9-27-2004CALL TO ORDER Sandler called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL IV. V. Present: Tom Zins, Chuck Cahill, Jim Vaughan, Jerry Sandler, Jim Johnson, James Heine, Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Brian Erickson, Recreation Supervisor; and Sheila Van Sloun, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant. Absent: Tom Kuelbs, Liz Elder and Roger McConico. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — August 23, 2004 MOTION: Moved by Johnson and seconded by Cahill to approve the minutes. Motion carried unanimously. REREATION REPORT — Brian Erickson Erickson began by discussing the youth soccer program. He explained there are 10 junior teams for K-15� grade and 16 youth teams for grades 2-7. Games started September 11 and go thru the last week in October. Erickson explained that there are 16 adult soccer teams that play games thru mid-October. Erickson said he has 12 participants in his fall drama club which is held on Fridays thru November 12. The final performance will be held on November 12 at 7:00 p.m. at Noble Elementary. He said that Friday evenings is working out well and explained that he will be offering it again this winter. He also discussed the Monster Mash Teen Dance which will be held on Friday, October 29`x' at Crystal Community Center and Spooktacular for kids 4-9 years old on Saturday, October 30''. Both programs are run in conjunction with Crystal, Robbinsdale and New Hope. Johnson thanked Erickson for his work and contribution to the City and said he was doing a great job. The Commission all agreed. VI. WARMING HOUSE SCHEDULE — Hours of Operation Erickson began by distributing a job description for Warming House Attendants which included the hours. He then explained that he is requesting a change to the time the warming houses open during winter break from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon, Monday thru Friday, due to lack of attendance and to provide Park Maintenance with more time for ice preparation. MOTION: After some discussion, motion moved by Vaughan and seconded by Heine to approve the warming houses open at 12:00 Noon instead of 10:00 a.m., Monday thru Friday, during winter break. Motion carried unanimously. VII. RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEES Jacobson explained fee increases and gave details on individual areas of interest on the fee comparison. Various Commissioners commented on the wide variety of programs as well as the fact that they felt users were getting a great value for the fee charges. They said they felt it's a great opportunity for the community. MOTION: Moved by Johnson and seconded by Heine to approve the fees as published. Motion carried unanimously. VIII. OLD BUSINESS Lakeview Park Pond Jacobson explained that there are funds in the 2007 Bassett Creek Water Management Commission's CIP that are not getting utilized because the City had to start the flood plain project at Boone Ave/Hwy 55. Because the City is currently working in that area well ahead of the scheduled year identified in the BCWMC CIP, the watershed could not fund that pond project. The City wants to substitute the Lakeview project in 2007 for that same money if BCWMC would agree. Jacobson said the Council did recommend that staff submit a letter to the BCWMC to request the substitution project. He also said that the Council suggested that if the pond in Lakeview Park proceeds, that a master plan be done for the park area. He said that money will be budgeted in 2006 to create a master plan, if the Lakeview project moves ahead. IX. OTHER BUSINESS Sandler said that Little League is doing a baseball glove drive for kids in Poland. He said if anyone has old gloves to let him know. Jacobson said that Applebee's is still looking for items regarding home town hero's for their new store and they should contact Cheryl Weiler if they have anything. Jacobson announced that Paula Pentel was appointed the new Council member. X. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Zins to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.