golden 44011
Meeting Agenda
Brookview Community Center
Monday, June 24, 2013
5:45 PM
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Roger Bergman John Cornelius
Bob Mattison Gillian Rosenquist
Jerry Sandler, Chair Dawn Speltz
III. Agenda Changes or Additions
IV. Approval of Minutes — April 22, 2013
V. Park & Open Space Tour
General Mills Nature Preserve
Lakeview Park
Golden Ridge Nature Area
General Mills Research Nature Area
Medley Park
Wesley Park
Hampshire Park
Wildwood Park/Olson School
Pennsylvania Woods
Isaacson Park
Sandburg Ball fields
Scheid Park
VI. Adjournment
Kelly Kuebelbeck
Anne Saffert
Dan Steinberg
Briarwood Nature Area
Gearty Park
Stockman Park
Mary Hills Nature Area
Glenview Terrace
Wirth Park
North Tyrol Park
Davis Community Center
Lions Park
Western Avenue Marsh
Brookview Park
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Regular Meeting
April 22, 2013
Call to Order
Sandler called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Roger Bergman, John Cornelius, Brad Kadue,
Jerry Sandler, Dan Steinberg, Rick Jacobson,,
Soltvedt, Recreation Supervisor; Pat Dale arid
League; and Sheila Van Sloun, Administ
Kelly Kuebelbeck and Anne Saffert
Agenda Changes or Additions
MOVED by Bergm;
minutes. Motion ca
Dale gave an up(,
the maximum for
with the exceptioi
the Robbtrtsdalw
Dale said the leg
T -ball experience`:
Mattison, Gillian Rosenquist,
for of Parks and Recreation; Andy
Libra, Golden Valley Little
rg to approve the March 18 meeting
approx[Mately 205 kids are registered, which is
last 5 years, registration has been around 198,
t at 205. He said more kids are coming out of
uth age 12
J) League, youth ages 9-11
#ti ages 6-8
ing 6 year olds to play in the Blue League if they have a year of
ue is also using a pitching machine with a four strike out rule.
Parking has not been an issue.
Dale said Isaacson will be hosting the Classic Tournament, which is for the #1 teams from each
Little League program in the district. The tournament will take place the last two weeks in June.
They will also be hosting the State Tournament in 2014.
Dale said they are in the process of upgrading the concession stand and hope to add batting
cages, scoreboards and field lighting in the future.
Mattison asked Dale to explain the scheduling and how lights would benefit. Dale said by having
lights, they could start later in the day and go later, which would allow them more time to
practice and the ability to stagger the days fields are used.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Open Space and Recreation Commission
April 22, 2013
Page 2
Steinberg asked if they receive sponsorships. Dale said they doubled their sponsorships from
last year with about 24 signs across the three fields.
Steinberg wanted to know how Little League is different from park and recreation ball programs.
Soltvedt said the park and recreation programs are run mostly during the day and meets 1-2
days a week for six weeks. Little League is more competitive and meets more frequently.
Cornelius inquired about the payment schedule for the fipttO Dale explained they have
approximately four years of payments remaining. Reve�.;66mes mostly from concessions,
tournaments and the paver program. He also said the �t be hosting a wiffle ball tournament
again this year, which will contribute to their revenip�-'
5. Recreation Report — Andy Soltvedt
Soltvedt gave an update on his winter progt'a s, beginning with youtl�sketball. There were
42 teams total with 19 teams from Golden Vafte `� There,Were 28 volunteetcoaches, which
received great feedback. The program is run in at"' `with St. Louis P��I�, Crystal and
Robbinsdale and runs mid-Janue"ru mid-March:
Tap and Ballet runs fall thru mid -Apr .�with' bt 50 partlb�oants. The end of program recital took
place on April 13 at Breck School The program is'instructetf ' mother and daughter, Tony and
Nicki Nelson.
Davis Community zonter programs and open gyms are Wrapping up and had great
participation. ,
Spring U ball isd1 fdtn AprttZ,q, weather permitting. Men's league plays
Mond#yR�iiidr,°nth the Rec le'dgr ptayiri' on Sunday's and run jointly with Hew Hope
and Ply nouth. The`p�hcipartt� dally enjoy�k,"e;#ields at Schaper. Many of the participants are
returi !no. teams.
Soltvedt WJhere are seven°Concert -Jri the Park scheduled this summer on Monday
evenings, m lunethru JulyQ at Brookview Park's large shelter.
The Tennis program begins Oturday, April 27, weather permitting. Soltvedt anticipates great
participation again ifiit ,y` =tn 2011, there were just under 500 registrations and in 2012 there
were 885.
Both Steinberg and Cornelius spoke very highly of the tennis program.
Soltvedt said as the participation numbers continue to grow, he remains mindful of the court
usage by the program. He makes every effort to keep some courts available for public use.
Soltvedt announced that he has taken a new position with Anoka County Parks and Recreation.
His last day with Golden Valley will be Monday, April 29.
6. Brookview Playaround Replacement
Jacobson said the existing playground equipment in Brookview Park was installed in 1995 and has
been very heavily used over the years and is now scheduled for replacement. Jacobson
Minutes of the Golden Valley Open Space and Recreation Commission
April 22, 2013
Page 3
said the plan is to keep the same footprint. He explained that safety and accessibility remain the
main concerns.
Jacobson said the city plans to get commission and community feedback for the new
The equipment is scheduled for replacement in the fall of 2Q.
7. OSRC Update for Council
A list of major topics discussed in 2012 was distri
annual update from each Commission and he,wlf
Council/Manager meeting.
Jacobson said the Turf Manag(
sent to the surrounding neighb(
announcing the open house on
Jacobson said the annual Bike
at Golden Valley City Haid
Jacobson said the ' nual Coni
Community Center'.; -Sandler en
Jacobson thanked Kadd for iii
Proposal h0 eq
s near Scheidt";," 4
l ;regarding the pr
i fs sch6duled for
said the Council requested an
port at the June
�n to the next BVI. Notices were
and Glenview f, race race Parks
, May 1 from 6:00-8:00 PM
ssion Dit'u'ierr.ichedutgd=tn June at 6:30 PM at Brookview
uraged they,timmission to' attend.
tm6:on.the C lt'tl;mission.
Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant
ed by Gillian to adjourn at 8:35 PM. Motion carried
Jerry Sandler, Chair