o en Valley
Open Space & Recreation Commission
& Environmental Commission
Joint Meeting Minutes for
October 28, 2002
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Open Space & Recreation Commission: Roger McConico, Tom Zins, Chuck Cahill, Jim
Vaughan, Jerry Sandler, Jim Johnson, Lance Ness and Tom Kuelbs, Jr.
Environmental Commission: Richard Baker, Sue Hess, Dawn Hill, Alan Kuentz and
Sara Peterson
City Staff: Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks & Recreation
Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Secretary
Absent: Open Space & Recreation Commission: Liz Elder
Environmental Commission: Alicia Brown
IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —September 23, 2002
MOTION: Moved by Lance Ness, seconded by Chuck Cahill, to approve the minutes.
Motion carried.
V. 2003 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM UPDATE (Joint with Environmental Commission)
Oliver introduced the discussion of the proposed 2003 Pavement Management Program (PMP). He
asked that questions be held until the end of the presentation. Lundstrom distributed location maps of
the project area. This area is roughly defined as all the local streets south of Trunk Highway 55, north of
1-394, east of General Mills Boulevard, and west of Jersey Avenue, except Harold Avenue, and including
Lions Park, the Western Avenue wetland, Winnetka Avenue and Brookview Park. Oliver stated that the
three primary topics involved with this project are problematic (highly organic, structurally poor) soils;
presence of the Bassett Creek floodplain (as impacts Brookview Park); and desire for traffic -calming on
Laurel and Winnetka Avenues. Oliver defined the proposed project, pedestrian and traffic -calming
improvements to the two Commissions
Another proposal involves improvements to an existing pond at the northwestern corner of Western and
Winnetka Avenues. This pond's shallowness (approximately two feet deep) does not allow for any water
quality treatment. Solids, nutrients and sediments do not settle out. Staff is considering dredging this
pond to provide additional volume for settlement, and adding a buffer strip. Also being looked at are the
impacts of the fountain in the pond. Water quality effects may be amplified by the fountain's presence by
suspending a lot of the nutrients that have previously settled out, and reintroducing them into the water
body. Council Member LeSuer asked if the pond's proximity to the golf course created any of these
nutrient effects (due to fertilizers, etc.). Oliver responded that Golden Valley has been using phosphorus -
free fertilizers for a number of years, and feels that the majority of the effects are due to naturally
decaying vegetation.
Oliver noted one of the last aspects of the improvements includes a proposal to reconstruct the parking
lot at Brookview Community Center. Glen Van Wormer of SEH pointed out three items being considered
for improvement in the Brookview parking lot: attention to the lot's surface, traffic flow through the lot and
a desire to increase parking. Problems occurring in this area include confusing traffic flow due to
pavement marking for those unfamiliar with the area, and frequent golf cart traffic.
The last proposed improvement discussed was traffic -calming on Winnetka Avenue. Oliver noted
concerns about the speed of traffic on Winnetka Avenue, and volume of traffic on Laurel and Winnetka
Avenues, and desires to calm this traffic. The proposal features the introduction of a raised median on
Laurel Avenue, Harold Avenue and Western Avenue, addition of landscaping on the medians (similar to
that on Golden Valley Road and Xenia Avenue), changes to sidewalks, channelization of the roadways
and use of different pavement styles. Veronica Anderson of SEH described some of the details of the
landscaping, including perennial gardens, split rail fences and use of street poles.
Members from both Commissions asked a variety of questions about the proposed project. Staff
responded accordingly. Jacobson asked about the timetable of this project. Oliver said that the project is
proposed as one contract over a two-year (2003-04) period. The KARE-11 neighborhood has been
designated for construction specifically in 2003. Jacobson noted that Brookview has heavy usage in the
summer months, and would need consideration of that fact. Oliver commented that accommodating this
would not be a problem.
Hess excused herself at 8:00.
The Environmental Commission and Open Space & Recreation Commission broke into their own
respective groups at 8:20 pm to continue individual commission agenda topics.
After the joint meeting, the Open Space & Recreation Commission discussed the Brookview Community
Center parking lot proposed design. After detailed discussion, the Commission decided upon a motion.
MOTION: Moved by Roger McConico and seconded by Lance Ness, to leave the parking lot spaces angled
and the flow of traffic as is, putting medians on the north and south ends to direct traffic, and if
possible, create additional parking on the southeast end of lot. Motion carried unanimously.
Jim Vaughan also suggested that if feasible, adding some type of walkway markings on the pavement in the
parking lot that would identify the walkway that leads from the lot to the building. The Commission members all
Rick Jacobson gave the Commission an update from the October 9th Council Workshop. He stated that
the Council had requested staff to present two budgets at the workshop, one with a 0% increase and one
with a 3% increase.
Three cuts were discussed that would affect the Park and Recreation Department:
1) Concerts in the Park ($3,000)
2) Skating Rinks ($3,500)
3) Seasonal Park Maintenance Employees ($18,000)
Tom Kuelbs, Jr. suggested that possibly Civic Groups or businesses might be willing to sponsor the
Concerts. Rick Jacobson then added that City Policy states that staff cannot solicit funds for events or
Roger McConico distributed minutes from previous meetings and explained what has taken place to date.
He then stated that the last meeting was postponed due to the fact that they would like an Architect
present. The plan is to have the Architect attend a future meeting.
Rick Jacobson distributed a letter that was sent to him from a resident of Dover Hill. The letter thanked
the Park and Recreation staff for the improvements to the Pennsylvania Woods area, which included
asphalting of the trails.
Jerry Sandler asked about the gabion at Schaper Park. Rick Jacobson informed the Commission that the
gabion was in and final clean up was under way.
Jerry Sandler then asked if the electrical work regarding interior security lights at the park shelters was
finished. Rick Jacobson stated that the lights were in and operating.
Jerrry Sandler asked what the status was of the $30,000 donation from the Rotary. Rick Jacobson told
the Commission that the money was not being used for a skate park since one had opened in Golden
Valley and that it would be redirected to another City program.
Jerry Sandler also asked how on-line registration was operating. Sheila Van Sloun answered that there
had been over 500 Spring/ Summer registrations done on-line.
Chuck Cahill asked about the status of the golf course. Rick Jacobson told the Commission that business
picked up a little in September. But the month of October has been slower due to the poor weather
MOTION: Moved by Lance Ness, seconded by Roger McConico. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.