01-26-95 Valley Square Area C Task Force Minutes VALLEY SQUARE REDEVELOPMENT
Minutes of January 26, 1995
Present: Hackett, Jafvert, Johnson, LeSuer, Martens, Mundt, Pentel , Rappaport,
Rockman, Schmidt and Strande. Staff present: Andre.
Chair Mundt called the meeting to order in the City Council Conference Room in
City Hall at 6:40 PM.
MOVED by Rappaport, seconded by Jafvert and motion carried unanimously to
approve the minutes of the meeting of January 19, 1995.
Presentation to Housinq and Redevelopment Authorit (HRA)
Chair Mundt reported that if the draft report can be finalized by February 6,
the Task Force can still present it to the HRA on February 14. It was agreed
that the Chair should summarize the report for the HRA and the HRA can recess to
a discussion format with all of the Committee. There was debate back and forth
on the merits of:
1) cablecasting the presentation and discussion, versus
2) moving the meeting to the Council Conference Room for the
discussion portion of the meeting.
The consensus was to try and see if tables can be set up in the Council Chambers
so that a discussion format could be cablecast. The Chair will discuss arrange-
ments with HRA Chair Dave Thompson, and Jeanne Andre will see if microphones can
be arranged to cablecast the discussion.
Review of Draft Report
There was extensive discussion and rewording of the draft report. It was
decided to meet at 6:00 PM on Monday, February 6 to finalize the report and the
presentation to the HRA.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 PM.
Jeanne Andre
HRA Coordinator