11-09-94 Valley Square Area C Task Force Minutes VALLEY SQUARE REDEVELOPMENT AREA C TASK FORCE Minutes of November 9, 1994 Meeting Present: Griffiths, Hackett, Jafvert, Johnson, LeSuer, Martens, Mundt, Pentel , Rappaport, Schmidt, Strande. Absent: None. Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Chair Dave Thompson called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM and asked the members to introduce themselves. Thompson reviewed the Task Force charge as outlined in the resolution distrib- buted to the members. He stressed that the Task Force should be concerned with developing criteria, not designating specific uses or stores for the block. He noted that eight acres is open for consideration, which excludes the area designated for the Post Office. Staff will use the criteria to create a Request for Proposals (RFP). The members then selected Jerry Mundt as Chair and Paula Pentel as Vice Chair of the Task Force. Chair Mundt asked to discuss certain ground rules for running the Task Force. It was agreed that the Committee would follow Roberts Rules of Order, would seek to reach consensus (100%, if possible) on the final report to be presented to the HRA, and would set aside a time at the end of each meeting to consider public comments or questions. The members opened discussion on future meeting times, the topics and format for the meetings and possible background reading materials. Staff was requested to provide the following items to each member prior to the next meeting: 1) 1981 "Land Use Recommendations" (Galpin-Poppleton Report) 2) Synopsis of recent Community Survey (and news clip on same) 3) Publication - HRA, "15 Years of Progress" (1978-93) 4) Two marketing reports done by the Sterling Group (Nov. 9, 1992 and January 15, 1993) Additional background information along with a color copy of the Galpin-Poppleton Report will be made available in the library. Members recom- mended Planning to Stay by William Moorish (Milkweed Press) and Towns and Townmaking Principles by Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyverk Harvard University Graduate School of Design)as additional resources. Members asked audience member Mary Anderson about other resources and she agreed to get a video of the Calthorpe presentation on redevelopment and development of mixed uses along arterials, to put at the library. The Task Force decided to meet at the Liquor Barrel on Area C on Sunday, November 13, 1994, at 3:30 PM for a group site tour. Because this is a tfine of reduced traffic, members decided they would each try and check out the site during a busy traffic period prior to the next meeting, which was set for Monday, November 21, 1994, at 6:30 PM. The members requested a larger room, coffee and name tags at the next meeting, and outlined the proposed agenda. The schedule of future meetings will be set at the next meeting. The meeting ended at 8:35 PM. Jeanne Andre HRA Coordinator