4-26-2004I. CALL TO ORDER Sandler called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. James Heine, new Open Space member, was introduced to the Commission and gave a brief introduction of himself. Sandler welcomed James Heine, the new Commission member, and then expressed how proud he is of the Commission and staff for all the work they do. II. ROLL CALL Present: Open Space and Recreation Commission: Roger McConico, Tom Zins, Chuck Cahill, Jerry Sandler, Jim Johnson, James Heine, Tom Kuelbs. City Staff Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Barb Bailey, Senior Citizen Coordinator; Sheila Van Sloun, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant. Absent: Open Space and Recreation Commission: Liz Elder, Jim Vaughan. III. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Additions 1) Envision Sub -Committee Update 2) Capital Improvement Program IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - lanuary26, 2004 MOTION: Moved by McConico and seconded by Kuelbs to approve the minutes. Motion carried unanimously. V. RECREATION REPORT - Barb Bailey 1) Senior Program Report Bailey distributed her annual report and gave details on her programs which include: Four new Advisory Committee members, new Dominoes group, Senior Golf League which meets Thursday mornings, expansion of the Painting class, offering of Bridge class at Covenant Village, and the addition of a Caregiver Support Program. Bailey also stated that twenty-one day trips and four over night trips were taken last year. She added that trip attendance has declined, which she thought may be due to an increase in fees. Bailey presented at the National Recreation and Park Association conference in St. Louis, Missouri. She explained that an intern who attended the session contacted her requesting to do her field work at Golden Valley with Bailey. Bailey will be working with the intern, who is from Southern Illinois University, May 10 - June 18. McConico asked about offering computer classes to Senior's. Bailey explained that she has offered classes in the past. She hasn't been able to find another instructor that will offer the class at a reasonable rate. 2) Welcome Back to Brookview Park event Bailey gave details on the event which takes place June 7 from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. She explained that there will be food, entertainment and other fun activities for the whole family. Bailey added that a donation from the Golden Valley Federated Women's Club will be used for band concerts at Brookview Park this year. Bailey also explained that two board members from the Golden Valley Federated Women's Club met with her and Jacobson to discuss their interest in organizing a drive to raise money for a performance area at Brookview Park. 3) Golden Valley Days Bailey gave details on the event scheduled for May 22 under the water tower at City Hall. The event will include music, art on display and for sale, children's activities and food. This annual event is sponsored by the Golden Valley Community Events Fund, which is organized by residents and businesses of Golden Valley to organize, promote, and conduct social and cultural events in the city. VI. WIRTH PARK WINTER RECREATION MASTER PLAN AND OFF-ROAD CYLING AREA Jacobson explained that the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is looking at a renovation of the Wirth Park Recreation Area. Jacobson distributed a layout of the proposed renovations and explained that they are trying to get more in tune with what people are into, by eliminating a few ski areas and adding snowboarding slopes, adding tubing/sledding areas, a cross country ski area, and new snow making equipment. Jacobson said that it was suggested to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to schedule a presentation of the project to Golden Valley commissions. Sandler inquired about funding for the project. Jacobson said that the project appears to be scheduled over a couple years as funding allows. VII. JOHN BRENNA MEMORIAL Jacobson explained that Mayor Loomis was contacted by the family of John Brenna. Mr. Brenna was the Park and Recreation Director in Golden Valley from 1961-1981. Jacobson then gave details on a request from John Brenna's family for a memorial in Golden Valley. Jacobson will be in contact with the family regarding their memorial. 2 VIII. ARIEL DEER SURVEY Jacobson stated that in previous years the survey results have been in the low to mid 30's and this year it jumped up to 88. Recorded deer locations are; 24 in the west area, 42 in the east area, and 22 in Wirth Park. IX. OLD BUSINESS 1) Sidewalk & Trail Policy Update Jacobson said that recommendations from the Open Space and Environmental Commissions were taken and put together into one policy and presented at the Council workshop in February. Jacobson explained that after input from the Council, as well as, recommendations from the City Attorney, to add language pertaining to the American's With Disabilities Act and the Minnesota Human Rights Act, the policy will be discussed at the May Council/Manager meeting with possible Council adoption later in the month. 2) Luce Line Trail Update Jacobson gave an update of the last meeting with Representatives from Three Rivers Park District. He explained that Three Rivers has agreed to hire a consultant to study the corridor and look at the options for completing the trail thru Golden Valley. 3) Envision Sub -Committee Update - Tom Zins Zins gave details on the sub -committee's last meeting which included discussion on numerous ideas for community activities. Zins commented on several of the ideas, with more information to come at a later date. X. OTHER BUSINESS 1) Capital Improvement Program Jacobson reviewed this years projects and the five year program with the Commission and requested input for 2005 thru 2010 Capital Improvement Program. He then gave details on the bidding process that took place for the renovations at the Gearty Park tennis courts. Due to bids submitted being over budget, Jacobson explained that the City is going to rebid the project. XI. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Cahill, seconded by McConico to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 1