11-25-2002.4i W�rM�ng.. oaalley Open Space & Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes Brookview Community Center November 25, 2002 — 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Present: Liz Elder, Chuck Cahill, Tom Kuelbs, Jr., Jim Vaughan, Tom Zins, Jim Johnson, Lance Ness and Jerry Sandler. City Staff: Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks & Recreation Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Secretary Brian Erickson, Recreation Supervisor Jeff Oliver, City Engineer Others Present: Glen Van Wormer, SEH Absent: Roger McConico AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — September 23, 2002 MOTION: Moved by Chuck Cahill, seconded by Tom Zins, to approve the minutes. Motion carried. BROOKVIEW PARKWAY AND PARKING LOT DESIGN Jeff Oliver, City Engineer and Glen Van Wormer, SEH Representative, presented a proposed parking lot design. The proposed design consists of the following: • 90 degree parking with 20-24 foot drive lanes for two way traffic • Two-way traffic on both the east and west drive lanes • A median on the north end of the lot to split traffic heading south • A new curb at the south entrance to direct traffic into the lot • 20-25 additional parking spaces Jerry Sandler then expressed concern for the seniors, stating that it is easier to get in and out of the current 60 degree angled parking and thought it may be more difficult with 90 degree straight parking. 1 1 1 BROOKVIEW PARKWAY AND PARKING LOT DESIGN (cont.) Jerry also said that he thought having two-way traffic would cause more congestion and commotion, especially with golf carts and delivery trucks sharing the lanes. Glen Van Wormer stated he has observed facilities with this type of lot design and felt the proposed would have less congestion and be more orderly. Jerry Sandler asked staff how they felt about the new design. Rick stated that it had been discussed at a staff meeting and the consensus was that with limited space for drive lanes, the angled parking was preferred because it provided easier parking access, then 90 -degree spots. Barb Bailey felt angled parking was much easier for seniors to use. Jerry then asked each commissioner for their opinion of the new design. After additional discussion, the following motion was made. MOTION: Moved by Lance Ness and seconded by Jim Vaughan to accept the new 90 -degree, two-way plan. Motion carried (Ayes -7, Nays -1). It was then requested that the Engineer meet with Barb Bailey to discuss the options. Discussion then turned to Brookview Parkway. Jeff Oliver explained that the Parkway, all park parking lots and Western Avenue will be reconstructed with curbs and gutters. He also stated that parking will be allowed only on the park side of the road. Jeff explained that it is expected that the work will be done this summer. Rick mentioned that timing is critical because of the heavy park use and that with picnic shelter reservations being taken in mid-January, we need to let users know there will be extensive construction in progress. VI. RECREATION REPORT — BRIAN ERICKSON Brian Erickson distributed a summary of the 2002 summer programs. He explained highlights from the summer and answered questions from the Commission. Tom Kuelbs, Jr. asked why the attendance for Supervised Batting Practice was down. Liz Elder mentioned that she thinks the numbers may be down because the kids remembered waiting around a lot, therefore not getting as much hitting practice as desired. Rick explained that when numbers were higher there was waiting and kids would help field balls. Liz Elder suggested offering Girls Volleyball and LaCrosse. Tom Kuelbs, Jr. suggested a Rock Climbing wall. VII. FEES & CHARGES Rick Jacobson explained the fees and charges for the upcoming year and answered questions. MOTION: Moved by Jim Johnson and seconded by Liz Elder, to approve the fees and charges for 2003. Motion carried unanimously. VIII. BUDGET UPDATE Rick Jacobson discussed Concerts in the Park, explaining that they are cut for 2003 due primarily to the park area construction, but will be added again in 2004. IX. WIRTH BEACH STUDY UPDATE No updated. X. OTHER BUSINESS Jerry Sandler asked about having someone come and speak about tobacco use in the parks. Rick Jacobson explained that he would try and arrange for someone to be present at the January meeting. Tom Kuelbs, Jr. expressed concern about waste receptacles and dog waste on trails in the General Mills Research area. Rick said that he would talk with Park Maintenance about the situation. XI. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Lance Ness, seconded by Chuck Cahill to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. 1 1 1