11-28-11 OSRC Agenda city of golden valle � OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Agenda Brookview Community Center Monday, November 28, 2011 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Roger Bergman John Cornelius Brad Kadue Kelly Kuebelbeck Bob Mattison Emily Piper Anne Saffert Jerry Sandler, Chair Dan Steinberg 3. Approval of Minutes—October 24, 2011 4. CommonPlace Golden Valley—Jeremy Foreman 5. Wirth Park Update—Damon Struyk 6. Honeywell Little League Project 7. Updates 8. Adj ournment L` 1"�f�:dc►�ur�ent i����ilab�e i��Itern�#���r€na�s���z��,7��I��ur re���s��Pl�a�e c�l[ 763°593-8�0��:�b�-5�9�-��6�)#c�m����r�t.��t, Ea��rrt����crf�i'��rn,���e f�rrrt�� t � may include�����;l�rge`p�irrt,�l������i�,;Brai�l�,a�di�c����tt�,�tc,. GOLDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes October 24, 2011 1. Call to Order Sandler called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2. Roll Call Present: John Cornelius, Bob Mattison, Anne Saffert, Jerry Sandler, Dan Steinberg, Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Brian Erickson, Recreation Supervisor, and Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant. Absent: Roger Bergman, Brad Kadue, Kelly Kuebelbeck and Emily Piper. 3. Aqenda Chanqes or Additions None made. 4. Approval of Minutes—September 26, 2011 MOTION: MOVED by Steinberg and seconded by Mattison to approve the September 26 meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Introduction of Golden Vallev's Our Common Place Website Jacobson gave an overview of the new website. He explained the purpose of the site is to act as an online community bulletin board to share events, needs and announcements. Sandler suggested publicizing recreation programs on the website. Jacobson said anyone can go the site and log-in and create a profile. 6. Phoenix Soccer Club Update—Steve Parks Parks, Phoenix Soccer's Field Coordinator, gave an overview of the soccer clubs needs and thoughts on future uses. Sandler then gave a brief history and project ideas that were discussed for the recent Hennepin County Youth Sports Grant program, regarding the Little League fields as well as thoughts for future projects. Parks plans to go back to the soccer club and discuss the information he received. Sandler reassured Parks that changes to field use would not take place without input from the affected associations. 7. Recreation Report— Brian Erickson Erickson gave an update on summer programs stating it was another successful summer. Summer programs ended with the Penny Carnival on Friday, July 29. The event had many volunteers come forward and was a huge success. Erickson then updated the commission on current and upcoming programs. Minutes of the Golden Valley Open Space and Recreation Commission October 24,2011 Page 2 Youth Fall Soccer has six junior teams and eight youth teams and will be wrapping up its season next week. Erickson had 25 volunteer coaches assist with the program this year. Adult soccer has 12 teams and will conclude this weekend with a tournament. Erickson will staff seven warming houses at skating rinks this season. He is currently taking applications for Warming House Attendants. New this year, all applications need to be completed electronically through the city's website. The annual monster Mash Teen Dance will take place on Friday, October 29 at Crystal Community Center. The program is run in cooperation with Crystal, Robbinsdale and New Hope. 8. Fees and Charpes Jacobson gave an overview of the proposed fees and charges for 2012. Sandler asked if we have received any feedback with the non-resident rate. Jacobson said there has not. MOTION: MOVED by Steinberg and seconded by Saffert to approve the proposed 2012 Fees and Charges. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Honevwell Little Leaaue Proiect . Jacobson said due to turf issues, the field will not be ready for use opening day. The Grand Opening will also be delayed until it's ready to use. 10. Adiournment MOVED by Saffert and seconded by Cornelius to adjourn at 8:10 PM. Motion carried unanimously.