12-22-94 Valley Square Area C Task Force Minutes VALLEY SQUARE REDEVELOPMENT
Minutes of December 22, 1994 Meeting
Present: Hackett, Jafvert, Johnson, LeSuer, Martens, Mundt, Pentel , Rappaport,
Schmidt and Strande. Absent: Griffiths. Staff present: Andre.
Chair Mundt called the meeting to order in the Sumac Room of the Brookview
Community Center at 6:35 PM.
MOVED by Pentel , seconded by Strande and motion carried unanimously to approve
the minutes of December 5, 1994 as presented.
Jeanne Andre reported that she had circulated at this meeting page 3 of the
November 21, 1994 minutes with the correction presented at the last meeting.
Development Criteria
Chair Mundt explained that he met with Paula Pentel and Jeanne Andre to divide
the criteria submitted by individual Committee members into major areas. The
selected topics include:
1) Concept/Image
2) Uses
3) Aesthetics/Design
4) Pedestrian Traffic
5) Vehicular Traffic/Parking
6) Implementation
7) Financial/Economic Concerns
He explained that John Griffiths has been called out of town unexpectedly, but
that the Chair had requested him to submit his comments in writing which have
been distributed to the members.
Discussion then occurred on the topical areas with members explaining the
items they had submitted for consideration. The group talked through items and
sought consensus on those to be included as criteria.
Future Meetings
Members next discussed how to proceed to develop the criteria based on the pre-
vious discussion. It was determined that a sub-committee would be formed to
actually draft criteria based on discussion which occurred earlier in the
evening. This sub-committee will consist of Jerry Mundt, Paula Pentel , Greg
Hackett, Rick Martens and Lloyd Jafvert. Due to the short time frame until the
next meeting, the sub-committee decided to meet on January 3 in lieu of the
whole group meeting. They will prepare a draft of the criteria and send it out
in written form to all the members who will be requested to return their com-
ments by January 13. The sub-committee will then incorporate these comments
into a final draft which will be available for discussion at the January 19
meeting of the whole Task Force.
The Committee has decided it would like to meet with HRA Commissioners to get
their initial feedback on the draft criteria. They would also like to videotape
the Committee giving an overview of the criteria which could be used to present
to developers in addition to any written criteria. It was decided to invite the
HRA to the scheduled January 26 meeting, and to schedule and additional meeting
on February 6 to finalize the criteria after receiving the HRA comments.
Visitor Comments/Questions
Visitors asked a number of questions regarding the project.
The meeting ended at 10:37 PM.
Jeanne Andre
HRA Coordinator