7-8-13Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting
July 8, 2013
Present: Amy Clements, Hilmer Erickson, Kathryn Frommer, Alan Ingber, Connie Sandler, Toots Vodovoz and Peggy
Watkins. Also present: Joanie Clausen, Council Liaison and Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison.
Not Attending: Elissa Heilicher
Call to Order: Clements called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m.
Agenda Changes or Additions: Clements added an agenda item under Other Business.
June 10 minutes: Vodovoz asked to change the minutes to reflect that she is volunteering at the registration table but is
not volunteering for lunch set-up. Frommer moved and Erickson seconded the motion to approve the minutes from June
10th as corrected. The motion passed unanimously.
By -Law Review: The by-laws were reviewed by attending members. No changes were made. Vodovoz moved and
Erickson seconded the motion to approve the by-laws. Motion passed 6 to 1.
Application Packet: Application packet was reviewed. Ingber moved and Erickson seconded the motion to approve the
application packet and post on the city website. Motion passed unanimously.
Upcoming Events:
July 12 — Golf Classic. Fackler updated the Commission on the Golf Classic. 116 golfers are registered. Volunteer duties
and waiver forms were passed out. Assignments were discussed.
TCGMC: A contract has been received from the director outlining what the Chorus needs to perform. Sandler will
contact Breck School for the information to see if the needs can be met and asking about possible dates. Discussion
centered on: what is the cost for the concert? Will $20 per ticket cover the cost? How is the GVHSF guaranteed to make
money from the event? Do we need to find a sponsor? Is there enough time to adequately advertise? Can an online site
be set up for ticket purchases? Is this an opportunity to ask the Community Foundation for start-up money for the
Other Business:
Young Professionals Network: Clements has talked with the Mayor about starting a Young Professionals Networking
group in Golden Valley. Would that be an opportunity to raise funds for the GVHSF? After much discussion, the
Commission agreed that the Young Professionals Network is a great idea but does not fit the mission of the GVHSF.
Suggestions included contacting the New Business Council through the Golden Valley Rotary or the Community
Foundation. Sandler will take the information to the Community Foundation meeting.
Community Foundation: Sandler stated that the GVCF is continuing to fundraise and will be meeting in July.
Sandler reminded the members that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 12.
Adjournment: Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting, Vodovoz seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at
8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Sandler, GVHSF Chair Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison