10-17-13 Envision Connection Project Board of Directors Agenda Packet AGENDA
Envision Connection Project Executive Board
Regular Meeting
October 17, 2013
7 pm
Golden Valley City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road
Council Conference Room
Board of Directors: Lynn Gitelis, Chair; Jim Heidelberg, vice-chair; Mike Berger, Sharon
Glover; Cindy Inselmann; Helene Johnson; Philip Lund; Dean Penk;
Wendy Rubinyi, Mike Schleif; Marshall Tanick; Blair Tremere; Shep
Harris (Council Liaison)
Staff Liaison: Cheryl Weiler, Communications Manager
1. Call to Order*
2. Approval of Agenda**
3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes—September 19, 2013 (5 minutes)
4. Work Plan and Budget
• 2014 work plan and budget(20 minutes)
• 2013 accomplishments (40 minutes)
5. Projects and Council Updates (30 minutes)
• Bridge Builders
• Next Quarterly Event
• Envision Award
• Global Golden Valley
• Valley Volunteer Day
• Lilac Project
6. New Business (10 minutes)
Project management resources
7. Upcoming Meetings
• November 21, 2013
• December 19, 2013
• January 16, 2014
8. Adjourn
*Meeting will not be held without a quorum.
** To add something to the agenda, mention it at the time the agenda is approved.
Envision Connection Project Executive Board
September 19, 2013
7:30 pm
City Hall Council Conference Room
Directors Present: Lynn Gitelis (Chair), Jim Heidelberg (Vice-Chair), Mike Berger, Sharon
Glover, Cindy Inselmann, Helene Johnson, Philip Lund, Wendy Rubinyi,
Mike Schleif, Marshall Tanick, Blair Tremere
Directors Absent: Dean Penk
Staff Liaison: Cheryl Weiler, Communications Manager
Guests: Larry Fonnest, Golden Valley resident and 2013 City Council candidate
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Gitelis at 7:35 pm with a quorum.
2. Approval of Agenda
Rubinyi added Golden Valley Greenways presentation, Lund added Bridge Builders quarerly
report and interface with Golden Valley Days, and Tanick added interfacing with Golden Valley
Country Club on its upcoming centennial events. Approval of agenda moved by Schlief and
seconded by Lund. Motion carried.
3. Approval of August 15, 2013 Minutes
Moved by Heidefberg; seconded by Tremere. Motion carried.
4. New Business
Work Plan
Gitelis raised the question about spending time in meetings discussing projects that are already
launched and no longer in need of intensive Board direction, like the Lilac Planting Party or the
Board's presence at Valley Days. Tremere agreed, and Lund suggested the Board could take
reports. Johnson reminded the Board that as a planning group, it needs reports in formative
stages. The group then embarked on a discussion about the need for an overall "What's
Happening In Golden Valley" calendar to help prevenf overiap of community events. Tremere
suggested this could be a small spark if someone was willing to manage it. Schleif offered to buy
the domain, set up the calendar, and maintain it but said he was unable to solicit events for the
calendar. Gitelis moved to support the Community Calendar small spark, seconded by Rubinyi.
Motion carried. Director Lund voted no.
Getting back to the work plan, Tremere suggested deciding before meetings which issues are
substantive as agenda items, and Gitelis suggested that subcommittee chairs contact Weiler
before the meeting if they need their item on the agenda. Board agreed to try it out.
Need For Better Marketina (Schleifl
Tremere asked for a definition of marketing, and Schleif suggested doing something different,
saying all he sees is bureaucracy and that he has no function. Gitelis pointed out that no Board
member is in charge of any one thing, that they all work together. Schleif replied he didn't see how
anything is being marketed at all. Johnson said she'd love to have help marketing Global Golden
Valley but isn't sure where it fits with the City. Weiler explained that any time a project used public
money or City staff, it would be considered a City project in need of City Council approval.
Tremere provided the Trees for Tyrol project as an example of a successful small spark that
succeeded without City money or staff involvement, even though it was a project that partnered
with the City to improve a park. Tanick asked Schleif to help him with marketing ideas. Schleif said
he would like an explanation about why the City won't allow Board members to set up social
media sites. Weiler explained that Boards and Commissions, as advisors to the City Council, were
governed by City policies and that individuals could not speak for the City without Council
authorization. She also explained the City did not currently have a social media policy but was
developing one. Weiler said a DVD was made of the June 12 Council and Board/Commission
training on data practices and open meeting law, which included information about social media
requirements for cities. Weiler had three copies of the DVD available for those who missed the
training and were not at the July meeting when they were distributed to the Board. Berger and
Rubinyi each took copies of the DVD. Schleif refused to take a copy. Lund suggested moving on
to the ne�topic on the agenda.
Golden Vallev Countrv Club 100th Anniversarv
Tanick reported that the Golden Valley Country Club is celebrating its 100th anniversary next year,
and he is on the committee. He said one of the Country Club's big thing is building a bridge over
Golden Valley Rd. Gitelis suggested Tanick bring back a proposal on how the Envision and the
City can interact with the event.
