02-28-13 - Envision Connection Project Executive Board Agenda AGENDA Envision Connection Project Executive Board Regular Meeting February 28, 2013 7 pm Golden Valley City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road Council Conference Room Board of Directors: Shep Harris, Chair; Blair Tremere, Vice Chair; Lynn Gitelis; Sharon Glover; Jim Heidelberg; Cindy Inselmann; Helene Johnson; Philip Lund; Dean Penk; Mike Schleif; Marshall Tanick Staff Liaison: Cheryl Weiler, Communications Manager 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda* 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes - November 15, 2012 4. Old Business • December 11, 2012 Council Manager Meeting and Envision Board Report 5. Reports and Updates • Bridge Builders • Envision Award • Ice Cream Social • Lilac Planting • 2013 Hall of Fame 6. Communications • Memorial Day Program — Lynn Gitelis 7. Other Business 8. Upcoming Meetings— March 21, 2013 9. Adjourn " To add something to the agenda, mention it at the time the agenda is approved. MINUTES Envision Connection Project Executive Board November 15, 2012 7:00 p.m. Brookview Community Center, Conference Room Directors Present: Blair Tremere, Vice Chair, Lynn Gitelis, Sharon Glover, Jim Heidelberg, Philip Lund, Dean Penk, Mike Schleif, Marshall Tanick Directors Excused: Helene Johnson Directors Absent: Shep Harris, Chair, Cindy Inselmann Staff Liaison: Sandy Werts. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm � 2. Approval of Agenda _ _ Motion: Gitelis moved to approve the Agenda as written. The motion was seconded by Schleif and approved unanimously. 3. Approval of the Minutes of October 18, 2012 The following additions and corrections were made: E. Bridge Builder Activities— Paragraph 1, sentence 1 should read —The owners of the Peaceful Valley Montessori school will be asked to ... Paragraph 4, change first word to Penk. Motion: It was moved by Schleif and seconded by Penk to approve the minutes as amended. Motion carried. 4. Old Business • Approve Report to Citv Council Reqardinq Envision Board qer Council's April 10 request. The board discussed the draft report in depth and made revisions. Motion: Gitelis moved to adopt the report as amended and submit it to the city council. Tanick seconded the motion. Motion carried. Tremere said he talked with city manager Tom Burt who said the topic may not come up for discussion at the council/managers meeting until January. Tremere has asked for a joint meeting with the council. Werts will send the Board copies of the amended report. Tremere will supply a letter of transmittal to Werts. Werts will package the report with the following attachments: resolutions 04-69, 06-08, 07-35, the report that went with the 2006 resolution and a copy of the Envision Report. 5. Reports and Updates A. Hall of Fame—Tanick and Tremere met with city manager Tom Burt to discuss the Hall of Fame. The plaque is on order and will be hung on the wall to the east of the elevator. It will be paid with donations to the 125th Anniversary Fund. The plan is to unveil the plaque at the December 18 council meeting. Tremere asked Werts to have Cheryl Weiler send out a press release about December 18. He would like photos of the five candidates sent to him. Invitations will be sent to all of the Hall of Fame inductees, their families and companies and to the Hall of Fame committee. Applications for 2013 are to be ready by December 18. The plan is to induct the 2013 candidates on the Friday before Valley Days. B. Envision Award - A suggestion was made to ask Linda Loomis to nominate Don Brown for an Envision Award. He has been planting and maintaining an area by Plymouth road and Highway 169. Lund offered to contact Loomis. C. Brid4e Builder Activities Communitv Foundation - Penk brought up that the Golden Valley Community Foundation has cut the checks for the Lilac project ($500) and the Ice Cream Social ($250). Bridqe Builder Meetina —Tanick has sent two emails and made calls to the Montessori School owners to see if they would host the meeting. He has not heard back to them. A suggestion was made to contact the Highway Patrol for a date in late January. Penk will contact them about a date in January. 6. Communications Community Foundation — Penk reported that at the last meeting the Foundation set the Founding Board. The officers are: Chair— Dean Penk, Vice Chair— Connie Sandler, Secretary— Blair Tremere, Treasurer— Luke Weisberg. The by-laws allow for 9 to 11 members of the board. Currently there are 10. There is an opening for one more. They would like a youth member. 7. Other Business Penk brought up that the Hopkins Education Foundation is looking for people from Golden Valley who are in the Hopkins School district to serve on a special initiative. 8. Future Meetings — The Board cancelled the December 20 meeting. The next meeting will be Thursday, January 17, 2013. 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm 1 C ; NNE TING f r j:��9�c1 UG11�� �� � ' ` 200 Brookview Parkway, Golden Valiey, MN 55426 � Bv�Lp1NG COMMUNITY P���`'�� MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Blair Tremere, Vice-chair, Envision Connection Project Connection Project Executive Board Board Members DATE: November 19, 2012 Shep Harris,Chair I am pleased to transmit to you, on behalf of the Board, the report and recommendations requested by the Council on April 10, 2012. The BlairTremere,vice Board unanimously approved the document at its November 15, 2012 cna�r meeting. Lynn Gitelis The report has several sections: Background and Direction; Sharon Glover Accomplishments; Goals; Needs; Findings and Recommendations; Jim Heidelberg and, Membe�s. Also, the Board directed that the report include copies �f the several Council resolutions which created and continued to Cindy Inselmann enable the Board. Helene Johnson The Board spent substantial time reviewing that material and Philip Lund developing this document. The Board finds that the Connection Project Dean Penk and the Envision Board should be continued. Mike Schleif The Connection Project Executive Board (the "Envision Board" in the Marshall Tanick Report) is fairly unique among the Council's several advisory commissions. It is charged with implementation of citizen-defined objectives from the Envision Golden Valley initiative in 2002. Its work can be expressed in two core ideas: Creatively Connecting People and Places, and Inspiring Care for Community. The Council indicated in April that a presentation by the Board would be helpful before it makes a decision on whether to go forward. It is the Board understands that the Council will schedule a joint meeting after it reviews this report. Board members and I look forward to that opportunity to discuss the recommendations and to answer questions. The Board acknowledges the effective support from city staff. Volunteer Coordinator Sandy Werts is the liaison with the Board and has provided essential administrative and logistical support for meetings, various projects, and events. She diligently establishes and taps vital links with other city departments. Her copious notes of Board deliberations were translated into minutes and into this repo�t. Attachments: Report to the Golden Valley City Council from the Envision Connection Project Executive Board November, 2012 Resolutions 04-69, 06-08 with attached report, 07-35 Copy of A Shared Vision for Golden Valley's Future Report to the Go/den Vafley Cfty Counci/ from ffie Fnvision Connection Prajec#Executive Board November, 2092 BACKGROUNLI AND DIRECTfON • The Executive Board ofi the Golden Valley Connection Project(hereinafter, Envision Boardj was established by the Gity Council under Resatution N�. 04-69 in 2004 as a result of the 2002 cornmunity visioning event known as Envision Golden Valley. The Gounci! desired community invvlvement in carrying forward ' ideas brought forth as part of the visioning. The Councii identitied the "Goiden Valley Connection Praject" as a way to provide for citizen involvemen#, and appointed the Envision Board to study and recvmmend options as to how citizens could be included in the establishment of the Connec#ion Project. • The Council adopted Resolutian 06-08 in 20d6 after reviewing'a report from the Envision Board, °`Recommended Direction for Envision Connectit�n Project." The resolution extended the scope of the Envision Board to implemer�t the strategies ident�ed �n the report; and,th�e resolufion adjusted fhe composition, charge, and term of the Envision Board to relate to the updated mission and respansibilities. • The Cauncil adopted Reso[ution 07-35 in 2007, continuing the tenure of the Envision Board from the one established in Reso(ution 06-0$, and extending the scope o#the Envision Board. • The January,2012 Board meeting was convened by Mayor Shep Harris who, by the terms c�f R�solution 07-35, is a membsr and the chair of#he Envisian Bvard. He discussed revising the resolution establishing the ERVision Board, He indicated that he would propose having the chair elected by the Board with a liaison member from the City Council, He discussed prospective gcaals arid priorities that the Board could cc�nsider be#r�re adopting goals for 2012. • The Envision goard continued discussion of goal$ and the Mayor presented a lisfi of program priori#ies and said these could b�discussed in depth and a report' could be developed. He suggested that a Board member should present findings at the Ci#y Council-Mana�er study meeting then scheduled for March. • The Ci#y'Council, a#the April 10, 2012 Council-Manager sfudy meeting, considered a staff requesf tha#the Council review the rale and respansibility of the Board, and give direction to staff if the desire is to cantinue the Connection Project. There was a disc�assion about tfie status of the Envision Board and the Connection Project. Board members Dean Penk, Helene Johnson, and Blair Tremere were present and answered questions. The C�uncil determinecl that it wou�d be helpful to receive a presenta#ion from the Envision Board about wha#the Board has dane and any proposed goats, needs, or recommendations they may have, be#ore the Council makes a decision whether to go forward. • The Envision Board accordingfy prepared this report and approved it at its Novemb�r, 2012 meeting for submittai to the Council. ACCOMPLIS�iMENTS The Envisian Boar�i spent substantial time defining;its role as part of the original assignmentta study and recornmend optior�s as to how ci#izens could be included in the establishment of the Cannection Project. The 2006 report to the CounciF recommended that the Board should be continued as there was evidence that progress was bei�g made, though a volunteer-based community program was very challenging. The following is a fairly inclusive list of projects and programs achieved since#he Board's inceptian. • Established the Bridge Builders pragram and p��vided training far#hose individuals and groups who plan and implement projects, events and activities to accomplish the Cannecfion Project objectives. Examples are: a The Annual Ice Gream Social—started in 2007 o The Lilac Planting Project— installing lilacs and other vegetation atong Highway 55 annually since 2008-- restored the city's claim ta the earlier Highway 100 "l.ilac Way." This vol�nteer-based project has b�en guided by a c�mmittee of rssidents, city staff, and a representative�f fhe state Transportation Deparfinent. o Valtey Volunteer Day— since 2011—performing a variety of projects including buckthorn busting and cultural activities for kids o Endorsement and suppor�of#!�e Market-in-the Va11ey in the parking lots adjacent to eifiy hall on Sundays a Global Golden Valley— sponsoring ifs first international day at the Market� in-the�Valley in 2012 o Neighbors-Helping-Neighbors— member�of Iocal churches,the City, and social serviee agencies, to help residents maintain their property. o Promt�tion of the placement af chimney swift towers around #he community as part of prajects by individual Scouts and groups • 125�' Anniversary Celebration— Established a committee of volunteers who planned and raised funds for a variety o#activities. A major event attracting several hundred guests was held in December, 2011 at the Golden Vall�y Golf and Country Club. Long term accomplishments are: o The 25-year Time Capsule and permanent marker located �t city hall; the project and contents were largely contributed by local residents and businesses. o The Golden Valley Hall af Fame whose initial five inductees will be memorialized on a plaque#o be located in city hall in 2012. • Supported, participated in and helped to boost the growth of Goiden Ualiey Days. As a resuit of Envision's participation, there are now#wenty seven (27) community organizations participating in the event, • Established the Golden Valley Community Foundation, an independent, non- profit organization created with the goal of providing financial support for a variety o#communi#y endeavors. • Created community digital communication, initially through"I-Neighbors"and, more recenily through the "CommanPlace Community" networks, an anline social ne#working venue that provides an outle#for local events and neighborly help. It has 438 members in November, 2012. � VNark with the City's part-time volunteer coo�dinafor hired in August, 2010 and other city staff members to foster volunteer initiatives and provide a liaison to grassrr�ots community groups. • Es#ablished the Envision "Visi" Award in 2009, which is p�esented to ci#izens who inspire others to improve the community. Recipients are memarialized on a plaque loca#ed at ci#y halL Gt7►ALS The primary goal of the Envisian Board has been to respond to the city cauncil's direction'to foster and develop the Envision Connection Project, as o�iginally stated in 2004 and subsequently expanded and continued in 2Q06 and 2007, Tfie 2006 report to the council contains a num'ber of specific ideas and proposals. More recently, the Envision Board has cansidered �ts experiences and input from Bridge Builder votun#eers and the Mayor. Th�working list of go�ls lis#ed b�elow can serve as a framework for ongoing and new specific projects su�h as those accomplishrnen#s listed earlier. • Bring resiclents, businesses, institutions, city advisory boards and c.�mmissions and City employees together to help realize the aspi�ations ci#ed in Envision Golden Valley. The City's published description of the visioning process that led to �he formation of the Gonnection Project. • Encourage and promote new initiatives by city residen#s and businesses • Encourage and promote involvement and inclusiveness wi#hin neigh`borhoods, among cultures, across generations and neighbaring communities. • Link people, groups and resources that are inspired by particular visians • Spansor events or strategies to involve more people in advancing the visipn • Provide communicatic�n and support to projec#teams NEED5 The Envision Board's needs, like its responsibilities, are unique compared to other advisory boards and commissions. The fundamental need is to have a current statement of endorsemenf and direction from#he City CounciL Staff support from the Volunteer Coordinator as well as various other personnei is important. The in-kind support as well as financial underwriting of certain events and programs is highly valued. The Board recagnizes the limitations of t�e citp resources, The Gouncil must recognize that a significant dividend of the Baard's efforts is the substantial contribution vofunteers make to the commcrnity through their time and talents. These con#ributions have significant econc�mic value and have added to the vitality Qf this community and should be recognized. The authorizing resolutions designate the mayor as a member and �Iso as the chair of the Board. The Board believes#hat an active liaison from the city cauncil is vital ta its success: A key angaing need is promotion of#he Connection Projecf and the prineiples of Envision Golden Valley by the city council, This support takes many forms and is closely tied #o the daily promotion of Gol�len Val(ey: Communication with residents is vital, and the Board par�icularly sees a need #o maintain a his#orica(account of the Envision Cannection Project thaf can be part of a training document ar packet for residents who seek opportunities for involvement. The city staffrnade a significant contribution in 2�11 by incorporating the six ca#egories af the Envision Golden Valley Guide into six issues o#the city newsletter. This should continue on a periodic basis, in addition to or in lieu of republicatiQn of the Guide itself. F1N�INGS`AND RECQMMENDATIONS The Baard finds that the Connection Project and the Envision Board $houfd be continued. The Board refers mainly to Resolution 07-35 since it is the most recent formal authorization fa�the Board and the Connec#ion project. While deta7ed revision and updating of the 2007 Resalution is best left to fhe city staff and council, the Board recammends the following as substitute language far the"Mission and Responsibilities" section of a revised resolution that authorizes and continues the Envisior� Board. A. Mission The Envision Board shall advance specific implementation strategies for the Connection Project that meets the foilowing objectives: '1, Promote the ideals of the Envision Connec#ion Project by engaging and empowering ci#izens of Golden Valley to participate in projects and activities that strengthen#he community. 2. Provide connection and netwarking opportunities for individuals, groups and businesses inspired by a particular vision far enhancing the quality of life in the Cammunity. 3'. Encourage interaction among city officials and employees, volunteers, and others to advance fhe vision. 4. Develop and promate events to involve more people in community (if�. 5. Create a sense of progress toward realizing a collective vision that inspiees care for the community thcough available media and educational resources. B, Responsibilities 1. Identify ways to;accornplish#he Envision Connection Project mission �nd responsibilities through another entity or entities ou#side the scape of city government while retaining the possibility of links to the City of Golden Valiey. 2. Take leadership in impiementation of Board activities or facilitate the implementatian of those activities by other communi�r organizations or individuais. 3. Secure City approval fvr proposed activities which involve city personnel, city resources, or related expenditures of publ'rc funds. 4. Submit a periodic report to the city council as may be requested describing activities, events and achievements. ENVISIt3N B�AR[3 MEMBERS The 2012 Envision Project baard members, other than Mayc�r Shep Harris, who`are appointed by the City Council include: • l.ynn Gitelis • Sharon Glo�er • Jim Heidelberg • Cindy ins�lmann • Helene Johnson; • Phifip Lund • Dean Penk • Mike Schleif • Marshalf Tanick • Blair Tremere Resolution 04-69 October 19, 20fl4 Member introduced the foll+�wing resolution and moved its adoption: RESOL,llT10N ESTABLISHING THE GOLDEN VA��.EY CONNECTION PROJECT EXECUTIVE BOARD WHEREAS, the Golden Valley City Council �Council) desires community involvement in carrying forward ideas braught forth as part of Envision Golden Valley; and WHEREAS, the Council has identified the +Golden Valley Connection Projeet as a way to provide for citizen involvement, and would like ta include citizens in the prpcess of establishing the Connectivn Project by appointing an Exe�cutive Board to study and recommend qptions related to its establishment to the Ci#y CounciL NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES�LVED, by the City Cvuncil of the City of Golden Valley, that the Executive Board af the Golden Val(ey Connectian Project is h�reby established with the following responsibilities and procedure�: f. RESPOhIS1BILITIES The Executive Board shall study and recommend action to#he City Council by doing#he following: A. Look at alternative ways to present the Visivn Guide to the community and get feedback from in#ere�fed parties. B. Identifyways to link people, groups and resources that are inspired by particular visions. C, Identify ways to encourage interaction between the Counci�, City staff and Envision voiunteers and other citizens_on ways to advance the vision. D. Recommend an event or other strategies�o involve more people in the vision. IL MEMB'ERSHIP AND MEETINGS A. Membership 1. The Council will appoint 12 persons to the Executive Board:' a. At least six(6) members wil{ have previaus involvement as volunteers with Envision Golden Valley. b. Volunteers not appointed ta the Executive Board will be provided opportunities to assis#with teams working on speci�c aspects of the Connection Project. 2. The Mayor will appoint a chair. 3. The City Manager shall provide apprapriate staff suppvrt. Resolution 04-69 - �ontinued October 19, 20Q4 8. Mee#ings and Time frarne 1. The Executive Board shall complete its initial charge in finrelve months. � 2. Within three months of its mitial meeting the Executive Board shall present ta the City Council a work plan outlining #he activities to be Iaccomplished by the Board in ifs 12-month tenure. 3. The Executive Board shall meet at least monthly, on the fourth Thursday of the rnon#h. It may call special meetings as necessary, in compliance with the Sta#e Ope� Meeting Law. 4. A quorum must be present to conduct business. S. All rne�tings shall be open to the public and subject#o the requirements of the State Open Meeting Law. 11E. APPOINTMENT PROCES:S The Executive Qaard wil! be appointed by the City Council following recruitment notices to the cornmunity. (V. REP�RTING A. Minutes shall be kept of ap meetings and forwarded to the City Council upon approval. B. Interirn reports may be issued, if desired. C. Recvmmendations regarding the established responsibiliti�s and the permanent establishrnent of tne Gc�ldsn Valley Connections Project shall be presented to the City Council within#welve months of the initial meeting of the Executive Board. Linda R. Loomis, Mayor ATTEST` Donald G. Taylor, City Clerk The motion for the adoption ofi the foregaing resolution was seconded by Member and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:' and the foClowing voted against the same: whereupc�n said reso(ution was declared duly passed and adop#ed, si�ned by the Mayor and her signature attested by the City Clerk. Resalution 06-8 F�bruary 7, 2006 ' Member Pentel introduced the fallowing resoluti�n and moved its adoption; RESOLUTIO�1 EXTENDING THE SCOPE QF THE ENI/ISION CONAIECT/ON PROJECT EXECUTIVE BOARD WHEREAS, Envisian Golden 1Ialley encouraged citizens #o share their individua! ideas and develop a coflective vision for the community; and UVHEREAS, those ideas coalesced into the themes of creatively connec#ing people and places and inspiring care for the community, further detai�ed ir� the Vision Guide:A Shared Vision for Golden Valley's Future, referred fo herein as "the vision'; �nd WHEREAS, the Golden Valley Gity Counci! (Council) de�ires community involvement in carrying forward ideas brought farth as part of Envision Golden Vailey;and` WHEREAS, the Council has identified the Golden Valley Canneetion Project as a way to provide far citizen invofvement, and would like to e�c#end the scop� of its Exeeutive Board to irnplement strategies identi#ied in the January 17, 2pp6, Report tn the City Cauncil titled, Recommended Direction for Envision Connection Praject, attac#�ed as Exhibit A;and WHEREAS, the composition, charge and term of the Exeeutive 8vard should be adjusted to relate to its upda#ed mission and responsibilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Golden Valley, that a ren�wed Executive Board of the Envision Cvnnection Prajeef is hereby establ'rshed with the following missian, responsibilities and p�c�cedures: L MISSfOiV AND RESP�NSIBILITIES A. Mission The Ex�cutive Boa�rd shall advance specific implernentation strategies far the Connection Project that meet the following abj�cfives: 1. Present the Vision Gu�de #a the carnmunity and get feedback from interested parties; help fhem to understand f�e vision and knaw where to ga for more information. 2. Link people, groups and resources tF�at are inspired by particular visions. 3. Encourage interaction be#ween the Council, Ci#y staff and Envision valunteers and other citizens on ways to advance the vision. 4, Sponsor events or o#her strategies to involve more people in advancing the vision. 5, Cc�ate a community-wide �ense of progress #owat�d the visian. Resolutian 0�-8 - Continued February 7, 2Q0� , B. Responsibili#ies The Executive Board sha[I: 1. deve:lop a schedule for proposed activities for an eighteen {18) month per'rod, from Februaty 2006 through August of 2007,with a detailed budge#for each activity or group of activities, using the "Recornmended �irecfion forfnvision Connection ProJec�"as the basis f4r activities; and 2. secure Gouncil approval for propased acfivities and rel�ted budgets; and 3. take feadership in implernentatian af#hose actiuities (through Board work feams as apprapriate) or#acili#ate the implementation of those activities by c�ther camm�nity arganizations or individua(sy and 4, identify ways to accomplish the Connection Project missian and respor�sibiiities through another entity or entities autside af the scope of city government while retaining the possibility of finks to the City�f Golden Valley. 11. MEMB�R'51-11P, M�ETINGS AND T1ME FRAME A. Membership 1, The Council wili appoint up to 15 persons to the=Executive Board: a. Some members will continue from the initial Executive Board. b. Addi#ional members will be recruited, with an emphas'ss on recruiting mernbers to lead key activities undertaken by wor�C teams (subcommittees}. c: Volun#eers n4t appoin#ed ta the Executive Board wi11 be pravided opportuni#ies ta participate on work tearns. 2, The Mayor wii! be a member and serve as chair of t�e Executive Board. 3. The City Manager shalt pravide appropria#e staff support. B. Meetings and Time Frame 1. The Execu#ive Board shall complete its charge in eighfeen {'18) morrths, 2. The Executive Board shall meet at least monthly, fln #he fourth Th�rsday of the month. It may call special meetings as necessary, in compliance with #he State Open Meeting Law. 3. A quorum must be present to conduct business. Resolution 06-8-C�ntinued February 7, 200fi . . 4. Members who miss three consecutive or twenty-five percent of#he tatal rneetings in a twelve-month period will be requested to resign. 5. All meetings shall be open to the pub(i� and subject to the requirements of#he State Open Meeting Law. III. REPORTlNC A. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings and forwarr�ed t� the City Council upor� approval. B. Recommendations regarding the established res�onsibi(ities and the permanent establishment ofi the Golden Valley Cor�necfions Prc�je�f shall be presented to#he City Councif by Augus#of 2007, with an interim repc�rt in Feb�uary of 2007. C. Additional Interim reparts may be issued, if desired, by the Board. ,. � . ���) +��,f'''�"L.l . ; ��, � Linda R. Loomis, Mayor ATTEST: � Susan M. Vimig, City Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member ShafFer ar►d upon a vote being taken thereon, the following vated in favor fhereof: Freiberg, L�omis, Pen#el, Scanlan and Shaffer; and the fo(lowing voted again�t thE same: none, whereupon said r�sofution was declared duly passed and ad�p#�d, s�gned by the Mayor and her signature attested by the City Cferk. �:�. ��' � � � �<; � � � � � � k� � � � � �� �� �,�us,= ,�r��.�,���, �,�_ ; � ��'"°� .. � q `� �j �dlc�en uwlle� OUR COMMUNITY TODAY AND TOMORROW Recommended Direction for Envision Connection Project Report to the Golden Vatley City Council January 17, 2006 Presented by Connection Project Executive Board Jim Heidelberg Helene Johnson Riva Kupritz Linda Loomis, Chair Philip Lund Kristi Miller Dean Penk � Char�ie Quimby Marshall Tanick Blair Tremere Luke Weisberg Staff Support: Jeanne Andre and Cheryf Weiler INTRODUCTIt�N The City Gouncil through Resolution �4-69 identified the Connectivn Project as a means ofi providing for community involvement:The Council appvinted the ExeEUtive Board � comprised of citizens and the Mayor to study aad to recommend options fior establishing the Cannecfion Project. The Board's term was set fvr one year. The Board was as�igned four responsibili#ies, and fhe Board framed its work through�405 by these charges: • Presenting the Vision Guide to the Community [Look at alterna#ive ways to present the Uision Guide to the cc�mmunity and get feedback from interested parties.] • Linking People, Groups & Resouroes [Identify ways to link people, groups and re�ources that are inspired by particular visians:j • Encouraging Counc�l, Staff, Volunteers �fJthers [Identify ways to encourag+e interaction between the Councii, City staff and Envision volunteers�nd other citizens on ways to advance the vision.] • Involving Mor� People [Recommend an event or other stra#egies to involve more people in #he vision.] The Board addressed ihese areas by following up on the de#ails of the Work Plan presented to the City Council in April, 2005. 7his year-end report was also reques#ed by the Council. It outlines our recammended strategies f�r the continued vitality of Envision and the successful establishment of the Gonnection Project We have organized our response under#hree themes: • Help citizens understand#he vis�on and know where#o go for more inforrn�tic�n • Link people, groups and resaurces to encourage involvement • Greate a community wide sense of progress toward the Vision In this report, the Board also presents recornmendations�egarding#he respon�ibilities and the "permanent establishment of#he Golden Valley Connections Project"as directed by the CounciL Based on its work to date, the Board believes a substantiai amount of work remains to be done. Implemen#atian of the Council's goal-and satisfaction of expecfia#ions of those many citizens involved with Envision-requires dedicated, ont�oing attention. The Board is willing to continue pursuing the fundamentals and the detaits for the Council. Envfsion Connection Project Report—January 9 7,2006 2 Guiding Principles The Envision Connection Project applied#hese connection principles in developing its recommendatians: • Help citizens�10 things fiar themselves#hat benefit the (arger community • Emphasize citizen-conceived and -run initiatives, with the City as facili#ator if needed • Greate conditions that encourage people, within realistic legal and fiscal constraints,to try ou# new ideas •Think big and start small;favor prajects that fiocus or connecf exis#ing cammunity energy — rather than diluting it or diverting in new directions • Rely largely an existing groups and infrastructur�s #a manage participation rather than developing a separate framewark Lessons Learned In`addition fo completing the activities described above, we gained se�eral insi�hts €nto the state o#communi#y engagement in th� city. VVhile fhere are a number of community-related groups in Galden Valley, their arganizatian, level of activity and membership vary widely. They are not looking for new ideas or projects. Rather, they need more a�tive members and new blood. It was telling that many groaps cs�ntacted had difficulty identifying someone to respond to our request for infiormation. There is still gc�od awareness of Envisian, bu#the momentum has slowed as we try to move the community from vision#o action.We believe the philosophy of not dictating specific projects and letting citizens do for themselves is correct, but most people prefer some structure and identifiable tasks they can agree to t�ke on or not. The EnWision Connection Project Board in its first year was a policy and planning bc�dy. it needs to evolve w+th better-defined roles and be more focused on implementa#ion, We would like to acknowledge the support c�f the Ci#y, and in particular, the rol� of Jeanne Andre in helping the Board stay on track and in bounds. Cheryi Weiler has also been proactive in h�lping#o keep Envision before the public. Envisian Connection Projeet Report—January 9 7,20p6 3 RECOMMENDATIQNS FUR CQUNCIL ACTION The Council, Staff and Commissions are already pursuing activities in support of Enyi��on. The Envisian Connection Board believes it has [�id ouf a clear future direction for Envision, and many of the actions recnmmended are either already under way or da not require explicit City invo(vemen#or Councii resoiuti�ns. However, we request the#allowing from the Gvuncil: 1. Reappoint the Fnvision Connection Board and renew its charter for another year. The new B�ard should include individuals with interests and skills to serve as coardinators fvr Web outreach, Bridge Building, Neighborhoods, Business artd Community ii�ison, 2. Authorize approximate(y $2,000-4,000 in Ci#y funding for the#raining af Bridge Builders as detailed in this report. A specific proposal wil! be submitted once dafes and costs are finalized. For more detaif, see Bridge Builder Description docurnent— attached as a;n appendix. 3. Agree in principle to support the in#roduc#ion of a community Web site using I- Neighbors or other Web-based ta�l to encourage citizen involvernent and facilitafe community conne�tions. This may involve a future request for modes#seed funding #rom the City or local businesses. Recommended 2006 Time and Events Of the Gonnection recommendations presented on the follawing pages, we have determined that establishing a group o�"Bridge Builders"will be a key pacing item for initiatives in 2006. CoUncil approval of the recommentlations above will allow the Baard to begin timely work an the following euents: Approve Bridge Builder{BB) Initiative Funding January Publicize BB Role January-February Recruit and Select BBs March Orient BBs to Envision April Train BBs May 12 Introduce BBs#o the Community May 19-20 (Valiey Days) Begin BB Activities June Publicize Projects, Opportunities and Outcomes July-Ongoing Envision Connection ProJect Report—January 17, 2006 4 RECOMMENDATIONS'FOR IMPROVED CONNECTION HEI.P GITIZENS UNDERSTAND THE VfSION AND KNOW WHERE TO GO FOR MORE IME4RMATION . 1. Use ex�sting city resources and activities to publicize and draw connections to Envision-related activities. These suggestions either amplify or add to wha#the Ci#y has already been doing well. ► Provide ongoing upda#es through City News, Channel 16 and Web site ► Encaurage Council Members to be Envision ambassadors and invit�them t� be involved in specific Envision activities ► Continue the joint CouncillCommissions annual meeting; include Envision conten# and recognize commissions that have helped advance the Vision ► Incorporate Envision-compatible standards for future reference and implementation in the City's Comprehensive Plan 2. Enlist other communityllocal government resaurces in further�ng community awareness o# Envision-related activities.These outreach activities cauld be und+artaken by the Envisic�n Board and its coordinators. ► Book a Bridge Builder presen#ation with each service group in the community database ► Develop liaison with Hennepin Caunty �ibrary branch and explore Joint pcogramming � ► Develop liaison with Jeanne Fackler/Seniors Coordinator and expfore potential of es#ablished seniors groups as "small sparks" ► Develop liaison with Summer Playground Program and expiore a Parks-based Qutreach initiative ► Enlist sponsors to produce a Communifiy Assets Map to supplernen# information in "GettingAround Gold�n Val�ey"—highlighfing Golden Valley businesses, events, his#oric sites, cu(tural assets, places t4 eat, schools, blcycle trails, parks, etc. ► Enlis#local cafes/coffee shaps t4 co-host Community Coffees with Bndge Builders 3. Introduce newcomers to the Vision and Envi�ion-related activities. This would formalize and expand what the City is already doing. ► Provide a copy of the Visian Guide, Assets Map and 1-Neighbors communtty Web information as part of comrnunica#ion package ta each new resident, developerlpermit applicant and business owner in Golden Valley Envision Connecfion Project Report—January 17, 20d6 5 LINK PEOPLE, GRQUPS & RE50URCES 1. Recruit antl train rrolunteers from diverse segments of#he community as "Bridge Builders." This initiative would iden#ify potential BBs, train them and tum them loose t� "fan the small sparks"of passion �n the community, It would r�quire one or two �oordinators. ideas in this report and the Vision Guide may serve as �nspiration for BBs, � but the#oGUS of fiheir activities would k� determined by their individua! enthusiasms and community connections, ► Become knowledgeable enough about Golden Valley to act as a referral, liaison, connecting point ► Communica#e what's happening to individuals and�roups ► Get peaple connected (through personal interest and fiollow-up) * Encourage them to join 1-Neighbors • Tell them about activities/opportunities for involvement and offer to connect them (if appropriate) • Share the activities fl#yaur club, interest group or organization with others in the • comirnunity ►� Generat� "small sparks"—sample activities • �rganize an interest group in the City o Initiate a"smal(spark"yourself(Qr wit� another Bridge Buildera, which will attract ofhers with the same interest o Recruit members to your club or interest group • Convene individuals wha expressed interest in specific Envision area at the Summit ta expior�foHow-up • Organize your blQCWneighbarhood o Help initiate an actiwi#y in your block/neighbofioad o Link your neighborhood to o#hers in the community ► Participate in periodic Bridge Builtler meetings • SMare what's happening, how-tos, get suggestions, maintain the excitement 2. Use 1-Neighbors ta test viability of the Web as a tool for community cbnr�ecction. We are currently testing I-Neighbors, a free community-building tool. A pilot project will use this tool to create a Golden Valley community site. lf the project shows reasonable effectiveness, we may continue to use I-Neighbors as a plattorm or mo�e to a more customized site. A coordinator with appropriate Web skills will be required fiorthis project. ► Populate I-Neighbors with communiiy informafiion, including database of community groups, contact information and primary interest areas ► Train one community organization, one affinity group (e.g., Seniorsj and one neighbarhood to use 1-Netghbors as their organizingJconnection tool; use the examples of#hese"pioneer" groups to enlist and train other groups ► Publicize 1-Neighbors ta entire community after pioneer groups and content become establ�shed and create a critical mass of users Envision Conneotian Project Report—January 17,2006 6 3. Encourage neighborhood groups to self-orgenize and participate in community buildin�. Neighborhoods represent a potent base for community action. A few selected initiatives could stimulate neighbvrhood-centered Envision activity. ► Offer an "Envision Yaur Neighborhood" Community Ed class ► Develop liaison with Historical Saciety to develop a "Golden Vali�:y Neighborhoods" educational program ► Promote neighbofiood iden#ification; encaurage neighbofiood naming • Link neighbort�oads to history, parks i • Offer City funds for neighborhood signs ► Leverage Neighborhood Night Out and Neighborhoad Watch structure r Partner with Summer Playground Program–present to wider neighborhaod ► Promote intra neighborhood relations and collaboration • Identify ways to link biock clubs • Identify joint neighborhaod activitie� o Spirit of the neighborhood competitions (tug-of-war, pumpkin festiVal, popcan tab collection, gardens, holiday decoration, etc,� o Shared activities(cookie baking, kite flying, community gardens, focus on kfds, seniars,traiUcreek cleanups, etc.) ► invite academic study of neighborho�d community builtling-- Follow up to Envision study by Humphrey Ins#itute 4. Identify groups that have a reason to connect and promote concep�s far community-wide events that have cross-sponsorship potential. Some inter- organization col[�bora#ion already occurs, in part due to cross-member�ship.These are examples ofi initiatives that could broaden contacts and s#imulate new actian. ► Sponsor an All-Organiza#ions Conference annuaily to promo#e ex�hanges and shared prajects ► R�peat the Envision Connection Summit, focusing on an annual theme--perhaps in conjunction with Valley DaysIGVCEF • Envision-centered speakers, exhibits, activities that highlight and connect community groups that now sponsor their own boo#hs at Valley Days • Allow graups to recruit and publicize their projeets Sponsor Community Reads—with Library, schoo�s, Community Ed or HRG • Selected book, groups sell boo[c, organize book clubs, discussi�n board � Golden Valley Parks Day—with Open Space & Rec, Environmental Commiss�ons, Music in Parks, Neighborhoods • Coordinated parks events city-wide, bike tour or run-the-parks Envision Connection Project Report-January 17,200fi` 7 CREATE A CC3MMUNITY-WIDE SE�lSE OF PRQGRESS TOWARD THE VISION 1. lssue an annual "State of the Vlsion"that is e joirrt report from the Councii and the Envfsion �onnec�tion Board.This report wouid not simply lis#actiuities or projects, b�t would attempt to quantify the community's pragress towartl its Vision, ► Establish a few key metrics that could be tracked annually to measure progress ► Publicize successful Envision projects ► Itemize City and staff actions consistent with the Vislon ► Update organization and projec#information 2. Establish an Envision Award—annual recognition of Envislpr�projects,groups or individuals. Citizens could supply nominations, similar to Views`t�f the Valley photo car�test. 3. Supplement existing commu�ication$and provide larger context#o keep citizens informed. Much ualuable citizen information would be delivered under"Help Citizens Unders#and the Vision," Bridge Builders and 1-Neighbors ssctions described above. The Envision Conne�tfon Board would monitor coverage and the resulting sense ofi progress, suggesting story topi�s and promoting infiormation sharing. ► Engage Enuision afumni—those who worked in earlier stages of the Envision project;— in subsequent phases ► Develop fhree Envision story ideas annuatly and pitch to Sun-Post ar other local media ► Work with City Communications coordinator to develop a communication plan ► Prvvide content and updates for delivery through 1-Neighbors Envision Conr�ection Project Report—January 17,2006 8 APPENDIX-BRIDGE BUILDERS - Bridge Buitders- With "think big and start smalP' as a guiding principle,#hese selscted individuais would be trained to reach out to the various "pockets of people" and involve them in community building activities that capitalize on their interes#s and skil#s as well as provide opportunities for additional involvement by other citizens. In essence, they vvould "ignite" small sparks in the community and generate the momentum. Id�ally, these represent a cross-section of the community's"pockets of people"and are no# limited to the"usual suspects,' Possible Job Descrip#ion BecQme knowfedgeable enough abaut Golden Valley to act as a referral, liaison, connecfing point. Activities would be based on i�teres#and level of participation. Initia! Backgrounding Activties • Orientation#o the ciiy, Envlsion, Connection Pro�ject • Orientation to the role of Bridge Builders • Information about other community resources schoais, churches, library • Information abaut other leve�s of government � At#end State nf the City, all-commission meeting; meet cauncil members and key s#afF Ongoing Activities • Receive updates on the Connection Projec# • Communicate what's happening • Speak at o�cial functions or informal get-togethers • Use key messages and materials developed & upda#ed by Connection Project Board, Clty Staff, designa#ed Bridge Builders • Promote a project you would like to see happen in the community • Get people connected {through persanal irrterest and follow-up) • Encourage thern to join (-Neighbors � Tell them abaut activities/opportunities for involuement;offer to cannec�thern (if appropriate) • Share the activities �f your club or organizafion with others in #he c�mmunity + Recruit members to your club or interest group • Link your neighborhood #o others in the community • Participate in periodic "bridge builder" meetings Share what's happening, how tos, get suggestions, maintain the excitemet�t /deal.• Be assigned to a population grvup thaf is not curren#ly very involved in the communify, meet with a representative grvup#o explore pnssibilities, fallow-up Envrsion Connecfion Project Report—Janua�y 17,2006 9 Genera#� "small sparks" • Organize an interest gr�aup in the Ci#y • Initiate a "small spark" yourself(or with another Britlge Builder), which wili attract others with #he same interest • Convene individuals who expressed interest in specific Envision area at the Summit to explore follow-up • Organize your block/neighborhood • Heip initiate an activity in y4ur block/neighborhood • Link your neighborhood ta athers in the community Special Bridge Builder Leadership Assignmer�ts: • Co+ardinator—Speaking Engagements o Schedule speaker training session after materials are completed o Field reques#s; line-up speakers o Forward any changes to the mess�age/materials as developed • OrganizerlConvenor—Bridge Builder Meetings Assumes That Initial Tasks To Operationalize Bridge Builders Are UnderEak�n By ZOfl6 Envision Connection Board In Conjunction With City Staff: • Promotion, Recruitment, Orientation, etc. • Devetvp and Launch Bridge Builders as Communcators (as ou�lined belaw). ENVI�ION CONNECTION PRQ�IECT Brid�e Builders as Communicators A. fl�eration 1. Deve�op an outreach plan #hat is an integral part af the overall �cornmunicat�ns plan for the Conneetion Project 2. Recrui# a. Develop list of po#ential bridge builders b. Recruit and maintain a group of volunteers frorn the communiiy 3. Develop materials �an official template/script which can be adapted#o the varivus audiences and cantexts} 4, Promote bridge builders as a resouree within the conte�ct of the overall communications plan . a, By the City b. Via web site c. Through events, flyers, etc. as determined appropriate 5. Designate a volunteer as Coordinator who can respond to requests for a Speaker (with advertised phone number and/or email) 6. Keep br'rdge builder speakers up to date with any changes to the messag+� and materials. Envision Connecfion Project Report—January 17,2008 i0 A. Content of Presenta#ion ("Message") NOTE: An official script approved and sanctioned by Envision directors should b�e developed and maintained. Speakers have flexibility to adapt presentations to actual audience, but#he fundam�ntal#hemes�nd message must be consistent with the sctipt. It is a tool and it is THE official message. �nvision directors should pravide for assigned persons or group#o be responsible for'"khe message" main#enance and dissernination to ensure cansistency and accuracy. 1,. Envision His#ory(brief synopsis--the starting paint now for those getting th� message is the E'nvision Project"product." We are where we are and looking ahead} 2. Purpose of Connection Project a. "'A visian intended to inspire citizens and ernpower creative participation" b. Ta pramote care for the community c. To facilitate eitizen-led initiatiues d. Tt� creatively cannec#peaple and places 3. Rc�le of the City of Gatden Valley including the formal statement of Support from the City Council a. City Staff has been directed and authorized to participate in fhe Connection efforts and to respond to public inquiries (referral to volunteers who "run"the En�ision effort, and eventually referrat to Envision-produced lists and rosters) b. Missians o�Depa�tments, Boards and Commissions are linked to Envisian strategies [note: we shauld request a progress report back from thess advisary Boards-and Commissions who we�e asked by the Council to undertake this task (ast winter]] c. City's Comprehensive Plan (the incorporation o#Envision-compafibie standards fQr future reference A�1D implementation. Tttis is very basic since the comprehensive plan is required#o have goals, objectives, and cri�eria for the city's planning.,..it literally is the legal base for clty plann�ng and the city is legapy required to ensure that its ordinances and paf�cies--°official controls"-- are consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan) 4. Examples of Successful Envision Projects 5. Review"Bridge Builders" lnitiative: finding and maintaining a cadre of volunteers who can sustain the Cannec#ion Proje�t 6. Promote Cannec#ion Strategies (in�place systems} a. Fumish database of groups b. Promote positive self-management using w�b o�email Materials Needed by Bridge builderslspeakers 1) Envision Guide (and other available promotional literature) 2J Power Point Presentafion (kepf current) 3) Ciippings and the like showing examples of Precedents; phota images of imprc�ved, vibrant communities brought about by�itizen-led initiatives, private-public . coflaborations, and contributions of institutions and groups, Access to laptop computer and/or digital projector 4) Access ta currenf group dafa base with contact names and phane numbers Envision Connection Projec#Report—January 17, 2006 11 Resolution 07-35 August 21, 2007 Member Freiberg introduced the following resolution and rnoved its adoption; RES+D�UTION CONTINUING THE ENVISION CONNECTI�N PROJECT EXECUTIVE BOARD WHEREAS, Envision Go1d�n Valley encouraged citizens to share their individual ideas and develop a collective vision for the community; and WHEREAS, those ideas coalesced into�he themes of creatively connecting people and places and inspirir�g care for the cammunity, #urther detailed in the Vision Guitle:A Shared Vision �or Golden Valley's Future, referred to herein as "the vision", and WHEREAS, the Golden Va(ley City Council (Cauncil) desires communEty involvement in carrying forward ideas brought forth as part of Envision Golden Valley; and WHEREAS, the Council has identified the Galden Ua�tey Connecfion Project as a way to ptovide#or citizen involvement, and would like to continue the tenure of this Board from that Established In Resolution 0�-Q8, Extending The Scope Of The Envision Connectior�Project Ex�cutive Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED, by#he City Councit of the City of Golden Valley, that the Executive Board af the Fnvision Connection Project is hereby continu�d with th8 follc�wing mission, responsibilities and procedures: I. MISSION AND RESPONSIBILITIES A: Mission The Executive Board shall advance specific implementafiion strategies fior#he Connection Projecf that meet the following abjectives: 1. Present ti�e Vision Guide to the community and get feedback fr4m interestetl parties; help them#o understand the vision a�d know whers ta go for more information. � 2. Link people, groups and resources that are inspired by particular visions. 3, Encourage interaction between the Council, City staff and Envision volunteers and ather citizens c�n ways tn advance the visi4n. 4. Sponsor events or o#her strategies to involve more people in advancing the vision. 5. Create a community-wide sense of progress toward the vision. Resolution 07-35 - Continued Augus#21, 2007 B. Responsibilities The Executive Board sha11: 1. develop a schedule for proposed activities for a twa-year period,from August of 2007 through August of 2009, with a detailed budget far each activity or group of ac#ivi#ies, using the January, z006,cannection Report to the �ity Council "Recommended Direction for Envision Connection Project"as the basis for activities; and 2. secure Council approval for proposed activities and related budgets; and 3. take leadership in implementation of those activities (through 8oard work teams as appropriate) 4r facilitate the implementation of fhase activities by other community organizations or individuals; and 4. identify ways to accomplish the Connectian Project mission and responsibilities through another entity or entities outside of the scope af city government while r�taining the passibility of links to the City of Golden Valley. II. MEMBERSHIP, MEETINGS AND TIME FFxAME A. Membership 1. The Council will appoint up fo 15 persons to the Executive Baard: a. Some members will continue from the initial Executive Board. b. Additianal members wil['be recruited, with an emphasis on recruiting members to lead key activities undertaken by w�rk team� {subcommittees). c. Volunteers not appoinfed to the Execu#ive Board will be provided opportunities to partici�ate an work teams. 2. The Mayor will be a member and serve as chair of the Executive BQard. 3. The City Manager shall pravide appropriate staff suppart. B. Mee#ings and Time Frame �, The Executive Baard shall eomplete ifs charge in twQ years. 2. The Executi�e Board shali meet at least mon#hly, or�the fourth Thursday of the rnonth: It may call special meetings as necessary, in compliance wi#h the State Open Meeting Law. 3. A quorum must be present to canduct business. Resolution 07-35 -Continued Augus#21, 2Q07 4. Members who miss thcee cansecutive or twenty-five percent of the total meetings in a twelve-month period will be requested fo resign. 5. All meetings shall be open to the public and subject to the requir�ments of the State Open Meeting Law. III. REPORTING A. Minutes shall be kepf of all meetings and forwarded to the City Council upon appraval. B. The Board sha'll report to the City Council on its activities�t least annually, Linda R, Loamis, Mayar <ATTEST: Susan M. �rnig, City Clerk The motian for the adopfron of the foregoing resoiutic�n was sec�nded by Member Freiberg and upan a vote being taken thereon, the fallowing voted in favor thereof; Freib�rg, Loom`rs, Pentel, Scanlon and Shaffer; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolutifln was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and her signature attested by the City Clerk. Counci!/Manager Meeting M�nutes December'11, 2012 Present, Mayor Harns and Council Members, Ctausen, F�eiberg, Pentel and Scanlon, City Manager Torn Burt, Assistant City Manager Chantell Knauss, F'inance Direc#vr Sue Vimig, Director af Public Works Jeannine Clancy, Police Chief Stacy Ca�ison, Cc�mmander Mike Meehat►, Director of Planning and Development Mark Grimes, and City planner Joe Hogeboom and Administrative Assistant Lisa Wittman. Also present Vice-Chair, Envision Connect�on Project�xecutive Boarcl, Biair Tremere. The meeting began at 6:34 pm in#he Council Conference Roam. J-HAP Supportive Housing Development Tom Butt added this item to the agenda, He explained that Jewish Housing and Programming (J-HAP)'is apptying for a grant thraugh Hennepin Counfy to facilitate � devetapm+ent vf supportive housing at 9310 and 9300 Golden Vailey Roa�. Burt stated th�t the�roperties wiQ need to be reguided and rezoned so he is iaoking for direction from the Council on whetherthey would consider reguiding the properfies, accepting a sirnuitaneous request to�ezone fhem and authorizing him to sign the Hennepfn Gaunty grant forms to allow#hem tc�move fan+vard with their grant applicatian. The Council consensus was fo sign the Hennepin Caunty grant f+orms ar�d consider reguiding the properties at a futu�:date. Hennepin County 9-1=9 Qispatch Mayor Harris added this item to the agenda He updated the Councif regarding a County Board meeting he attended whet�the Board considered adding Golden Valley to ttteir 9-1-1 dispatch system, He said the vote was 7 to 0 in favor of allowing Golden Valley to be an#he Coun#y dispatch system however, questions remain about the costs invoived and the timing of the transition. He added#hat a new dispatch center is proposed to be buitt in late 2014 and that tt�e costs to Golden Valley would be determined three months pr�or to ' the t�ansition, Receipt of Envision Connect�on Project Executive Boa�d Report Vice-Chair, Envision Conr��c#ion Project E�cecutive Board, Blair Tr�mere was in attendance to discuss the Baard's Report and recommendations requested by the Council +n Aprii 2012. He referred to#he report and discussed same of the items in it including: background information, several of the growp's accomplishmen#s, membership and recruitment of new members,He stated that the Board finds that�tF�e Cannection Project and the Envision Board shou[d continue and they feel it is irnportant to have Council liaisoh on the Board. The Council discussed whether#he Council liaison should be the Mayor as stated in the faunding resolution or whethQr ar�y Council Member could senre as a liaisan. They also discussed budget issues and the level of staff involvement. After discussion ti�e consensus of the Cauncil was that they would like to see the Envision Connectian Project continue. They directed staff to prepare an ardinance and updated by-laws that tlon't include a specific time frarne for cornpletion af its charge and wvuld allow any Council Member to serve as a liaison. Wufoo • Entry Manager https://goldenvalleymn.wufoo.com/entries/visi-award-nomination/ Visi Award Nomination #5 Your Name * Philip Lund Email * philiplund@msn.com Address * � 7037 Winsdale Street N. Golden Valley, MN 55427 United States Day Phone Number * (612) 819-1890 Evening Phone Number (763) 525-1870 Are you nominating an individual or a Group group? * Name of Nominee * Nominee's Address Nominee's Phone Number * Nominee's Email Address Name of Nominated Group * Kristine Frey& Leslie Hendricks Address of Group or Group Representative 4892 Boone Avenue N. * New Hope, MN 55428 United States Phone Number of Group or Group (763) 233-9536 Representative * Email of Group or Group Representative KresFrey@marketinthevalley.org What was done? Include general timeframe and location. * By taking the initiative, in 2011, to open Market in the Valley, in the heart of our community, Leslie Hendricks and Kristine Frey have brought vitality to Golden Valley and have strengthened our local economy it in a way that exemplifies the best of the envision process. Hendricks' and Frey's founding mission says it all: "Market in the Valley will be a community-oriented, outdoor farmers market focused on bringing local, healthy food, homemade crafts and the arts to the residents and visitors to Golden Valley and surrounding areas. Market in the Valley will provide a strong foundation for continued city-center revitalization and community bonding." How did this benefit Golden Valley?* Through their leadership, Market in the Valley continues to build relationships that nurture a sustainable local economy, supports the 1 of 2 2/25/2013 8:31 PM Wufoo • Entry Manager https://goldenvalleymn.wufoo.com/entries/visi-award-nomination/ well-being of local farmers, provides nourishment for those who eat the food, offers skill sharing and entertainment for those who attend, all while furnishing a little bit of excitement each week with a vibrant and caring sense of community spirit. Which of the six Envlsion categories did • Development this accomplishment address/enhance?* • Community Engagement • Recreation _ __ — _ _---._ _.__.------.._ _--- Created Updated ! 25 Feb 2013 25 Feb 2013 � � 7:09:59 PM IP Address 8:17:46 PM ' j ,.._ __ _ . _.,.� ___. _�_____ _..__..�,__...�.._ � PUBLIC PUBLIC G_��.� vw�x�. w. �.�u__.. _.�.w,,..,�.��. ��,t.��� �n. __ „..au..��,...�.��...�.�.t. ..�w�.N�. . Gomplete � . W.__�.... .. __.__.._.. _._._._._.... _.._...._ _........ ______...____..._�. __....___ __.__._._._ _a� 2 of 2 2/25/2013 8:31 PM Wufoo • Entry Manager https://goldenvalleymn.wufoo.com/entries/hall-of-fame-nomination-form/ Hall of Fame Nomination Form #18 Name of Nominee * Dr. Robert J Gorlin Is the nominee living? * No Age of Nominee (if known) Address of Nominee (if known) Why should the nominee be in the Hall of Fame? * Dr. Gorlin, who died at age 83, in 2006, was a world-renown geneticist. He was on the faculty at the University of Minnesota and taught thousands of students in the medical and dental schools as well as other disciplines. He was a U. of MN Regents Professor and the recipient of numerous international, national, and local awards for his work in detecting and helping to treat individuals with genetic afflictions and other diseases, especially children. He was frequently called upon for consultations on diagnosing birth and defects genetic issues around the world and frequently spoke at academic, medical, and professional programs worldwide. He discovered some genetic diseases and has had syndromes named after him. His contributions to the field of Congential birth defects are enormous, including many well-known books and other publications, including his seminal work entitled "Diseases of the Head and Neck" as well as his often-presented lecture on "The Evil Eye." In addition to his position at the University of Minnesota dental School he has held faculty appointments in many other department, and received honorary degrees at many international universities, He was frequently consulted by businesses, lawyers, and judges on important medical-legal issues. When did the nominee live or work in Dr. Gorlin loved his homes in Golden Valley--where he lived from Golden Valley?* 1955 until his death in 2006, (first on Regent Avenue and then on Chatelain Terrace.) Name * Marshall Tanick Address * � 1230 Angelo Drive Golden Valley, MN 55422 United States Phone Number* (763) 529-1053 Email * mtanick@hjlawfirm.com _---____._--_-- -._._._____.� _.__ ,. ,_____ __._.----___ _.. _.._.._.__ __.__.______ _...___.; Created , Updated 3 Feb 2013 3 Feb 2013 � 7:35:25 PM IP Address ' 8:17:04 PM I ' _.__ ._..�__ ....,___._. --.--__.. �..._. _,___..._�. _.�_.�__.____ ___ �� _._..�___..-- PUBIK PUBLIC ,� E 1 of 2 2/28/2013 1:43 PM