11-26-12 MinutesGOLDEN VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes November 26, 2012 Present: Commissioners Tracy Anderson Rich Baker, Lynn Gitelis, Dawn Hill, Jim Stremel, Damon Struyk, Debra Yahle; Jeannine Clancy, Public Works Director; Mark Ray, Engineer; Eric Seaburg, Graduate Engineer, and Lisa Nesbitt, Administrative Assistant 1. Call to Order Baker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes — October 22, 2012 MOVED by Hill, seconded by Gitelis, and the motion carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the October 22, 2012 meeting as amended to correct a typographical error under # 8. 3. Section 10.32 Study The commissioners each shared their thoughts on the results of the study. An initial poll was taken followed by further discussion. Seaburg reported that he asked the Police Chief and the Chief of Fire/Inspections what the time implications would be to their staff if ordinance was changed to allow chickens. Based on an estimate of 15 applications/ complaints/inspections, they believed there could be an additional 96 hours per year of staff time if the ordinance was amended to allow chickens. A motion to recommend to Council to not allow chickens in the city was MOVED by Anderson and seconded by Baker. All in favor were Anderson, Baker and Gitelis; opposed were Hill, Stremel, Struyk and Yahle therefore the motion failed. Following the vote, a list of pros and cons was developed as well as a list of potential elements for the ordinance. Seaburg will revise the final report and create a draft ordinance. Both will be reviewed at the January meeting. Staff will check with the city attorney to see if the ordinance can be restricted to single family homes only. Seaburg will review other city ordinances to see which ones require neighbor consent. 4. 2013 Meeting Minutes Staff will verify that none of the meeting dates in 2013 will conflict with the Jewish holidays. 5. Program/Project Updates Summary on -file 6. Commission Member Council Reports None Minutes of the Environmental Commission November 26, 2012 Page 2 of 2 7. Other Business Gitelis reported that a new chairman is in place so the Solar Lobby is gearing up. There are no committees yet. 8. Adjourn MOVED by Hill, seconded by Anderson, and the motion carried to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm. The next scheduled meeting will be December 10, 2012 at 7 pm.