01-14-13 PC Minutes Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission January 14, 2013 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall, Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday, January 14, 2013. Chair Waldhauser called the meeting ta order at 7 pm. Those present were Planning Commissioners Cera, Kluchka, McCarty, Segelbaum and Waldhauser. Also present were Director of Planning and Development Mark Grimes, City Planner Joe Hogeboom and Administrative Assistant Lisa Wittman. 1. Approval of Minutes November 26, 2012 Regular Planning Commission Meeting MOVED by Segelbaum, seconded by McCarty and motion carried unanimously to approve the November 26, 2012 minutes as submitted. 2. Informal Public Hearing — Preliminary Plan Review— Planned Unit Development (PUD) — Saturn Addition PUD #63, Amendment#2 Applicant: Penske Automotive Group/UAG Minneapolis B1, LLC Address: 701 Louisiana Avenue South Purpose: To allaw for the construction of a Motorwerks MINI Cooper auto dealership. Hogeboom stated that the applicant, in coordination and with approval of all property owners within the PUD, is proposing to remove the existing used cars building, reconfigure the property lines and construct a new MINI Cooper auto dealership on the site. The auto collision repair facility and the former Saturn dealership buildings will remain. He referred to a site plan and explained the proposed new location of the property lines that will reduce the number of lots within the PUD from four to three. Kluchka asked why the application is not being considered as a Minor PUD amendment. Hogeboom explained that one of the criteria for consideration as a Minor PUD amendment is that the building footprint won't expand more than 3%. In this case the footprint is expanding more than that. Segelbaum asked if the standards used in considering a PUD amendment are the same standards used when considering a new PUD. Hogeboom said yes. The criteria and the findings are the same for a PUD amendment and a new PUD. Waldhauser noted that the applicant is proposing to have 72% impervious surface on the site. She referred to the requirement that allows 65% impervious surface and questioned if that language is found in the I-394 Mixed Use zoning district, or in the Commercial Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission January 14, 2p13 Page 2 zoning district. Hogeboom stated that the I-394 Mixed Use zoning district allows 65% impervious surFace. He added that this PUD development pre-dates the current requirements in the I-394 Mixed Use zoning district. Grimes added that there will be no difference in the amount of impervious surface than what is currently on the site. Cera questioned how many parking spaces would be lost if the applicant reduced the total amount of impervious surface to 65%. Segelbaum questioned if reducing the size of Lot 2 (former Saturn dealership) would make it less desirable. Hogeboom explained that the property owner understands and is aware that this PUD amendment changes the former Saturn site. Grimes stated that he has concerns about the cross parking agreements no longer being in affect as part of the amended PUD. The former Saturn dealership property will have to stand on its own with no on-street parking in that area. McCarty asked why the cross parking arrangement is being eliminated. Hogeboom said there are security needs at certain hours that affect the current parking arrangement. Segelbaum asked if the City has heard any concerns from Boulevard Collision about the loss of shared parking. Hogeboom said it is his understanding that Boulevard Collision wasn't part of the existing parking agreements and they agreed to the new PUD arrangement. McCarty asked if auto uses are allowed in the I-394 Mixed Use zoning district. Hogeboom stated that it would depend on the size of the building and the site. He stated that generally, permitted uses in the Commercial zoning district are allowed in the I-394 Mixed Use zoning district with a Conditional Use Permit. Nolan Redding, Regional Project Manager, Penske Automotive, explained that they feel this will be good location for them and said this will be the only MINI store in the state (to be relocated from Bloomington). He showed the Commissioners the proposed site plan and stated that some allowance has been made for additional parking for the Boulevard Collision site and the former Saturn dealership site. He reiterated that the amount of impervious surface will not change from what it is today and added that they really need the amount of parking they are proposing. He discussed several of the energy efficient items they are proposing including LED lights and using reclaimed water in the car wash. Cera asked Redding if they've considered pursuing LEED certification. Redding said they will not be pursuing LEED certification on this project. He elaborated on the energy efficient items they are proposing including occupancy timers, using waste oil for some of the heating of the property, using high efficiency heating and air conditioning units, using a high insulation value and having a reflective roof. Waldhauser questioned the slight decrease in the size of the parking spaces. Redding stated that the proposed smaller parking spaces are for their display cars. The parking spaces for customer parking will be standard size. Cera said he understands that the applicant wants to keep all 204 parking spaces they are proposing but questions if they have computed how many spaces they would lose if the brought the amount of impervious surface down to 65%. Redding explained that their Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission January 14, 2013 Page 3 goal was to not increase the amount of impervious surface, but to stay within the existing amount. Kluchka asked about the types of building materials being proposed. Redding showed the Commission some renderings of how the building will look. He stated that the materials will be mainly black metal panels and a lighter colored concrete block with a stucco finish for contrast. Kluchka recommended that the applicant bring examples of the proposed materials to their next public hearing. Waldhauser referred to the landscaping on the north side of the building and stated that she would like that fa�ade to be more people friendly. Kluchka stated that the presentation of a large black box isn't very pleasing especially in an area the City is trying to revitalize. He said he is concerned abaut creating an alley and a large, flat, dark wall that has no human scale. Redding stated that the look of the building is driven by the auto manufacturer however they can give further consideration to visually breaking up the walls with some bands of a different color or something similar. Grimes added that enhancing the landscaping would also help. Kluchka said there is opportunity to increase the pervious surface with the addition of a green roof which would help the applicant get to the goal of having 65% impervious surface. Grimes explained that the applicant will be doing some enhancements to the stormwater system on the property and they will be improving the water quality leaving the site. There will also be stormwater maintenance agreements in place. Kluchka asked the applicant if there is a parking arrangement with Menard's in place. Redding stated that they are currently leasing parking spaces on the vacant Saturn site to Menard's. Kluchka suggested that the applicant install bicycle racks. Redding said they would consider installing bicycle racks. Kluchka noted that there is an access roadway connecting Market Street and Laurel Avenue and asked if there are issues with people using that access to cross from one street to the other. Redding explained that all four parcels in the current PUD and the three parcels in the proposed PUD amendment need to have access to all three streets and they are trying to leave the curb cuts and traffic patterns the same as they are currently. Grimes added that auto dealerships aren't typically peak hour traffic generators, most of their traffic is in the evenings and on the weekends. Segelbaum asked if there will be a security fence along the perimeter of the entire property. Redding stated that there will be gates at the entrances and slightly taller than normal curbing around the perimeter with some bollards in the corner landscaping. Segelbaum asked Redding if he has any concerns about the vacant former Saturn dealership or concerns about what type of use will go there. Redding said they would rather there be someone in the space than to have it sit vacant but they don't have any Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission January 14, 2013 Page 4 real concern about who is in the space because it will more than likely be a commercial use. Greg Hayes, Lupient, stated that he has had a number of people look at the former Saturn property and he currently has a couple of prospects. He stated that it is an attractive site that will more than likely be a retail use. He added that there are approximately 100 parking spaces on the Saturn site which would be fairly standard for a retail use. Waldhauser referred to the applicant"s narrative regarding there being 45 employment opportunities at the MINI Cooper dealership and asked Redding to elabarate. Redding said there will be a mix of full and part time positions for sales, technicians, administrative, parts and detailing. Waldhauser opened the public hearing. Seeing and hearing no one wishing to camment, Waldhauser closed the public hearing. Cera said his concerns are the amount of impervious surface and the view from the north and west. He said he would like to see more landscaping and more detailed renderings of the building. Segelbaum agreed with Cera's comments. He said he feels the proposal is a tremendous improvement to the area. He suggested adding a condition to the Planning Commission's recommendation to require the applicant to study and provide the additional information on the concerns that have been discussed at this meeting. McCarty said he thinks the proposal is a fine re-use of the property and he supports the applicant's request. He agreed that it would be worthwhile for the applicant to address the Planning Commissioners concerns that have been mentioned. Kluchka agreed that the proposed use is an ideal use for the property. He said he would like to add a condition regarding Planning Commission review and approval of the materials being used, the design appeal and the vertical interest. He would also like to see some improvement on the north and west facades before the Final PUD plan approval. He added that he feels there is an opportunity for the City to influence how the access road connecting Market Street and Laurel Avenue is designed and that there are opportunities to improve the overall design and to increase some physical transparency and pedestrian transparency. Segelbaum agreed that he would like to see the site be more pedestrian friendly. Grimes said he would talk to the Engineering staff about the sidewalk requirements and future sidewalk plans. McCarty said he agrees that sidewalks should be considered if this were an application for a new PUD, however this is already an auto-centered use. Grimes stated that the City doesn't encourage mid-block crosswalks so consideration really needs to be given to where pedestrians should be. McCarty said he feels sidewalks should be considered when other uses come forward but he'd like to leave the condition regarding requiring sidewalks out of the Commission's recommendatian. Waldhauser agreed. Cera said the applicant is replatting the entire property so he feels it is an appropriate time to look at the pedestrian access on the entire site. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission January 14, 2013 Page 5 MOVED by Cera, seconded by Kluchka and mation carried unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plan for Lupient (MINI Cooper) PUQ No. 63, Amendment No. 2, subject to the following findings and conditions: Findin s: • The PUD plan is tailored to the specific characteristics of the site and achieves a higher quality of site planning and design than generally expected under conventional provisions of the ordinance. • The PUD plan preserves and protects substantial desirable portions of the site's characteristics, open space and sensitive environmental features including steep slopes, trees, scenic views, creeks, wetlands and open waters. • The PUD plan includes efficient and effective use (which includes preservation) of the land. • The PUD Plan results in development compatible with adjacent uses and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and redevelopment plans and goals. • The PUD plan is consistent with preserving and improving the general health, safety and general welfare of the people of the City. • The PUD plan meets the PUD Intent and Purpose provision and all other PUD ordinance provisions. Conditions: 1. The plans submitted with the application shall become a part of this approval. 2. The recommendations and requirements outlined in the memo from Deputy Fire Marshal Ed Anderson to Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development dated December 20, 2012, shall become part of this approval. 3. The recommendations and requirements outlined in the memo from City Engineer Jeff Oliver to Mark Grimes, Directar of Planning and Development, dated January 8, 2013, shall become a part of this approval. 4. All signs on the property must meet the requirements of the City's Sign Code. 5. An example of the proposed buitding materials shall be shown to the Planning Commission for their approval at the public hearing for the Final PUD Plan. 6. External bicycle racks shall be added to the property. 7. Consider visual enhancements to the building with emphasis on the north and west-facing facades. 8. Ways to improve pedestrian access to the dealership as well as through and around the property shall be considered. 9. Ways to reduce the amount of impervious surface shall be considered. 10. This approval is subject to all other state, federal, and local ordinances, regulations, or laws with authority over this development. --Short Recess-- 3. Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings No reports were given. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission January 14, 2013 Page 6 4. Other Business Kluchka suggested that the review and approval of building materials be added as a standard condition of approval when reviewing PUD applications. He said he would also like the staff report to note every variance being requested. Hageboom gave an update on the Bottineau Transitway process and stated that the Minneapolis Park Board will be having a charrette at the end of February. Kluchka said he is interested in considering a TIF district for the 3.9.4 apartment proposal for the same safety reasons that TIF is being considered for the Tiburon project. Grimes said that would be a City Council decision and that he would talk to other City Staff to determine if that has been a possible consideration. 5. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. `'1.,. ' ut�- David A. Cera, Secretary