Golden Vallev Greenwavs
Rubinyi introduced the idea of building greenway bridges over Hwy 55, which she had presented
at a Council/Manager meeting months ago. She shared her presentation with the Board in a brief
outline and proposed it as an idea for walkability, safety, etc. Rubinyi proposed it as an item for
discussion to build grass roots support to get it before the City Council for consideration, and she
asked the Board to put it on its work plan to build community interest to get initial money for a
study to get partners involved. Lund agreed it was an exciting idea but beyond the realm of the
Board to pursue and that it would perhaps take a separate meeting. Gitelis explained the role of
the Board as helping think through ideas but not doing projects. Tremere asked if Rubinyi had
approached the City's Park and Open Space Commission as a partner, reminded the group of the
Hwy 100 and I-394 pedestrian bridges, and commented on the difficulty of funding. Gitelis asked if
the Board thought the concept had merit and reminded them of their role to help connect people
and ideas with resources. Rubinyi said the project needed seed money for connections with the
University of Minnesota. Schleif suggested building community support first. Rubinyi said she
wants support from the Envision Board—an endorsement to petition the City Council to support a
study to get a report to go to county, federal, and state agencies for funding. Tremere suggested
talking to Public Works Director Jeannine Clancy and Parks and Recreation Director Rick Birno.
He also pointed out the example of Dwight Townes approaching MnDOT regarding funding for the
Lilac Project. Lund motioned for approval to support Rubinyi's proposal, Heidelberg seconds.
Motion carried.
5. Projects and Council Updates
Bridqe Builders
Lund reported that 15 people attended the Sept 7 Bridge Builders Quarterly Event at the Courage
Center. They tried out the new method of group discussion and reporting, which was a good
format. Lund suggested planning a winter event, perhaps at the Wirth Park Chalet. The group
agreed January would be a good date. Lund will follow up. Lund and Weiler will work together to
update the email list for Bridge Builders.
2014 Hall of Fame and Ice Cream Social
Tanick reported he is getting closer to meeting with his subcommittees on the Hall of Fame and
the Ice Cream Social. Tremere reminded the group of the need populate the Hall of Fame
subcommittee and open it to public participation. Gitelis said this would be a topic for the work
plan—how to get people on project planning teams and not just as volunteers at the event.
Global Golden Vallev
Johnson reported that Global Gofden Valley is working with some Armstrong students who
returned from a study trip to Japan and have to fulfill a requirement for community outreach. They
are planning a program and presentation at the Golden Valley library in November.
6. Communications
7. Other Business
2014 Work Plan and Budget
Gitelis and Heidelberg will work on the work plan and annual report and share it with the group at
the next meeting. Weiler will try to schedule the Envision report for the December
Council/Manager meeting.
8. Future Meetings
The next meeting will be Thursday, Oct 17, 2013, 7 pm, City Hall Council Conference Room.
9. Adjournment
Moved by Tanick and seconded by Gitelis. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.
Lynn Gitelis, Chair
Cheryl Weiler, Staff Liaison
Visi Award Nomination #6
Your Name * Dean Penk
Email * vochio@yahoo.come
Address * 4309 woodstock Avenue
Golden Valley, MN 55422
United States
Day Phone Number * (763) 377-8606
Evening Phone Number (763) 377-8606
Are you nominating an individual or a Group
Name of Nominee *
Nominee's Address
Nominee's Phone Number *
Nominee's Email Address
Name of Nominated Group * Trees for Tyrol
Address of Group or Group Representative Rob Wheaton 800 Westwood Drive South
* Golden Valley, mn 55422
United States
Phone Number of Group or Group (612) 269-3582
Representative *
Email of Group or Group Representative Robertpwheaton@gmaiLcom
What was done? Include general timeframe and location. *
What happens when your neighborhood park covered with a lifetime of mature trees and park facilities designed for
kids and families is suddenly devastated by a large tornado?
Neighbors around North Tyrol Park in the North Tyrol Hills area of Golden Valley rallied during Z012 to revitalize
their park after it was destroyed by a May 201 1 tornado. This group of 5 individuals created a plan including
informational flyers, yard signs and a newsletter that rallied neighbors to to get the message out that the
neighborhood park was a valuable asset that they could participate in rebuilding. Curt and Gayne Olson, Rob and Sue
Wheaton and Katie Murphy created a marketing plan and worked with city administrators to create a fund to
purchase additional and larger trees for the park.
How did this benefit Golden Valley? *
Local action and neighborhood participation has shown that North Tyrol Hills is a proud, caring and unified
neighborhood. Citizens recognized the value of their local park to their neighborhood community and invested so
kids and their families can enjoy the shade and facilities like generations before them.
This is a prime example of a public/private joint venture that restores the neighborhood appearance and in large
part enhances the community social network and adds to the quality of life in Golden Vailey
The plan to work with the city planners to fund the purchase of larger, more mature trees and plantings allows the
neighborhood park to regain it's mature status years earlier so kids can enjoy the same benefits their parents and
grandparents originaliy envisioned.
Which of the six Envfsion categories did • Community Engagement
this accomplishment address/enhance? * . Recreation
• Government
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