9-23-13GOLDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes September 23, 2013 1. Call to Order Sandler called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present: Roger Bergman, John Cornelius, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Gillian Rosenquist, Anne Saffert, Jerry Sandler, Dawn Speltz, Dan Steinberg, Rick Birno, Director of Parks and Recreation; and Joanie Clausen, Council Member. Absent: Bob Mattison. 2. Agenda Changes or Additions None. 3. Approval of Minutes — July 22, 2013 MOTION: MOVED by Bergman and seconded by Speltz to approve the July 22 meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Bottineau Planning Advisory Committee Update Steinberg provided insight on preliminary meetings and noted that he sent items to staff. He will continue to attend the meetings and provide updates to the commission. Park and Recreation staff will attach all updates from Steinberg to future agenda packets. 5. New Program Opportunities The commission briefly discussed new program opportunities with regards to: fresh ideas, locations and potential partnerships. Birno commented that Park and Recreation staff will be moving to a process of programming as a team versus independently. He believes a number of new ideas will result from the new process. 6. Election of New Chair Commission chair Sandler updated the commission on the new policy for chair positions on city commissions. After discussion, Sandler thought it would be appropriate step down as chair and remain on commission. He asked for interested members in filling the position. Bergman nominated Mattison for chair, Cornelius seconded the nomination. Birno noted that Mattison is not in attendance but would call and ask him if he is interested. If Mattison is interested, it will be on the agenda for the October meeting. Minutes of the Golden Valley Open Space and Recreation Commission September 23, 2013 Page 2 7. Updates Brookview Playground Equipment Birno updated the commission on current steps for the new play structure. The public input survey will conclude on Monday, September 30. Staff has scheduled meetings with consultants on Wednesday, October 2. Staff asked for input regarding clarity on key amenities for the new structure. There was extensive discussion regarding the water feature. The commission recommended that in the final design, the following key issues should be implemented: minimize water feature, possibly use low volume misters, add shade throughout the play structure, create barrier free surfaces, large rope climber, expand swings on both age ranges, and create primary structures that have a lot of play value for a variety of kids. Staff will work with consults to meet these goals. The existing playground equipment is 18 years old. Normal life of such equipment is about 13 years old. 8. Future Agenda Items The commission members requested that the following items be added in the future: - Actual storm damage cost to city - Specific Park and Recreation survey results - Dan Friedman, Three Rivers Park Board member update 9. Adjournment MOTION: MOVED by Bergman and seconded by Saffert to adjourn at 9:10 PM. Motion carried unanimously. Jerry Sandler, Chair ATTEST: Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant