the Parks with the Old Business.
MOTION: Moved by Roger McConico, seconded by Liz Elder, to approve the minutes.
Motion carried.
Dave Jorstad gave the Commission an overview of his history with the Phoenix Soccer program.
He then gave an update on the Summer 2002 season. He stated that there were 312 participants
registered for the in-house program, 164 registered for the traveling program, and 102 adults registered
for coaching, assistant coaching, etc.; for a total of 570 people registered last season. Dave stated that
registration for the traveling program was up from last year and that they are looking at possibly having
tryouts in the future.
Dave also gave an update on the Fall 2002 traveling program. He said that because of the City fall
soccer program, there is not a Phoenix in-house program offered in the fall, but that there are 109 youth
registered and 20 adult coaching participants for the traveling program this season.
Dave also discussed a beneficial transition soon to take effect called small -sided play. This consists of six
youth playing on each team and playing on smaller fields. The benefit of small -sided play is that they will
be able to create more teams with the registered participants and they will play on smaller fields, which
gives them more time with the ball.
Dave gave the Commission an opportunity to ask questions. Jim Vaughan wanted to know how they
determine teams. Dave said they are determined first by geography, then school, and then friend
requests. Rick Jacobson asked if there has been a struggle with supplying coaches. Dave told him that
there hasn't and that it really help that they offer coaching clinics to instruct them.
Rick Jacobson brought up a discussion that has been taking place between Golden Valley Park &
Recreation and the Phoenix Soccer program regarding the potential transfer of Phoenix activities to the
fields at Sandburg Park and some Adult Softball activities to two fields at Lions Park where Phoenix
Chuck Cahill elaborated by adding that the soccer program would get more field space at Sandburg,
which would allow for small -sided play, as well as, full sized field play.
Liz asked about the impact on participants of moving Phoenix from Lions to Sandburg. Chuck replied that
the Phoenix Board felt the added space at Sandburg would justify the change of location.
Jerry made the comment that when Schaper was built, Lions was going to be more youth oriented and he
wondered if bringing adults back on two fields, two or three days a week, would cause neighborhood
concern. Rick answered that adults were not moved from Lions because of neighborhood concern, but
with some adult teams moving the Schaper, Lions would be used for youth.
Rick Jacobson suggested a meeting with Tom Klatt, the Public Works Maintenance Manager, to discuss
the issue more in depth. A meeting will be set up in the near future.
Greg Spencer gave the Commission an update on Brookview Golf Course. He stated that this
Spring/Summer is the wettest on record. He also told the Commission that the business is down 14-15%
from last year and that all golf courses are experiencing this as well.
Greg then discussed different projects taking place on the golf course. The 14th hole, which is normally a
Par 4, is now a Par 3 due to damage from the varying water levels. He stated that the are are looking at
raising the 14th Fairway to avoid future damage and/or problems. The pond on the 18t hole has washed
out the retaining wall. Greg said that they are going to take out the wall and try implementing riprap in its
place sometime this winter. Hole #17, a Par 3 has been lengthened from 126 to 155 yards.
Greg stated that there has been financial cut backs due to less golfers, which means that there is basic
maintenance taking place and less improving.
1) Wirth Beach Study Update — Roger McConico gave an update on the issues that were discussed
at the last meeting on September 12th. He explained that the biggest concern is the maintenance
of the beach, grounds and building. Roger then stated that the plan is to take down the existing
building and rebuild it with no changing room but add the possibility of concessions, redo the
beach area and add new ADA accessible play equipment. He also announced the next meeting
dates, which are October 3`d and October 24th
2) Tobacco use at Parks — Jerry Sandler expressed his concern with tobacco in the parks. He also
explained that more parks in other cities are doing it and feels it's worth considering for Golden
Valley. Rick Jacobson said that he would pursue having a tobacco free representative come and
talk to the Commission at a future meeting.
1) Embrace Open Space Campaign — Rick Jacobson explained that Linda Loomis passed along
info on the event and wanted the Commission to be aware.
MOTION: Moved by Lance Ness, seconded by Roger McConico. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.