8-23-2004tbwnlley OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Minutes Brookview Community Center Monday, August 23, 2004 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Sandler called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Present: Open Space and Recreation Commission: Liz Elder, Roger McConico, Tom Zins, Chuck Cahill, Jim Vaughan, Jerry Sandler, Jim Johnson and James Heine. City Staff Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Kris Tovson, Golf Course Manager; Al Lundstrom, Environmental Coordinator; Sheila Van Sloun, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant. Absent: Open Space and Recreation Commission: Tom Kuelbs 1111111. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Addition made to Old Business: - South Tyrol Park Update IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — June 28, 2004 MOTION: Moved by Zins and seconded by Heine to approve the minutes. Motion carried unanimously. V. FORESTRY REPORT — All Lundstrom Lundstrom explained that in 1977 the City hit its peak for Dutch Elm disease. He said that two years ago, numbers were in the 200's, last year they marked 400 trees and this year numbers are in the 600's, not including diseased elms on General Mills property. Lundstrom explained that General Mills has been removing diseased elms and forwarding the numbers to the City. Lundstrom explained that after a tree is marked, the City then sends out notices and gives residents 20 days to remove the tree. If trees are not removed within 20 days, the City will have the tree removed and assess the cost of removal to the property owner. Lundstrom explained that for liability reasons, the 1 City doesn't get involved in tree removal on private property. He also said that residents are finding contractors to remove the trees usually within the 20 day limit. VI. LAKEVIEW PARK POND STUDY — All Lundstrom Lundstrom explained that the cities Storm Water Management Plan identifies storm water ponds for flood control and water quality. The plan, which was completed in 1999, identified several locations for potential storm water ponds; Lakeview Park was included as a possible location. A feasibility report was recently done to determine if a pond in Lakeview Park would be technically feasible; and if feasible, to determine a preliminary layout and cost estimate of the pond. Lundstrom explained that the Bassett Creek Water Management Commission's (BCWMC) CIP identified the area of Boone Ave/Hwy 55 as a potential pond project area. Because the City is currently working in that area well ahead of the scheduled year in the BCWMC CIP, which doesn't identify the project until 2007, the watershed could not fund the pond project. Therefore, there are funds in the 2007 Bassett Creek Water Shed CIP that are not getting utilized because we had to start the flood plain project at Boone Ave/Hwy 55. Lundstrom said that he has been directed to write a letter to the BCWMC for the Council to approve, asking to keep those funds available to potentially use for the Lakeview project in 2007, should it be approved. Lundstrom explained that the goals of the Lakeview Park project are to improve water quality in Medicine Lake, reduce/eliminate flooding to homes around Lakeview and to create an amenity (pond) for the park. He said that this is also an opportunity in 2007 to look at renovating the entire park. The . Commission then discussed possible renovations. Sandler asked Jacobson if there have been any inquiries about renovations to the area. Jacobson said that there hasn't been any recent requests. Zins said that the residents in the area should be informed well in advance. Other Commission members agreed. Cahill said that it would be great if improvements in the park would result in a more usable ball/soccer field. Zins said that adding a pond to the park would mostly benefit the Water Shed District and the City of Plymouth and those living on Medicine Lake. He feels that improving the park is a way of justifying the addition of a pond, which takes up park space and felt that funding for the park master plan study, and improvements, should be paid for by the BCWMC since it's the pond dictating re -organization of the park. Several Commissioners agreed. VI1. BROOKVIEW GOLF UPDATE — Kris Tovson Tovson explained that golfing is down nationwide and that they are trying to generate more rounds of golf through various promotions. Tovson believes that weather has been a big factor in the amount of play, but also the parking lot repaving last year and the Winnetka Avenue closure contributed as well. Tovson explained that golf courses in Minnesota are down 4-7% in revenue this year. She explained that Brookview is in the 4% range. She also said that Brookview is in the top 6-9 busiest golf courses in the state. 2 Tovson said that Golf Maintenance is taking excellent care of the course. Tovson said that the Brookview Junior Boys Golf team through the Minnesota Golf Association finished first in their district, second in the region and fifth in state. Tovson discussed events and classes, such as: Learn While You Play, Bring Your family to the Golf Course Week, Women's State Senior Tournament and the Golden Valley Foundation Tournament. She also said that there are several company outings in August and September and that the Grill has been busy catering events. Zins asked when the best years were. Tovson explained that the best years were in the late 80's to early 90's when they exceed $2 million in revenue and were up to 54,000 rounds. She explained that the best year ever was in 1987-88 when we had and extremely dry season and rounds were up to 58,000. Jacobson said the pool/golf exchange program with St. Louis Park has benefited us as well as St. Louis Park. VI11. OLD BUSINESS South Tyrol Trail Sandler said the Council did approve the paving of the trail with a vote of 4-1, and that it has already been paved and turned out very well. Applebee's in Golden Valley Jacobson talked about the new Applebee's in Golden Valley. He said that Youth Athletic Associations were contacted to donate items for display in the new restaurant. Brookview Park Performance Area Jacobson explained that the Golden Valley Federated Women's Club is hosting a fashion show and silent auction at Golden Valley Country Club on Saturday, October 23rd from which the proceeds will be used to go towards the proposed performance area at Brookview, which is identified for 2006 in the CIP. IX. OTHER BUSINESS None. X. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Johnson, seconded by McConico to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 1 M